My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2360: The wildest world (2/4)

Can a storm blow yourself to death?

Su Jin squinted his eyes. According to his standards for himself, this furnace messenger is just a bit crazy, he has the cost, but he is too loud!

"Jumping beam clown, see how long you can jump." As Su Jin said, he was wary of the "Divine Mansion" whose half of his body was hidden in the void. He hadn't seen this attack method, so he would naturally be cautious. .

The face of the messenger of the furnace gradually became savage, his arms opened slightly, and the billowing flames burned on the ‘Divine Mansion’ behind him, the huge eyes that were comparable to a celestial fault, burning like a furnace.


The divine mansion opened the huge mouth of the lake-like abyss, and spewed out a furnace of **** flame, covering a large area of ​​the **** city. The terrifying high temperature caused the stone skins on those buildings to melt, and some even began to peel off!

Contrary to the expectations of the three women, Su Jin immediately sat down cross-legged with his hands on his knees, put the dragon sword horizontally in front of him, and performed the gesture of holding the blade.

On the luminous cup, the scenes reflected in reverse gave both Big Crane Girl and Little Crane Girl amazed.

"Isn't this looking for death?" The big crane woman was surprised immediately.

"Fortunately—" The Goddess Shaking was shocked, thinking of something, the waves in her heart were calmed by her.

"It's okay?" Xiaohenv looked at the Goddess of Shaking Light, and looked at that scene again like her sister. I really didn't understand. Su Jin sat calmly facing the strong man who could transform into the "Divine Mansion Phase". .

"Just look at it, the surprise he brought you far exceeds your imagination." The goddess Shaoguang calmed down and faced the two women.

Although the Goddess of Shaking Light did not believe that Su Jin could contend with such a strong man, since he found him in this life, he had shocked him that he had never imagined before.

Under the gaze of the three women, the sharp attack of the messenger of the furnace, like a storm, the temperature of the furnace at which the city of God can be scorched, was actually resolved by Su Jin sitting around——

His eyes are grayish blue!

"Wordless Heavenly Secret!" The envoy of the forge opened wide, and roared in horror!

He stared at the place where Su Jin was sitting, as if not daring to believe his own eyes, but the state of ‘perpetually perpetual’ was by no means false. The entire battlefield seemed like the messenger of the furnace was singing a one-man show.

Although Su Jin is on the battlefield, he looks at where he is, as if he is in the distant deep space, Shenyan does not touch him, and there is always a ‘distance’ in between.

"The tree of enlightenment, the wordless Tianmi, he--" The big crane girl opened her mouth, obviously knowing a lot about the'Tian Mi', of course she should have heard of the famous name.

"The wordless heavenly secret, this is constant and other is constant, which is several levels higher than the special state of'not in the five elements', but this state needs to be maintained. If the deity's physical body moves power, it will automatically be released." The little crane girl was obviously also very surprised.

"Believe him, since I dared to go alone, I still have a good grasp of it." The Goddess Shaking said to the two women, while comforting in her own heart.

At this moment, the messenger of the furnace was anxious, and the giant behind him, like lava, swam full of flames, and shouted like the deity: "Coward! You dare to fight directly!"

"Why not dare!"

Su Jin squinted, raised his right hand, snapped his fingers, and a sword box floated. With a light brush, the sword box gave birth to pleated sword clouds, and said softly, "Go sword!"

The overbearing "Long Yuan" with the aura of the emperor directly uttered a golden dragon's whistling sound. Su Jin opened up the avenue of physical skills and the "sword god". At this moment, the power was revealed!

Vaguely, Su Jin sat on the top, as if there was a phantom that was hundreds of feet high, he manifested, holding the Long Yuan, and slashing towards the ‘Divine Residence’!

One sword, crazy dragon chant!

That high-pitched Dragon Abyss, as if to release all the dragon might, with this blow to kill the divine residence of the messenger of the furnace!


A line of rift was cut out in the void, and the fire wave rolled wildly on the materialized "Divine Mansion Phase". Following the action of the furnace messenger, it began to condense its fist with one arm, and slammed the dragon deep!

As everyone knows, visions can also be smashed, and the same is true of Divine Residence, but this requires a very strong force, and Su Jin's blow made the Forge Messenger feel threatened!

After all, this is the real sword body road, it is the sword **** road, and the road that can condense the divine body!

Qiang Qiang!

The sparks flashed like a lava volcano erupting, and Long Yuan, which had been turned into a giant sword, entered on the huge arm of the divine residence, and lost most of the blade.

Su Jin relaxed a little, this furnace messenger was weaker than expected. After all, it can be seen from this blow that it is not that he can't hurt the opponent!

After trying out the opponent's strength in this way, Su Jin naturally felt a lot easier.

Su Jin positioned the opponent at the top of the human gods. Fortunately, the opponent did not break through, otherwise it would be more difficult for him to fight, and with his current strength, facing the human gods, if the strength is difficult to restrain the opponent's power, I am afraid the opponent can easily pinch to death Yourself.

"With this blow, you are far from enough, and this is probably your strongest strength!" The furnace messenger body shook, the Dragon Abyss sword was shaken back, and the wound shook. Just restored.

Su Jin was cold-eyed, stretched out his hand to let Long Yuan return the box, and contained it in the bone ring. After the sword test, he took the initiative to get up from the state of ‘constant and constancy’. After all, this is nothing.

If it is to maintain the ‘Perseverance and the Perseverance’ for a long time, and to maintain the operation of the ‘No’ Heaven’s Secret, an inexhaustible force is required. Obviously, for Su Jin’s current situation, it is not realistic and definitely not wise.

"You're just so--" Su Jin carried the dragon sword, and when he said that, he was actually going to use his own body to directly fight the smashing furnace messenger!

The Messenger of the Forge glared, he really didn't know whether to cry or laugh now.

And millions of miles away, Yaoguang three women were suppressed, especially the big and small crane girls.

Su Jin is definitely the wildest world in history!

none of them! Unique!

When the three women were shocked, Su Jin raised his hand and pointed, and a ‘fairy bridge’ spanning deep space was shaken out. There was a white fairy dragon coiled around on that celestial bridge, with a frightening aura.

But when the Heavenly Bridge was shaken out, it only slowed down the furnace messenger by one percent. Think about how terrifying the furnace messenger is. After all, this is the power of the world fairy road!

Su Jin seemed to have expected it, but it was better than nothing. Soon his body shook. The seven small worlds around him were like illusions, directly enclosing most of the **** city. In each small world, there was a shadow of him condensed with the soul. !

Among the seven small worlds, Xiahui reflected each other, and thunder and lightning struck from the seven directions. The lightning was engulfed and connected to the deity, and then the seven small worlds began to erupt—

"Fantasy Light!" The Goddess Shaking excitedly shouted.

The big crane girl and the little crane girl were dumbfounded and stunned on the spot.

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