My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2359: Meet the fierce battle (1/4)

To tell the answer is to tell the truth.

Obviously Su Jin didn't have much time.

Yaoguang's three daughters showed anxiety again, but fortunately they saw Su Jin continue to confuse them: "The shroud is the ancestor of my mother's clan. My mother's clan is the Jiuli clan, and the clan is called Huiyue. Why can I To withstand the'Nine Death Heavenly Power' is caused by a part of blood."

"Huh?" The little crane girl has a dark hair and looks at each other with the big crane girl.

"I also have a place called the Jiuli in the Great China World. I suspect that the Jiuli in Tai Brahma was the first ethnic group to separate from my realm."

Su Jin was a little grateful to Mysterious Bones for giving him some time to speak so that he could roughly explain it clearly.

"Who is that divine ancestor--" the goddess of shaking light asked softly.

"My Chinese Great World, there is a "Southern Classic of the Great Wilderness", which has a clear record: In the Great Wilderness, there are mountains with no courtyards, and the rivers and rivers are poor. There are three people, and the emperor Jun's wife Ehuang is born in this three-body country. "

As Su Jin spoke, he hesitated and said: "Dijun are both'diku', one person and three persons, and he has three wives, namely Xihe, Changxi and Ehuang."

"Three, so few?"

Little Crane Girl's eyes were a little confused, she mumbled and looked at Su Jin...

Indeed, three of the monks are really few.

"I was in distress in the Jiuli tribe. My ancestor burned the divine coffins of Jiuli, and used the Dafa to move the stars to move me away. Those divine coffins are all the clan records of Huiyue. The mark on the eyebrows of the divine ancestor is exactly the same as Huiyue of the Jiuli tribe."

Su Jin thought for a while and said, "In all likelihood, she is the wife of the three emperors, five emperors, and the third emperor'Dijun'...Chang Xi, the ancestor of the Jiuli tribe."

That's right, Su Jin saw the face under the shroud that the Goddess of Shaking Light and the others couldn't see, just like a living person, not decayed.

But on both sides of her temple, there were blood holes appearing, running through the mark of the luminous moon, and I don't know who caused the fatal wound.

Su Jin still has many doubts.

After confirming that this was the "Changxi ancestor" of the Jiuli tribe, Su Jin clearly knew that his father was a real Chinese, why could he set foot on the monk road to Taifan, and found the Jiuli tribe and fell in love with his mother?

Now, even the ancestor of Changxi has appeared. In the three-color nebula not far away, on the more than one hundred jade monuments around the huge corpse, there is also a trace of a ‘sui’ memorial——

Sui and Yandi Shennong are known to have moved to the heavens, and there are traces of the ancestor of humanities, "Taihao Fuxi" elsewhere.

For example, in the Si Ming family, there is the "numeracy" in the nine palaces of eight trigrams. Fuxi gossip appears in the "Tai Shen Tian".

Scissors are still messy.

Su Jin didn't know what happened back then, but now the crisis was imminent. When the three women were silent, he gave Yao a soothing look, and his figure disappeared.


The face of the goddess Shaking was disappointed.

"It turned out to be a relative, no wonder the big gift of three prayers and nine buckles~~~" The big crane girl has understood.

"Not just relatives, the shroud is one of the ancestors of his great world, and a true god."

The Goddess of Shaking Light shook her head, pointed to the jade stele in the distance where the ‘Fire Ji Basin’ was placed, and then said: “On that jade stele, there is also a tribute to Sui. Sui is related to his great world.”

"Oh, two elder sisters, can he come back? It's best not to do it. Then tell us how to be a human being." Xiaohenu said with an unsatisfied expression.

"Either follow him or chop him." Dahenu also snorted and looked away.


On the cold day, the buildings towering into the deep sky are almost like heaven, and people can only look up.

The daylight is very cold, but over a furnace, the fighting spirit is high, the blood seems to have been ignited, and there is no cold feeling!

Ten thousand black armored stone men, saw Su Jin emerging from the sky, constantly erecting spears, roaring to the sky, the entire deep and tall God City seemed to be unable to conceal the overwhelming anger.

In the huge furnace, in the two giant eyes, the flame was still alive, and the other raging fires were missing. Su Jin saw this situation and looked directly at the tens of thousands of black armored stone men.

In front of the formation, there was a man standing, covered in heavy armor, holding a heavy two-edged slashing axe, who was not the messenger of the furnace?

However, the heavy armor worn by the messenger of the furnace is different from those black armored stone men. It has delicate patterns, like cracks, and it swims through the fire.

That is the flame in the furnace of heaven and earth!

"Are you ready to die!" The messenger of the furnace raised his left hand and gently squeezed the cyan glowing glove, and the sound of Jin Ge collided with his five fingers.

"Today, cut your body and smash your furnace!" Su Jin coldly glanced at the messenger of the furnace.

"The tone is not small, I'm afraid it's a mouthful child, I haven't seen anything in the world!"

After speaking, the messenger of the furnace had a fierce look, shocked the two-edged axe in his hand, and even if he roared, above the entire God City, there was a manifestation that could cover one-third the size of the God City.

At the second stop, outside the corpse of the Tricolor Nebula, the luminous cup floated on the scene of the city of God. When I saw the image of the messenger of the furnace, the heart of the goddess was broken.

"This, this is the state of the divine residence, which can manifest the real divine residence, at least in the realm of human and **** consummation! One step further, you can break through." The goddess of shaking light looked a little scared.

"Bringer of the Furnace, I seem to have heard this name in the years and months." said the big crane girl.

"Huh?" The goddess of shaking light looked at the big and small crane girls.

"Several seniors who gave incense to the shroud once said something like the furnace. It seems that the'forge soldier' ​​is the lowest level existence, and the furnace messenger is slightly higher than the furnace messenger. There is also'ash. messenger'."

The little crane girl remembered a distant memory.

The goddess of Shaking light was slightly pale, is there anyone more powerful than the messenger of the furnace?

Now, Su Jin naturally didn't know what the three women were saying. He attached great importance to the furnace messenger and the divine residence, as if it were solid. The half of the body was hidden into the void, and the upper body appeared to be the cruel appearance of the furnace messenger.

Immediately, Su Jin grasped the handle of the sword exposed on his shoulders, and after his body disappeared in place, he jumped directly, holding the dragon sword in both hands, making a slashing motion, and slashed over!

The black blade, the magic sword embedded with the snow-white keel, under Su Jin's full strength instilling strength, it directly seemed to have opened up a curved dragon blade strength!


Su Jin's face changed wildly, this sword had enough momentum and strength, but the divine appearance of the furnace messenger did not hit the slightest, but a dragon-shaped cut, slashing a hundred thousand black stone men!

"Just this ability?"

Armed with a two-edged slashing axe, the messenger turned into a cyan streamer, leaping forward in front of the divine residence behind, with fierce eyes full of ridicule and contempt, and then said with a weird smile: "Open your eyes to see the gap clearly. 'Open your mouth, a storm can blow you to death!"

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