My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2199: Good luck fairy king

Yes, when making a decision, Xia Yuyan lifted up the majestic face that was enough to make billions of beauties feel ashamed.

The edge of the beautiful eyes was quickly covered with mist——

Huan Zhao Dao Zun seemed to put his heart in his throat and stared firmly at Xia Yuyan's face.


The original five chains of the gods penetrated Su Jin's body, and as the sound appeared, six chains passed through again!

Xia Yuyan knelt down, held her face, shook her head and covered her eyes, shaking all over.

She doesn't want it!

Because Xia Yuyan knows Su Jin very well, even if he fulfills him and gives him a coffin of longevity, Su Jin will not forgive her while she is still alive, no!

Every loss is lost, every time is prosperous!

"Hurry up and make your choice!" Gu Jun laughed, afraid that Su Jin would die, widened his eyes and shouted again. To know that the scene is not under his control, father killing Su Jin is as easy as crushing an ant, only he can stop it!

"After he dies, I will bury him in the shade of the lawn at the door of the house--" Xia Yuyan stood up, and didn't even look at that ancient gentleman with a smile. Instead, he glanced at Huan Zhao Dao Zun, with Said crying.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun sighed and turned his face away——

Under the attention of all the people, Su Jin was held in the air by eleven chains. His whole body seemed soft and weak, and his eyes were tightly closed. There was only a ray of vitality that could be felt.

"Maybe I was wrong, but sister, you should know the difficulties of sister." Fuyao Palace Lord lowered his head. Here,'Tianmen' is the boss!

You are weak, if others hit you, you have to suffer!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun did not respond to the Fu Yao Palace Master, there are always many helplessness in the world, and it is not satisfactory, but she still appreciates Yu Yan's practice.

And what about Su Jin in the miserable void?

The darkness, the darkness and loneliness that seemed to be eternal solitude, not even a gleam of light, Su Jin's consciousness, as if turned into a plume of dust, did not know where to drift.


In the darkness, suddenly a clear and anxious voice surrounded the surroundings——

That is the "Sakura" who is suspected of reincarnation of the fairy king of good fortune! Su Jin seemed to remember a little bit, that Sakura and him shared their longevity at the beginning, perhaps because of the involvement of ‘together’ that caused this girl to call herself.

"Sakura--" Su Jin used his consciousness to communicate with divine thoughts, there was no sound, but he knew that Sakura who lived with him could hear it.

"Dad, I want you to live, live well."

"Don't do stupid things! It's artificial, you can't force it."

"Dad is now at the top of the Five Dao emperors, but the immortal Dao can not be the case. I will disintegrate the immortal body and pass on the avenue of good fortune to you. You must know that Sakura's good fortune is very powerful. Origin, then you can reach the top of the Six Dao Emperors."

"Don't dad! Don't!"

Su Jin made a hoarse roar in his consciousness, thief God! Do you have to torture yourself in this way? What's so scary about death? If only this method can be used, he would rather not live! Not alive!

Faintly, Su Jin seemed to have grasped a certain context, no matter whether he could do it or not, he would stop Sakura before he died! Then he asked: "What did you mean by Zhixian Yuanyuan just now?"

"It means the ultimate fairy."

Sakura explained: "There are many kinds of immortal ways. Like my first life, it was the "fairy fruit" produced by the "good luck fairy tree". The origin is good luck. Unfortunately, in the previous life, the strongest only made the "fairy king". ."

Su Jin:...

She really is the fairy king of good fortune! It seems that with the passage of time, she has faintly recovered the memories of previous lives!

"What should I do if I want to break through?" Su Jin certainly didn't understand Immortal Dao as much as Sakura.

"You have to find your own fairy root, because the source comes from the root. My origin is formed by nature. It is a bit difficult for Dad to understand the root of your fairy—"

"Then Dad will understand the root of his immortality! Dad is now falling into deep space, and you help me light the way forward. I need to return to the body."

This is how Su Jin judged himself.

Guards against the sky cannot reincarnate. The seriousness of this incident is that even the mind has left the emperor spirit. As time goes by, the mind will disappear forever in the deep sky and disappear completely.

Immediately, in the state of deep darkness, a giant fairy eye appeared above the darkness! That is the genuine "good luck fairy pupil"! It points out the way for Su Jin's return to the body!

Speaking quickly, it was actually a very brief exchange. It was a short time until Fuyao Palace Master and Huan Zhao Dao Zun recognized a few mistakes, and her head did not rise.


The sudden change, Su Jin in the last few faint breaths instinctively, a giant roulette of thousands of miles stood up from behind him, the wheel of the secret of heaven!

Liudao Xiahui flourishes! As if the candle is burning out, competing for the most dazzling moment of light!


A piece of fairy pond surged and manifested in the wheel of the secret of heaven. Behind Su Jin, on the "Enlightenment Tree", the folds of the Immortal Bird's Nest were brilliant!


Yan'er was carrying a basket on his back and standing on the edge of the bird's nest. Although the master didn't teach her any Taoism, he gave her a place to build the nest, and it was still on the tree of enlightenment!

The so-called one day as a teacher, life as a teacher! She is the true blood of the Phoenix! From the time when she was lying on the tree of enlightenment and enlightenment, to now the ‘nine bans’ in her body have been solved six!

Xiao Yan'er looked down and saw Su Jin, who was imprisoned by eleven divine chains, immediately her eyes were firm, her nails scratched on the snow-white wrists——

Drip, drip, drip~~~

A string of divine blood dripped on Su Jin's body. The divine blood was extraordinary, and the clothes on Su Jin's shoulders were dripped through, mottled, like sparks falling on it.

Affected by this, Su Jin felt that terrifying power for the first time when he returned to his body, and it was melting into his body with a drop of blood!

This scene stunned everyone on the scene!

"What? I won't die like this?" The Sect Master of Tianmen would never think that his Divine Dao Realm cultivation base would not be able to instantly kill Su Jin an Emperor Realm!

The tears on Xia Yuyan's face were not dry, and she looked at Su Jinxian's vision in a daze, and there was a little hope in her eyes!

In the heart of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, it is no longer shocked to describe, Su Jin's tenacity exceeded her imagination!

Can Su Jin live? Dao Zun Huan Zhao had this absurd idea in his heart, sister Fu Yao Palace Master, the shock in the front was similar to her, but the back was different.

In the eyes of the Fuyao Palace Master, Su Jin is just struggling desperately, death is mortal, if she can survive, let her bet on everything!

Sect Master Tianmen forced to hide his surprise, and was about to attack Su Jin again, but when he saw the girl standing on the edge of the bird's nest on the'Enlightenment Tree', his face went dark.


Seeing this, the Sect Master of Tianmen firmed up his idea of ​​beheading Su Jin!

But the scene that appeared immediately caused a sensation. In the back basket behind the little Yan'er, a black paw stretched out, followed by a small black monkey rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning and stood up from the back basket. .

When this little black monkey stood up, even Palace Master Fu Yao was stupid, even more shocked than when he knew the Sixth Dao Emperor Su Jin!

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