My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2192: I'm afraid to scare you


The words of the Fuyao Palace Master were as if the court sentenced Su Jin to death and executed it immediately. The despair was unbearable.

"You can do it, pay the price--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

There was another silence. The censer in the palace suddenly opened dozens of holes, and pink cigarettes were overflowing.

The Fuyao Palace Master slowly said: "The Dao body is like a furnace. How to make up for the broken body? To extend his ten-year life, one day will not help, and the price is beyond your and I can bear."

"Then extend his one-hundred-year life! Let him have ten more days!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun turned his head and looked squarely at the Feng Teng, with a tone of gambling.

"Significant?" Palace Master Fuyao said in a mocking tone.

"Yes!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun still insisted.

"You are precious to the Three Paths of Heaven, and you only came here to give him ten more days of life. Such absurd words are not like you back then -" Palace Master Fuyao only regarded it as an absurd joke.

Ten days is too short and too short to meditate and practice for a powerful person in the divine realm!

"Life is not going to last." Su Jin suddenly raised his head and said.

"It's still the little guy who is wise, you arrange the funeral, all the dust will return to the dust, I have seen many monks who have been cut off from the sky, and none of them can survive three days."

The Fuyao Palace Master smiled and said: "My sister came from a long way, so I was born and rested in the fairy palace. I will give you all the experiences of those years in the future."

"No need."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun said: "A hundred years of life will only exist in him for ten days, I want you to help him renew it!"

"Whatever the price?" Fu Yao Palace Master asked.

"Yes!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun nodded.

The Fuyao Palace Master hesitated and said lightly: "Okay, I will lose my cultivation, pour out the immortal medicine, and help him extend his life. Regarding the cost... If he is dead, I want his **** and Buddha bones. 'And that stone heart."


Huan Zhao Dao Zun took a breath and turned to look at Su Jin, as if seeking his advice.

Xia Yuyan didn't want to hear such cruel things, after all, Su Jin was still alive!

"no problem!"

Su Jin said, "Life is not going to last." Naturally, he doesn't want to be embarrassed by the Dao Zun, but if he is dead, what's the harm in giving it away?

Su Jin still has a few days to live his life. If he renews some more, he may live on his own!

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent! The only possibility to survive is to break through! Break through to the world, and evolve the world fusion technology: the "six worlds"!

"Sister, you will regret it." Palace Master Fu Yao sighed lightly.

"I believe he can live." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

"Okay! Come here, take her two to rest and entertain with the highest etiquette. As for you little guy, stay here." Fu Yao Palace Master said.

As the palace owner's words sounded, six female fairies walked in outside the palace, each resembling a 28-year-old face, saluting the two respectable Taoists Huan Zhao.

Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin with a worried look. After receiving his comforting expression, Master Huan Zhao was taken to it and left the Fuyao Hall!

Feng Zhang opened gently, and Su Jin glanced inadvertently, but his eyes stared.

In a daze.

Is Fuyao Palace Master so young? Su Jin felt absurd. If Huan Zhao Dao Zun has some mature charm, then this Huan Zhao Dao Zun’s sister is pure as a narcissus!

Still half-opened daffodils! It looks like he is in his early twenties, about 1.7 meters taller, and has snow-colored skin like fat.

In front of the Fuyao Palace Lord, he wore an ancient lotus dress with the word ‘one’, which resembled a brocade, wrapped vividly, with symmetrical shoulders, a shawl made of gauze, and a pink silk with both arms.

Jade girl red mole, point it at the center of her forehead!

Is there a special place in the Shinto Realm? I really don’t feel that the Fuyao Palace Master is Huan Zhao Dao Zun’s sister--

"What are you looking at?" Fuyao Palace Master's expression became colder.

"Look at the beauties~~" Su Jin shrugged.

"Very good at talking, I watched this palace all over. Some men have looked at me like this before, but in the end~~" Fuyao Palace Master Leng Mei smiled.

"What in the end?"

"The ones who died in the end were very peaceful."

Palace Master Fuyao walked around Su Jin, the surprise in his heart didn't show on his face, no wonder my sister wanted to save this little man, this heaven-defying little guy, how many ways did she practice together?

"Palace Master is really good at joking." Su Jin took it lightly and let her observe.

"How many ways have you cultivated?" Palace Master Fuyao couldn't help asking, she really couldn't see clearly about this.

"Five kinds." Su Jin deliberately concealed it. If this woman could tell, she would definitely not ask.

"Follow me—" Palace Master Fu Yao waved a virtual door and walked in first.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. The pressure in front of this woman was great. This woman didn't lose anyone's appearance, and her temperament was very cold. At first glance, she had a very deep city mansion.

But this is the end of the matter, Su Jin doesn't want to waste any time, even if the one who goes inside this door is no return, he will try his best!

Without hesitation, Su Jin walked into the virtual door.

Tick, tick.

In the dim environment, water dripped from time to time. This virtual door turned out to lead to the bottom of the mountain, and there was a lot of space. The cyan stone ladder hovered down and didn't know how deep it was.

The fairy lantern illuminates the surroundings on the stone wall of the spacious underground palace.

There are many rooms in the underground palace, which are obviously the private forbidden area of ​​the Fuyao Palace Master. There are places for storing immortal medicines and even magical medicines, and even the treasure pavilion of the true scriptures.

Su Jin was speechless, and finally Fuyao Palace Master took him to a big room——

A three-legged tripod was placed in the center, in which immortal energy was lingering, rolling and tumbling.

"Take off your clothes, sit in." Fu Yao Palace Master said.

"How about keeping some?" Su Jin gave a light cough.

"Haha, you can't live anyway, your body will belong to me, what's the embarrassment?" Fuyao Palace Master had a silent expression.

"I'm afraid to scare you." Su Jinzheng'er said eight times.

Fuyao Palace Master:...

On the other hand, the Fuyao Palace Master didn't pay attention to Su Jin, anyway, she had already told him to sit in, and she didn't look at it for the time being, she had to do it in order to extend her life.

For example, to prepare immortal medicine, some required items must be brought one by one.

"Sit in, I'll get things." Fu Yao Palace Master turned around, just about to go out.

Su Jin stretched his hand on the edge of the three-legged cauldron, wiped it with his finger, placed it between his nose, gently smelled it, and said in surprise: "Sister Palace Master, the fragrance inside is like yours—"

The Fuyao Palace Master staggered, pretending not to hear, the red and pink on his cheeks were two more touches, and disappeared in front of the door.

What else to say?

It must be the Fuyao Palace Master. When he was in the underground palace, he often took a bath and practiced in it. Otherwise, how could the fragrance of her be left on the tripod.

Su Jin took a deep breath, and finally got ready to jump into the tripod cauldron. He widened his eyes immediately, as if he had touched something inside, and slowly took it before his eyes——

Suddenly, his eyes were silly.

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