My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2299: Bronze Rift Valley (3/5)

The Bronze Rift Valley, after coming in, Su Jin realized that there was a cavernous sky, which was much more spacious than expected——

The bright yellow glazed light illuminates the entire rift valley. The rift valley is about a hundred feet wide. There are many tree vines hanging down. When you look up from below, many ancient trees are as thick as buildings, and you can't see the crown of the tree.


"Is this evil animal really a world realm? Why is it so fast!" The longevity power of Yuhua Xianting felt itchy teeth with hate.

"What he is using is a kind of immortal step of the ultimate origin. This is the Bronze Rift Valley. You must be careful when you come in."

"Little bastard, you have a kind of stop and don't run! Lord Dao snaps your finger to kill you!" The longevity power dispatched from the Capital of Heavenly Punishment, saw Su Jin's terrifying speed, angrily transmitted forward.

But the longevity power of Tyrant's Palace is not so good. In the chasing room, between the arms, he held a **** spear in his hand and threw it directly!

The spear was on the road shadows in bursts, piercing through the void, and stabbed in a tenth of an eye—

The willow waist of the Nine Wonders Saintess was hugged, and felt the terrifying of the strong in the longevity stage. If it were her, it would be difficult for her to be impenetrable in the other's tyrannical aura, let alone resist!

But Su Jin seemed to be particularly unusual. The Jiu Miao saint only felt his arms around the edge of her waist, and with a little effort, she couldn't help but rushed towards him!

But Su Jin was slouched, as if he had eyes behind his back. The thrown spear rubbed his back shirt and avoided...

The transparent wave of blood pierced the spear on a cliff covered with soft yellow moss, and suddenly swept the surrounding mountain walls to pieces! Su Jin swayed, without turning his head back, not forgetting to sarcastically: "If you have eight old mad dogs chasing and biting me, I can't eat it! As long as you are only one person, I kill you like cutting vegetables!"

Su Jinqiang is not bad, but no matter how strong he is, he can't be "strength"!

The ‘Eternal Life Realm’ powers from the eight eight sects can’t be matched by anyone in the Bronze Hall. This lineup is no longer as simple as luxurious!

When he finished speaking, Su Jin stopped abruptly.

Jiu Miao Saintess was in Su Jin's arms, and as he stopped abruptly, her delicate upper body instinctively fell back, but the beautiful scenery only lasted for an instant, after she reacted, she immediately hugged Su Jin!

Two different warmths appeared again in Su Jin's feeling——

When he stopped, Su Jin swiped his right foot, and this great bronze rift went further into it. From the original passage, several fork roads began to separate, and Su Jin had already found the existence he wanted to find!

Saint Jiu Miao was born with a cold back, staring blankly at a familiar figure in the distance.

The goddess who keeps looking for his lover! Although half of the flower face was ruined, even though one eyeball had been petrified into the color of white jade, and even though she already had a bronze **** bone, she was still looking for—

If you stop searching, you are giving up, and if you keep searching, there is hope!

"Senior! Your'Big Brother Zicheng' has been beheaded to death by those eight old dogs in the Tomb of Ten Thousand Layers of Gods!" Su Jin's face was not red and heartbeat, and he shouted at the Goddess King.

The word ‘self-contained’ is like the eternal Nilin of the goddess king. When he heard that he was beheaded to death, the terrifying **** Wang Xiahui suddenly appeared all over his body——

"How do I believe you!" The goddess king's face was cold, the bronze brilliance of the cheekbones was shining, his eyes were fixed on Su Jin, and the **** king's body was shaking violently.

"He called you Rumei before he died!"

Su Jin yelled softly and continued: "Tenderness is like water, good times are like dreams, bear with the magpie bridge and return home. If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening! He shouted this poem before he died, and Say goodbye to sister Ru in the next life!"

While speaking, Su Jin was not afraid of the Goddess King, and walked over directly——

The goddess king body seemed to lose strength in that moment, tears couldn't be restrained from the corners of her eyes, and the anger that rushed into the sky came out from her mouth: "Eight old dogs! You still have my own life!"

The eight longevity strongmen from the Eight Sects did not dare to be careless when they saw the first **** king who appeared in the Bronze Rift Valley, but they were old dogs as the other party was so angry that they could not be exposed.

Suddenly, the eight people were dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

what's the situation!

what's the situation!

Even the Saintess of Jiu Miao was dumbfounded and wanted to ask this question——

In the three breaths of the goddess king's hair, it turned into a snow-white color. Her terrifying half of her face, dead flesh turned into ashes, completely exposed the bronze bones of half of her face, and the ground was rumbling under her feet, directly shocked by her powerful aura. Turn up the dirt!

"Success!" The goddess king swayed his body and appeared directly in front of the eight powerful masters, actually trying to defend the eight longevity realms with the body of the **** king!

As mentioned earlier, the **** king is comparable to the longevity realm! But one player playing eight places is extremely dangerous, and even a normal person wouldn’t do it like this——

Su Jin looked at the misty white-headed long hair with a trace of unbearable expression on his face.

"How do you know her name is Ru?" Jiu Miao Saintess heard her voice, and she couldn't help asking with her doubts.

"Didn't you see? The lotus bud on the side of her belt is embroidered with the word'Ru'——" Su Jin closed his eyes.

The Saintess of Jiu Miao immediately sighed Su Jin's wisdom, and said anxiously: "This senior goddess king, it is estimated that with one person, it is difficult to deal with the eight powerful ones."

"No, she can contend, otherwise Su Jin won't do this and other things." Su Jin shook his head. If she didn't forward Chengxue, he would have no guilt, but now he regrets it a little.

"Why see?" Jiu Miao Saint didn't understand why Su Jin was so confident.

"The bronze bones of the **** king level, plus this is the bronze hall, she should have a lot of bronze gods, and they are not ordinary gods——" Su Jin opened his eyes and glanced at Jiu Miao Saintess.

The Jiu Miao saint suddenly felt that Su Jin looked at her with this look, as if she had doubts about her intelligence, she couldn't help but shake the purple braid, turned her face and angrily said: "Where do I have you smart? I didn't think so much. !"


Being chased by eight longevity strong men, who can keep calm like Su Jin and use careful thinking to calculate others? And there is nothing wrong with the Nine Miao Saints who refuse to accept it!

"Why is this goddess king so strong?" The longevity elder of the feathered fairy garden, flushed, was kicked by the goddess!

"Everyone! Do your best! She has already achieved a bronze bone of the **** king level in her body. Unless we use our best and use our own methods of sacrificing gods, we will not be able to destroy this demon girl!" There is great power back in an ancient tree On, began to seal with both hands.

"Okay! Sacrifice and kill her!" The longevity power of Heavenly Punishment City directly agreed.

The eight longevity powers appeared directly in the eight directions separately, and the horrible fluctuations emanated, and Shenxia rendered the canyon!

The goddess Wang Xuebai's long hair dragged on the ground, her face was full of sorrow, and a "Bronze King Seal" appeared when she turned over her hand, and went directly to the town of Heavenly Punishment, Changsheng Daneng!

"Brother Zicheng! You once said that you should hold the king's seal, put on heavy armor, and give orders to the world! I have found these for you, but where are you—"

When he finished speaking, the goddess king's thin clothes, from his feet upward, began to show a pair of heavy bronze armor.

The eight strong immortals have once again been stunned.

"Why does she have so many bronze artifacts!" The Tyrant Palace Changsheng shouted.

"And the gods are all **** king-"

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