My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2196: Renewed life, pay you back!

how come?

The Fuyao Palace Master felt even more regretful. She didn't explain clearly before letting Su Jin go, that the treasure that was about to grow into a magical medicine could not be used for her own use.

Su Jin was seriously injured and wanted to live--

Palace Master Fuyao thought in her heart that Su Jin, who was seriously injured, was definitely capable of doing such things. Originally, she had a very good impression of Su Jin in her heart, but as soon as the matter of Huozhi came out, she was good. Sensitivity turns steeply straight down.

Even disgusted.

Su Jin didn't know anything about it. Facing the deep loneliness, he raced against time, put the Dragon Abyss Sword Box on his back, and turned his hands, a pair of red and bright scrolls appeared in his hand.

Blood River Map!

When this picture was taken out by Su Jin, there was another thing in his hand. It was a black wooden hammer. Originally, this hammer came from the hands of the mysterious giant in the **** continent.

The skill is gray and blue, but when Su Jin received more than 50 million evil spirits in "Soul Town" that day, this hammer gradually began to transform, and it almost became the real "Ghost King's Hammer"!

Su Jin hasn't completely sacrificed the two things yet. He has just reached the top of his sword body, and now he can't rest for a moment, he directly began to deeply understand the avenue of the ghost king!


The fairy mountain of Fuyao at night, under the twinkling of stars, is particularly unique.

The surrounding mountain peaks are not far away. The largest one is the ‘Tianmen’, and the others are also owned by this tianmen. As the largest local power, the ‘disciples’ of the Tianmen have more than one million "disciples" and dominate the territory of 3,000 miles!

Xia Yuyan was standing in front of the cliff facing the wind on the mountain top of the Fuyao Immortal Palace. She had just taken a shower and was wearing a closed short-sleeved cage blouse. The blouse had pink and blue grid lines, showing her navel.

Brown pleated skirt from the bottom to the knee, no socks on his long legs, and sandals.

Even though it was night and still facing the wind, the mountain in Fuyao Immortal Palace was not cold, Xia Yuyan didn't even know that Huan Zhao Dao Zun came quietly—

"Get some rest early." Huan Zhao Dao Zun disrupted Xia Yuyan's thoughts.

Xia Yuyan pushed the long hair that was scraping to the corner of her mouth and shook her head: "Master, I can't sleep."

"Everything is destiny, destiny is hard to violate, you can't help him if you can't sleep~~~" said Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"The whole day passed, I don't know how he was..."

"Don't think so much."


The scene in front of the cliff on the top of the mountain was actually seen by someone with a heart.

On that day, on Menshan Mountain, there was a young man lying on a dragon bed. The spacious dragon bed was placed on the top of the peak. There were hundreds of female nuns waiting and waiting. In front of the dragon bed, there was a bronze mirror with a hairpin that was one meter high. !

The figures of Xia Yuyan and Huan Zhao Dao Zun in front of the cliff are manifesting on the bronze mirror!

Since Xia Yuyan stood there, the young man was watching, his eyes were all infatuated. In the entire Fuyao Immortal Palace, even the Fuyao Palace Master seemed unable to compare with this woman——

In about a quarter of an hour, Xia Yuyan and Huan Zhao Dao Zun returned to the palace. The entire palace was covered by the Tao, and the bronze mirror could no longer be seen.

Seeing Xia Yuyan disappear, the young man fell into a deep sense of loss.

"Come here!" The young man was a little irritable.

"Young master, please give your instructions." A middle-aged housekeeper who wiped sweat rushed over.

"Have you found out everything you asked about?"

"I have found out clearly with the people at the Fuyao Immortal Palace. The girl's name is Xia Yuyan. She came with the Taoist couple on this trip. It is said that her man was seriously injured and incurable--"

"Oh, you personally send the message after dawn. If this woman is willing to leave her Taoist companion, I can give her a coffin for longevity and save her man." The young man said lightly.

"Huh?" The butler was frightened. I am afraid that only the young master can bear this kind of price, but he can't say anything. He can only nod and say yes to the reaction.


Immortal wilderness Jedi.

Su Jin's shirt exploded and turned into dust. He endured the severe pain. Under the traces of insights, his eyes clearly realized that traces of lava cracks began to appear on his chest, abdomen, and even his back!

The scroll of the blood river picture appeared to be brilliant, and the pattern on it began to fade and disappear inch by inch!

If anyone sees it, they will definitely be surprised! Su Jin held the'Ghost's Hammer', and a monstrous pattern appeared on his upper body!

That pattern is a blood river picture, put on the flesh! Su Jin was enduring the unbearable pain of ordinary people, blood was biting out of his gums, and the catalog of the treasure of ghosts was engraved inch by inch!


