My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2361: Fight to the death! (3/4)

It turned out that Sister Yao Guang knew that Su Jin had the ‘Fotu Shenguang’.

No wonder, the Goddess of Shaking Light just now said that the surprise for her sisters is still behind. The big and small crane girls are indeed very confused. The Buddha's light has the power of'sacrifice'. If the seven small worlds are closed, it will be weaker. The strong will be born in it and die by sacrifice!


But how can the Messenger of the Forge be an ordinary strong?

Although the Buddha's light is terrifying, he knows his own power well.

"The more you show it, the more you can't let you live! Although this'fantasy light' is powerful, it doesn't do much to me. My armor is made of the same material as the furnace of heaven and earth."

The Messenger of the Furnace smiled sullenly, "Moreover, I am the only furnace-keeper for thousands of years. This divine armor already contains a little aura of the furnace of heaven and earth. You can't hurt me with such a light!"

Su Jin's face became heavy with an expression of'unbelief', but when the seven small worlds merged and condensed the Buddha's light to the extreme, he actually stopped pretending and laughed.

"Who said that I used the Buddha's light to sacrifice and kill you?" Su Jin sipped coldly.

"Then your purpose—"

The Forge Messenger frowned, "trap me?"

Indeed, if Su Jin didn’t leave the Buddha’s light and kept accumulating his energy, he would think he could not get out of the scope of the Buddha’s light. The seven Buddha Buddhas closed together were too terrifying. They went round and round, but he was not afraid of Su Jin’s power. Is limited.

Su Jin did not explain.

In fact, it's more than just trapping the other party!

Within the light of the Buddha, the speed of the messenger of the furnace has been slowed by nearly half. Although there is a pair of divine armor, the limit is still very great.

Su Jin carried the dragon sword and headed straight to the messenger of the furnace.

Qiang Qiang!

The messenger of the furnace didn't move at all. In addition to protecting his eyes, he let Su Jin slash it!

In that kind of situation, one cut is accurate, but there is nothing else but overflowing sparks! The most important thing is the difference in realm. The dragon sword in Su Jin's hand is not a mortal thing, but compared with the years of cultivation of this furnace messenger, Su Jin is almost not enough.

If it is of the same realm, this armor is broken under the dragon knife, not like paper?

Shaking the three women, stunned.

"This defense can't be broken, how can it be fought, and this furnace messenger has a **** armor, it's too scary--" The big crane girl was a little scared.

"He seems to have no choice but to cut the armor like this, and even a mark can't appear. Look at the furnace messenger, he doesn't move halfway, and he doesn't even have the idea of ​​turning around." The little crane girl sighed.

Shaking the goddess Fen's fists are tight, her eyes are extremely solemn, not only her, I am afraid she feels that Su Jin has never encountered such a situation.

The Messenger of the Furnace was very proud and said, "Have you cut enough? Don't say I hit you. If you cut like this, the ancestors will not move anything. If you cut it for 10,000 years, you will not be able to cut the slightest armor."

Useless work.

Everyone seems to be.

"You--" Su Jin swayed his body, stopped a hundred meters away from the messenger of the furnace face to face, panting heavily, staring at the messenger of the furnace.

"It's time for me, you take my blow!" The forge messenger raised his head, his body trembled, and the huge entrenched "Divine Mansion" in the void above his back, with a fierce face, directly stretched out his right arm and slammed it at Su Jin- —


Su Jin’s life and death king Buddha and Daming ancient Buddha’s real bodies are condensed, and their figures are much smaller than that of the divine residence, but when the huge Buddha palms look forward, many Buddha intents and Sanskrit singing appear from the deep, artistic conception It's also different!

The palms of the Buddha lightly closed, the golden giant Buddha's palms condensed the ancient Buddha's rhyme, turned into a Buddha fist, refused to give in half a point, and smashed -


A circle of two-color power, in the shape of a burning arc, directly sweeps through deep space!

I don’t know what materials are used in the building of God City. Only a few of them were cut off. The arcs of power generated by those two forces spread far, far away, at least as large as a million miles!

Even the three of the Goddess of Shaking Light, looking far north without passing through the luminous cup, can see the terrifying and amazing colors.

After the boom there was silence.


The three goddesses of shaking light heard the coughing through the luminous cups, and watching the scene of the manifestation reflection, Su Jin's "Buddha Dao Golden Body" was trembling, his eyes were gloomy, and he was constantly coughing up Buddha's blood!

That right arm was a bit scrapped. If it weren't for the golden arm, it would have been blasted into ashes. Now it is lying under it, as if it is difficult to recover for the time being.

"One-shot not to die?" The messenger of the furnace sweated slightly on his forehead, staring at Su Jin, with some disbelief in his own eyes, and Su Jin's arm, Fu Hui was spiraling around, apparently recovering quickly.

"Treasure your only time left now--" Su Jin's lips were stained with Buddha's blood, and he looked up at the messenger of the furnace, and he laughed after speaking.

Some crazy!

"The golden body you rely on, your right arm is already hard to move, and you dare to speak wild words?" The Forge Messenger asked coldly.

"I still have a left arm!" Su Jin held the floating black dragon knife with his left hand. Although his lips were stained with Buddha's blood, his momentum was not weak, and he pointed to the messenger of the furnace.

"Let me see how hard your mouth is! I am going to destroy your Taoist body today and take your Wordless Heaven Secret!" When the messenger of the furnace thought that Su Jin was carrying the word ‘No Word Heaven Secret’, his eyes became eager.

After finishing speaking, the messenger of the furnace came in stride a hundred meters apart.

Shaking the goddess turned her face and couldn't bear to look at it anymore. She knew that Su Jin had lost the power to counteract, coughing up Buddha's blood, had become weak, and the other party was not injured at all. This gap is not a little bit.

"Walking in the sacred light of the Buddha, although the speed is not fast, I can hardly imagine that this step can be done -" The big crane girl sighed.

"He can't escape this catastrophe." Xiaohenu also said.

The two women saw the shaking of their heads, and felt a trace of her sadness. Seeing this, the two sisters of Henv also regretted their talents. A strong man like Su Jin has super talents and lacks only time.

Su Jin's smile gradually solidified, raised his left arm, wiped the Buddha's blood on his lips with his sleeve, and the scene fell into strange silence for a while.

One second, five seconds, passed.

After all, it is difficult to resist the attraction. Big Crane Girl and Xiao Crane Girl couldn't help but look through the luminous cup. This didn't matter, they directly scared the two women!

"Are you going to work hard? This is a desperate fight?" Dahe Nu's face changed, and finally her heart was like a deer.

"Among the divine lights, the ninth-ranked Yin Ming divine light--" Xiaohe Nu didn't dare to blink, as if she was afraid to miss this scene, she said slowly.

The Goddess of Shaking Light heard this, although her heart was anxious, she looked sideways and saw that Su Jin's left arm was lowered, and the whole person was standing in the void of the **** city like a wooden stake.

And pieces of the word'death', like ashes, were flying around him.

On the eyebrows, the prison eye of Maha Town is open! A gray-black scene of divine light, in which the densely packed ‘death’, with the divine light, enveloped the messenger of the furnace!

The Goddess of Shaking Light was clutching her worried heart, her eyes blurred, and she muttered:

"Nine-dead Heavenly Skill... Can the inheritance of the Shroud kill the Forge Messenger?"

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