My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2197: Punish!


Fu Yao Palace Master was stunned.

Su Jin's approach is a bit extreme, but in the eyes of Palace Master Fu Yao, he is extremely unwilling to believe it! You must know that he is in the Emperor Realm, although it may be because of the Five Dao Great Emperors, but it is impossible to be so outrageous!

How is it possible that the Five Dao Emperors smashed the chains of the gods performed by the Palace Lord Fu Yao?

When Huan Zhao Dao Zun made this move in Su Jin, he instinctively raised his hand to calm him down, but it happened so suddenly that it could not be stopped at all.

Su Jin’s blood was left from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes swept over the scene of more than 10,000 people. Only a gentle gaze who believed him—

Yuyan's wife only believed him!

Dao Zun Huan Zhao thought about it carefully, and felt very wrong. Originally, his sister Fu Yao Palace Master told her earlier that she firmly believed that the ‘Dihuo Zhi’ that was about to grow into a ‘magic medicine’ was stolen by Su Jin.

Even Huan Zhao Dao Zun believed it was Su Jin's so-called when Su Jin didn't come, but now Su Jin was so angry that she made a life-saving act, causing her to wake up directly.

Although he has not known Su Jin for a long time, in the impression of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, he is not like the kind of person who does not admit his mistakes. If it is really because of a serious injury, he took the fire moss and used it for his own use. Because--

Not so.

"Could it be that you made a mistake..." Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face was cold, and he pointed directly at his sister Fu Yao Palace Master.

"This—" Palace Master Fuyao lost his confidence.

After all, it was a one-sided word. That day, the elder of the gate passed a letter to her, saying that Su Jin held the stone seal of the Fuyao Immortal Palace and dug up the magic drug, plus Su Jin was seriously injured, she believed it at that time.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun had always had a grudge against Fu Yao Palace Master, and walked directly to Su Jin's side, raised his hand to reveal a ray of Zexia Hui, and placed it on Su Jin's shoulder——

"That is, the'Earth Fire Mushroom', which is about to grow into a magical medicine, must have strong medicinal power. In such a few days, the person taking it definitely still has medicinal power."

As Huan Zhao Dao Zun said, the three-step cultivation base of the heavenly path was revealed, "The medicinal power of the ground fire mushroom, which is present in the monk's body, is the essence of the ground fire.

If you don't know, you can do nothing!

Su Jin hasn't done it before, so why worry about being investigated by others?

The method used by Huan Zhao Dao Zun, I am afraid that many people present can do it, including Palace Master Fu Yao, but she did not suspect this before, and it is definitely a theft by Su Jin.

Ground fire mushroom contains the essence of heaven and earth vegetation, Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face is getting more and more ashamed, after some investigation, his eyes look at Palace Master Fu Yao again.


The Fuyao Palace Master asked doubtfully: "Perhaps it is in his bone ring?"

"Don't go too far! Su Jin's body does not show any signs of taking Ground Fire Zhi, and why do you say that after he took the Zhi, he hid it in the ring of content?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun was very angry.

"How could it not be possible?"

The Fuyao Palace Lord said coldly: "Don’t forget, what are these people from the Heavenly Gate for? Most of them are asking for an explanation. After all, he is the person I let into the "Xianhuang Jedi", I still Didn’t mention the trouble he caused to my fairy palace--"

"You keep saying that Su Jin was seriously injured and stole the'Earth Huozhi'. If you change to you and me, you will definitely take it on the spot. You know his situation better than anyone else, but he didn't do that!"

Huan Zhao Dao Zun is really anxious for the IQ of the Fu Yao Palace Master, and then said: "You have to see whether his bone ring hides the fire moss. It is impossible to show it to you! If you were him, you would be humiliated to that point. ?"

"How do you prove that he didn't steal it?" Palace Master Fu Yao fought against each other and asked the most direct question.

"It's very simple! He shattered your imprisonment, which is the best proof!"

The Fuyao Palace Master trembled with anger, "Think about it, your self-defeating cultivation, costing Xiancui, and fighting for his life, compared to a plant of fire mushroom, which is lighter and which is heavier?"

"I still don't believe it--" Palace Master Fu Yao shook his head.

"You! Did you see him steal it with your own eyes?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun was about to be **** off by this sister, and he said more directly.

Su Jin slowly raised his hand to stop the quarrel between the two sisters, and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, "I, Su Jin, do things for people, why don't others believe it. Who doesn't believe me at the scene, I don't care, wife, are you right?"

"I believe you." Xia Yuyan nodded.

Who knows Su Jin best?

Isn't Su Jin the kind of person who cares about things outside the body? Obviously not!

The phrase "I believe in you" is enough!

Su Jin felt warm in his heart and pointed to the ‘Eternal Life Coffin’ and asked, "What does this divine coffin mean?"

Although this longevity coffin is very similar to Xiaotangtang's not long ago, it is just a little bigger.

Bang bang bang ——

Among the more than 10,000 Tianmen monks, only one clapped his palm and walked out.

The one who clapped his hands was an energetic young man who was very confident. When he walked out, he looked at Su Jin and said directly: "This question is a good question."

Xia Yuyan looked away, and this person came to see him a few days ago. After she closed the door, she asked a message to explain the situation. How could she be willing?

"What's the good thing?" Su Jin faintly felt something wrong, with a cold face.

"I think your longevity is less than two days. I would like to advise you that if you want to live, let your Taoist companion follow me. This coffin is given to you, and it may even allow you to live a long life."

The young man sneered, seeming to see the scene when Su Jin agreed.

"Tell me first, who you are." Su Jin looked at him lightly and asked.

"Me? I am the'Young Master' of Tianmen... Gu Jun laughs!" said the young man.

"Take your broken coffin, and let Laozi roll!" Su Jin's tone was firm.

Exchange Xia Yuyan for a longevity coffin?

First of all, Xia Yuyan is not an item, but his love, and everyone has his own right to choose. Is it because he wants to be frantic and change it?

Even if Su Jin died of life, it would be impossible for Su Jin to do such things!

"You scold me to get out? Hehe, I think you don't want to live for two days--" Gu Jun laughed and trembled, pointing at Su Jin, threatening.

"Do you dare to insult my young master of the Tianmen!"

Among the tens of thousands of Tianmen monks, a middle-aged man with a blue beard, wearing a spacious aristocratic robe, had just fallen from his voice, and he had already appeared in front of Su Jin. He raised his hand to become a claw and grabbed Su Jin. !

Huan Zhao Dao Zun knows generally that this is the only one in Tianmen, and the identity of the other party is very prominent in Tianmen. She instinctively took a few steps back, and the same is true of Fuyao Palace Lord!

Whatever, is the powerhouse at the peak of the Three Steps of Heaven?

Tianmen is so strong?

In an instant, Su Jin was completely disappointed with the Fuyao Palace Master. This goddess's realm, because the other party was a member of the Heavenly Gate, did not dare to stay by her side. This had already shown that Fuyao Palace Master could not stand back again!

The'Tianmen' elder of the heavenly realm, grabbed it with one claw, and wanted to break Su Jin's body with one blow and destroy his emperor spirit!

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