When the entire picture appeared completely on the flesh, Su Jin slammed the "Ghost King's Hammer" fiercely, and the more than 50 million evil spirits in the "Soul Town" all manifested around them, dispersing the monstrous ghost power!

Su Jin's eyes instantly turned black and dull--

"Ghost King Dao Emperor Realm to the top!" Su Jin's mouth was bleeding, and two stone mountains appeared between his hands.

Mountains from ancient times to mountains appear today!

Bang bang bang!

The magnificent red violent ape, like a mountain shrouded in surroundings, carried two magic mountains in its claws.

"I want to be a mad demon!" Su Jin had already thought about it, what is the ultimate demon? It's a fierce, fierce monster! Compared with the fierce demon, only the "crazy demon" can be compared to the fierce demon.

In the mysterious modern and ancient devil mountain, how much of the magic is manifested? Understanding the laws of these two magic mountains, why worry about the world?

During this period, five days have passed.

In the past five days, the modern and ancient mad demons have been able to achieve perfection, reaching the top of the emperor realm. Su Jin has not understood the magic path in the past, and spent more time.


On the third hour of the sixth day, Su Jin spit out blood.

The five realms have reached the top of the emperor realm, but the immortal realm is difficult to advance. Su Jin is most worried about this. His own immortal accumulation is insufficient, and the emperor realm is already at its extreme.

Remember, why was Su Jin hurt?

A few days ago, those two immortal fingers were transformed by the ultimate immortal Yun Taoist law. So far, Su Jin still has "Xianyu Daozhi" in his body, and he deliberately erased the six Da Ming Buddha characters on his "God and Buddha Bone".

With the help of the Taoist tree, Su Jin even captured the fairy light of the "Xianyu Daozhi", and constantly wanted to understand the "fairy light", but the price of doing so was to suffer from it.

Deadlock! The five realms of the emperor realm to the top is already the limit, although it is only a small step, it is impossible to think about the "world realm" again!

"Perhaps, it really can't." Su Jin showed a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth and shook his head gently.

Soon Su Jin didn't give up and continued to comprehend, until the stone seal in his bone ring shook, he opened his eyes unexpectedly.

Shi Xi kept shaking, and Su Jin had a faint feeling.

Su Jin disappeared in an instant, he could use this stone seal to get in and out of here at any time, and now the stone seal was shaking abnormally, it must have happened outside!

next moment.

In front of the stone platform outside Qingya, a portal appeared. It was obvious that the Fuyao Palace Master felt him appear and opened the empty passage to lead him.

Step in!

The place where it appeared was actually on the top of the Fuyao Immortal Palace!

There was a lot of movement, and the entire Fuyao Immortal Palace's disciples were preparing for the battle. There were tens of thousands of monks wearing the words "Tianmen" in the void in front of them, and among them there was a huge "Eternal Life Coffin"!


All the monks' eyes were fixed on Su Jin's face, including Huan Zhao Dao Zun and Fu Yao Palace Master. It's just that Xia Yuyan's face is firm and tender.

In the past few days, she still has trouble. Someone gave a coffin and said that she could save Su Jin, but she refused, and she was unwilling to separate her.

"Why do you want to steal the "Ground Fire Zhi" that is about to become a magical medicine?" Palace Master Fuyao complained, and a scolding voice appeared in Su Jin's ear.

Obviously, Tianmen came aggressively, because the palace lord of Fuyao let Su Jin into that piece of ‘Immortal Wilderness’ and damaged the earth-huozhi that was about to become a magic medicine!


It hurts people to use this word under the watchful eyes of thousands of people!

What's more, the words of Palace Master Fuyao meant that it was obvious that Su Jin stole the things.

"I didn't!" Su Jin hadn't figured out the situation, and suddenly became angry.

"No? You really disappointed me too much--" Palace Master Fuyao became even more angry, and even had a tendency to go crazy.

"I dare to be daring, if you didn't steal, you didn't steal!"

"You...I shouldn't extend your life. You don't even have this responsibility. You are not worthy." Palace Master Fuyao turned his face and clenched his fists.

The scene was silent--

Su Jin looked at Huan Zhao Dao Zun, and also saw the disappointment in her eyes, and then looked at the gazes of tens of thousands of other people, all with contempt and contempt.

At that moment, Su Jin's body shook wildly, his eyes rounded, and his teeth clenched.

"You extend my life, I will pay you back!" Su Jin opened his arms and raised his head to the sky!

Bang bang bang bang ——

In an instant, the snow-white chains of the gods in Su Jin's body were all broken by him!

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