My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2300: Take advantage of his illness to kill him! (4/5)

"not good!"

"Friends, be careful!"

With the reminders of other longevity powers, the longevity power of the "City of Heaven's Punishment" who was just about to capture Su Jin alive and tore his mouth was full of solemn expressions.

The ‘Bronze King Seal’ thrown by the Goddess King was filled with divine power. That is, the King Seal manifested a circle of gods and wrapped a manifested bronze lion, and directly killed it——

The great elder Tianchao was ready, his hands were rounded, raised to the top of his head, and the divine light of the two poles immediately collided. When the bronze king seal came down, he could not take two breaths!


Destroying the Gula, the elder of Heaven's Punishment reacted quickly and wanted to take away from it, but he was still suppressed!


The sound of broken bones constantly appeared in the body of the great elder of Heavenly Punishment, and the whole person was directly shocked, spurting blood, and his two arms were turned into dust under this killing!

Blood and bones are terrifying——

Seeing this, the saint of Jiu Miao took a breath, no wonder Su Jin is so confident that the goddess king's combat power is so terrifying!

If the goddess king does not wear heavy bronze armor, the eight powerful masters can each use the longevity sacrifice to refine the Dafa. Shengsheng will refine her into a bronze bone, which will naturally have means to deal with, but this bronze heavy armor will directly crush the eight. Thoughts of the strongest!

"Great Yuan Jiguang!" Another longevity great power has been completed, a circular pattern of gods, descended out of thin air, covering the goddess king in the center!

"Heavenly Magic Blood Sacrifice Code!"

"Da Luo Yao copied the gods!"


A circle of magic maps, under the condensed town, the goddess king is really trapped in it, as if walking into the mire, it will not break the layers of magic! Fortunately, her bronze **** king's heavy armor, one by one, the ancient armored inscriptions floated out, contending with the power of the blood sacrifice!

Overlord’s longevity, with a yin-face smile, turned his hand and took out a lacquered black ‘candle’, opened his mouth and spouted a bean flame, lighting the black candle——

A breath of extreme evil suddenly appeared all around--


On the black candle, the flame of a bean was blown by the Tyrannical Emperor Longevity, and it rose indefinitely. He nodded in satisfaction when he saw this, and was about to blow the flame towards the goddess...

The black candle in his hand disappeared suddenly!

Tyrant Palace Chang Sheng Da Neng's face suddenly froze, who? Who did it!

Turning his head to look at the place of the Jiu Miao saint, Su Jin was no longer visible. What was the situation just now, how could a world realm escape the perception of a strong longevity and grab wax empty-handed?

Saint Jiu Miao's beautiful eyes stared, Su Jin just wore a god's garment, it turned out to be the very best "hidden dragon garment"! This, this Tyrant Palace powerhouse is too careless!

"I'm old and dim-eyed. Didn't your brute son tell the old man not to play with fire?" Su Jin felt that his aura was locked, and the hidden dragon clothes were removed, and he manifested beside Jiu Miao Saintess, while there were more in his hands. Burned a black candle.

But the flames above have been crushed--

This mouth is really bad! Jiu Miao saint spit out her tongue secretly.

Su Jin flipped his hand to put away the black candle, raised his head indifferently, already holding a sword box in his hands!

Gently pat it open, the domineering king Longyuan divine sword, directly shining brightly, floats out of the box horizontally, Su Jin put the sword box away, and firmly grasped the hilt with his right hand——

The next moment, suddenly! The saint of Jiu Miao saw that Su Jin's feet slipped out of two celestial lights, turned into afterimages, and headed for the immortal power of Tyrant Palace!


What Su Jin really wanted to deal with was not the Tyrant Palace powerhouse. He shook his body, "Happy Steps", more than a thousand afterimages appeared, and he appeared in the sky above the city of punishment that day and had just been hit hard!

The persimmons have to be soft!

Take advantage of his serious illness and kill him!

Longevity does not mean immortality. No one is willing to be calm. Once a strong man of this level suffers a devastating blow, he will die! Su Jin's hands were beyond everyone's expectations!

The great elder Tianchao, his body squirmed, two crystal lights appeared on his ruined arms, and the broken arms regenerated!

"Little beast! It's just right!" The great elder Tianchao had suffered a lot when he just contended the blow of the bronze king's seal, and was seriously injured. Now he is doing his best to condense the longevity statues in the void with his hand!

But the great elder Tianchao's own divine light turned into a huge dark blue hand, and as his regenerated arm lifted, he raised his finger and pressed it towards Su Jin!


Su Jin slashed towards the giant finger, but the Great Elder Tianchao suddenly became dull.

That sword was very long, and it didn't exert any strength at all! But the great elder of Heaven's Punishment, under this finger, his strength was almost at a loss!

Seeing Su Jin being shaken back, Jiu Miao Saints saw a little jump-

Too cheap! Shameless! Su Jin flicked a shot, completely draining the power of others, and this kind of scheming and the city alone have already deeply felt the horror of Jiu Miao Saintess!

"Resolve the goddess king first!" The other six immortal realms who performed the practice of Dafa, saw that the goddess king was getting more and more dazzling in his armor, and they were actually going out of the formation!

Can not help directly remind the Tyrant Palace of the great power of longevity-

When Su Jin had taken the Black Candle Divine Treasure from the Overlord's Palace Power, he was still worried and wanted to solve Su Shao first, but when he saw this scene in the formation, his face suddenly became nervous!

The Jiu Miao saint looked nervous, the longevity realm strong is notoriously hard to kill, Su Jin is only in the world realm now, in her opinion, it is almost impossible to kill the longevity realm——

But Su Jin is very magical, at least in the eyes of Jiu Miao Saintess.

"You guys, save me!" The great elder Tianchao felt fear in his heart.

This was the biggest life-and-death crisis he had experienced when he achieved the immortal realm! Maybe even Su Jin would really be beheaded!

"Fellow Daoist, you recover quickly, he just can't kill you in the world--" Yuhua Xianting Da Neng was also very anxious and responded directly.

"Elder Heavenly Punishment, it's fine if you can't help. If you let the demon girl in the formation get out of trouble, we won't be better. You quickly recover and cut off that little evil animal..." And Da Neng said repeatedly .

"No! What's the matter with her heavy bronze armor, and how is it getting stronger and stronger!" Tyrant Palace Changsheng Da Neng, joined the team of sacrifices, immediately discovered something was wrong, and screamed.

"Bronze formation flag! God slaying! Why she has so many god-king bronze artifacts!"

"Use your best! No one is allowed to keep it, otherwise we might all fall here!"

Seeing the seven people in a hurry, the great elder of Heaven Punishment was short-lived in strength and made up for a short period of time, like the sea is drying up, and some trickles make up for it, which is nothing like a drop in the bucket.

"He wants to kill me..." The elder Tianchao said with a dark face, his expression was full of bitterness.


Hearing the words of the great elder Tianchao, the seven took time to look at it, and even the Jiu Miao Saint could not believe what the other party said. Su Jin wanted to kill him?

How can it be done! At least Jiu Miao Saint does not believe it!

In the gazes of the eight great powers, the "Goddess King", and the Nine Miao saints, there was a ripple of artistic conception around——

Su Jin put on a cool posture on the spot, then slowly raised his lowered head...

Double pupils, secret blue!

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