My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2200: Little Dragon Monkey

The scene is extremely strange.

After careful identification, the Fuyao Palace Master grumbled and swallowed, and the frontal bone of the black monkey showed a protruding V shape. Among the dense black hairs on the top of the head, two half-finger-long dragon horns faintly grew out——

"Dragon Monkey!"

Palace Master Fuyao had an ugly face, quietly retreating, and his expression was hard to keep calm.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun also shook his mind, feeling like dreaming, awake.

The people who recognized the little black monkey at the scene did not know that the benefits that the little black monkey had gained in the bird's nest on the tree of enlightenment were simply shocking, far from the original appearance and ability.

"Squeaky--" The black little monkey's haunted eyes grew brighter and brighter, and she saliva instead.


The little dragon monkey turned into a black light and rushed out from Yan'er's back basket. Its target turned out to be the "Shinto Chain" surrounded by the sky!


The little dragon monkey held a fire-colored chain, opened his mouth and bit down, the speed did not give people the time to react at all!

Creak, the black little dragon monkey's appetite and body shape did not match at all. When only three breaths, a divine yoke condensed from the divine realm was gnawed into its abdomen.

Sect Master Tianmen's dark face, a few drops of blood, his heart is overwhelming, how could it be possible! He recognizes the phoenix, but why can the two coexist?

"Am I wrong?" Fuyao Palace Master said blankly while looking at her sister.

"It's right, but I don't know what the situation is." Huan Zhao Dao Venerable smiled bitterly.

"It was once said that the dragon monkey and the phoenix are enemies. After the dragon monkey finds the'undead bird's nest,' they will eat the bird's eggs and die endlessly! This seems to be very intimate?" The Fuyao Palace Lord could not calm down for a long time.

The Fuyao Palace Lord just backed away.

Naturally because of the great dragon monkey! Although it seems to be still young, he can already gnaw at the shackles of the Gods of Eating, and he will have it in the future!

"I think it's normal." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

"Very normal?" Palace Master Fu Yao stared.

"You don't have much contact with Su Jin. As long as you have something to do with him, you must treat the strange things with a normal heart, and you will know later."

"After? There is no future, he will not survive today." Palace Master Fuyao shook his head, and concluded that Su Jin would die, and died in the hands of Sect Master Tianmen.

"How about a bet?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun's eyes lightly rolled, wanting to cheat sister.

"What are you betting on?"

"Bet on him not to die!"

"How to bet?"

"If Su Jin died and died, what you owed me back then will be written off. If he can survive, I will also write off you, but you have to double repair with him -" Huan Zhao Dao Zun said strangely.

The Fuyao Palace Master stared at his sister Huan Zhao’s face, as if seeing the other person laughing at her, she would not dare to be the same. She immediately nodded on an impulse and said: "Gamble!"

Hear this.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun laughed.

After the manifestation of the ‘tree of enlightenment’, and the phoenix blessed Su Jin with the blood of the gods, even the dragon and monkey owned it, Huan Zhao Dao Zun believed that Su Jin must have thought of a way.


A dozen shinto chains were almost eaten up by the little dragon monkey in just two minutes. The last section of the fire-colored chain, with the size of a punch left, was reluctantly thrown into its mouth and chewed. under.

No matter how hard it was for Tianmen Sect Master to maintain his composure, he turned his hand, and there was a pottery bowl surrounding a cloud of fire in his hand. Once that pottery bowl appeared, there was a spirit of divine Dao flowing out of the void!

At the same time, the Tianmen Sect Master prepared with both hands, shaking his body, there were a total of twenty-eight Divine Dao incarnations on display, and the trails like a net wandered through the void!

Watching the Tianmen Sect Master threw the fire cloud pottery bowl toward it, the little dragon monkey squeaked and turned into a black light, evading the mighty power exerted by the pottery bowl.


Most of the body of the little dragon monkey is black, the only white place is behind it, that is a heart-shaped snow-white ass, hairless!

The strands of the path like a net, the little dragon monkey opened his mouth and sucked lightly, and even the incarnations of the Tianmen Sect Masters began to become unstable.

Finally dissipated, turned into Daoyun, and was sucked into the mouth by the little dragon monkey——

The side effects are extremely obvious. The little dragon monkey is young and has just eaten more than a dozen shinto chains. Now he swallows like this, his belly is getting bigger and bigger.


The Huoyun pottery bowl kept covering it, and it only hid ten times in the end. It was covered by the pottery bowl and suppressed in the void.

I don’t know how precious the time I bought for Su Jin during this period!

Su Jin has no foreign objects in his heart. Under the blessing of Yan'er's undead blood, his body is full of vitality. Although it is not a phoenix, those blood will eventually lose its effectiveness, but at least in this short period of time, he has majestic vitality!

"The Immortal King Good Fortune has his own immortal origin, what is my immortal origin?"

Su Jin continued to explore with the help of the ‘tree of enlightenment’, and he remembered that at the beginning he entered the Dao by a fairy technique, which was the “bridge to the sky”!

When you really get the path of immortality, it is because of the jade pond of the immortal, the immortal energy of the jade pond cannot be the source of his immortal.

The immortal of the immortal king of good fortune is "destroyable fortune".

Su Jin asked himself, what is his own?

The breeze hit, and those present seemed to have forgotten Su Jin, and they were all attracted by the little dragon monkey. Now the monkey was suppressed by the magic weapon and couldn't jump!

"Call you naughty." Gu Jun laughed in front of the crowd and called out strangely. His words were naturally addressed to the monkey in the bowl that had been suppressed in the void.

At this point, only then did he relax his fear, and his eyes refocused on Su Jin under the tree of enlightenment.

Now Su Jin has no sign of waking up, the little dragon monkey has been suppressed, no one can help him!

"Sister, you lost--" Palace Master Fu Yao smiled, squinting.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was in a state of confusion, but his face could not be seen, and he said lightly: "Not necessarily."

"Then just watch and watch him being pinched to death by the Tianmen Sect Master." Palace Master Fu Yao said with a smile.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun stared at Su Jin closely, nervous to his death, and then, like the silent Xia Yuyan, her face suddenly became pale and bloodless.

Sect Master Tianmen gently flicked his sleeves, put his hand behind, and walked towards Su Jin in the air——

How to do!

How to do!

Xia Yuyan and Huan Zhao Dao Zun are the most anxious, neither of them has the strength to compete with the Tianmen Sect Master, and they don’t know how to help Su Jin——

"Xiao Nihu, I didn't expect you to have so many methods, but it's still hard to escape!" Sect Master Tianmen then stretched his right arm in front of him, and a black and white palm wide and long sword turned out and held it in his hand.

When the words fell, in the silence of the audience, the Tianmen Sect Master swung a sword and slashed towards Su Jin fiercely. He wanted to sever Su Jin's emperor skull!

And in that instant, an incredible situation appeared!

The tree of enlightenment behind Su Jin shook!

One, ten, one hundred camellia blooms slowly--

what's the situation? The tree of enlightenment actually bloomed!

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