My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2366: Unknown world

Yin wind cry.

At the bottom of the cemetery, ghosts and shadows burst into darkness.

When you look far away, you can see the magnificent building, the physical ‘Daxiong Palace’, which is hidden deep on the ground. The building is black, but the dim Buddha light is shining from the year to today.

When Su Jin was leaving, he changed into black clothes and repaired the margins. So far when he went out, he saw the ‘Daxiong Hall’ and walked directly outside the hall, sat cross-legged, his hands clasped together.

On the dark wall, there is a huge ‘Zen’ character, serene and far-reaching, the huge Buddha statue inside the door is as new as it was before, showing a golden and majestic color.

"Seeing the benefactor again, it's really fortunate for the dead monk--"

The voice came, and a black shadow suddenly appeared in the west. It was the old monk who had met Su Jin. He hadn't seen it for a long time. The old monk's eye sockets were sunken, and his muddy eyes seemed to be smaller.

"Senior..." Su Jin placed his hands on his knees, and was about to continue talking, but was interrupted by the old monk.

"You can take away the relic at any time. The blood flowing in your body is my Chinese blood. Other people's obsessions do not understand. Why do you need to tell me and deceive you and me?" The old monk seemed to know what Su Jin wanted to say and directly persuaded him.

At the beginning, Su Jin felt that this old monk was unusual. Just now when he was about to talk about his tension with the underworld, this old monk seemed to know!

This obviously went beyond Su Jin's expectations.

"I had forgotten this place, but I was helplessly poisoned and there is no way to relieve it, so I had to come and try it--" Su Jin said with some shame.

"Some forgetting is a good thing, but if you don't forget the Buddha, it is the Buddha. The relic can understand the principles of your Buddhism, but it can't help you get rid of the evil poison. There may be a place." As the old monk said, he walked in tremblingly. Daxiong Hall, gently raised his skinny arms, his hands glowed with a powerful Buddha light!

Soon, the relics the size of pigeon eggs bloomed with tens of thousands of Buddha's glory, making it difficult for people to look directly at it, and even the entire underground space was illuminated!

Su Jin hesitated slightly and asked, "Where?"

"Holy Mountain!" The old monk turned around, holding the floating relic in both hands, staring at Su Jin, and said the location.

Holy mountain?

Su Jin was hit hard, but after stiffening, he was a little confused in his eyes. He naturally knew what the word sacred mountain meant, which meant'Kunlun'.

Su Jin has been to the Kunlun Sacred Mountain more than once, and even his own "Tree of Enlightenment" was originally grown there. This place has always been mysterious.

For example, the picture on the Beidou altar has the pattern of Shennong collecting medicine in it, and the ‘Suiren’ also remembers the holy mountain. Obviously, Su Jin still knows very little about the secret of the holy mountain.


Su Jin was full of Buddha's glory in his thoughts, and his eyebrows opened automatically, the'Great Wisdom Buddha Eye', which complemented the relic, and actually made contact. I saw the Buddha's pupil cast a scene of Buddha Xia, taking the initiative from the old monk. The relic that flew out of the palm of the hand enveloped--

For a time, Su Jin seemed to see the various states of life, birth, old age, sickness and death, the six impermanence, and even the mixed feelings of happiness and suffering, all of which were realized one by one in the Buddhist and Taoist artistic conception emanating from the relic.

Su Jin's bodhicitta suddenly suffused the Buddha's sky, and forced the bloodshot from it back. He was frightened for a moment, raised his palm flat, and received the relic.

"Candle Dragon is extraordinary poison, young friends still need to take care --" The old monk saw the cheerfully jumping relic, after being held tightly by Su Jin, his old face suddenly seemed to be a little old again.

"Thanks to seniors for enlightening, I rushed to Kunlun Holy Mountain."

Su Jin stood up, bowed gently and saluted. After the salute, two fairy wings appeared behind him, and a trace of feathered artistic conception trickled out, with a faint pattern under his feet.


The great ascension technique was used, and Su Jin disappeared in Qincheng Cemetery——

The dead monk sighed heavily, the relic disappeared, the entire Daxiong Hall, the Buddha's light was no longer, his stubborn body trembled, facing the Daxiong Hall, step by step.

Every step he took, his body was surrounded by golden light, and his flesh and skin began to decay and turned into golden dust. Finally, in front of the golden Buddha, he took a futon and sat down, which turned into a golden bone.

This is actually a golden body!

The Buddha's glory blooms on the gold body, so that the Buddha's glory here will never be extinct!


Under the blue sky and white clouds, the majestic Kunlun Mountains stretch out without end, and many peaks are covered with white snow, but under the snow is lush, green forests are all over the mountains.

Su Jinyi was attacked by the mountain peaks and hunted. He stood on a high mountain and looked at a blue lake in the distance, dotted in the Kunlun Mountains, as beautiful as a gem.

Su Jin even saw a snow-capped mountain. Under the snow-capped mountain, yak flocks, grazing the grass and drinking the snow spring where the snow meets the forest. The beautiful and picturesque scene will be unforgettable forever.

The old monk told him to come to the sacred mountain, but Su Jin didn't know where the antidote was. The senior could see the "Candle Dragon Poison" in his body at a glance, obviously he would not aimlessly.

The herding girl who drove the yak was clearly eye-catching. The girl was dressed in ethnic costume. In addition to raising a large herd of yak, she also raised a lamb.

Now he is holding the lamb, sitting beside the snow spring, teasing the lamb to play——

Su Jin took five steps and stayed at Wufeng, but he was puzzled by the lofty mountain range and could not find a clue.

Stopped at the Fifth Peak, swimming cross-legged to get out of the soul, so imaginary, and stopped for half an hour...


Su Jin was suddenly awakened by a burst of heart palpitations. When he stood up and looked towards the far north, the scene in the pupil of the gods made his expression stern.

In the sky above Jiuyou Jibei, there was a dim yellow glow from the eruption of nine eyes, and those glowing rays condensed the vision of nine yellow wells. I don't know what happened!

Su Jin knew that location was in front of the Nine Nether Blood Sea!

The Kunlun Sacred Mountain is located in the Northwest, adjacent to the Gobi Desert in the west, and from the Jiuyou Jedi. If it were not for the separation of the inner and outer domains, it would not be far away—

Since he couldn't figure out the context, Su Jin decided to support Jiuyou first when he was hesitant to stabilize the battle, and then carefully explore the Kunlun sacred mountain!


In the depths of Jiuyou, before the sea of ​​blood.

In the distance on the Divine Phoenix Boat, the Goddess Shaking and the others were on it, his face solemnly watched the eruption of the nine-eyed yellow spring, and the boundary wall opened a door again at this moment——

Bang, bang, violent fighting all around!

The Ksitigarbha King was holding the "Life and Death Book" and resisted in front of a tall giant with long horns and holding a battle axe. It was obvious that it was a demon emperor's existence, and it was not easy to support it.

"This cut, I, Aruye, cut your Bodhisattva in four directions!" The tall giant, with his burly arm muscles wriggling, he slashed out the blood with a battle axe and slashed towards the Ksitigarbha!

The Ksitigarbha king's face changed slightly, and he was about to retreat, but the opponent was the great emperor, the great emperor who walked out of the unknown world! It's very difficult to deal with, and all I use is the imperial realm!

In the void, Su Jin came from Kunlun Sacred Mountain. When he showed his figure, he was under the giant axe!

Raising his hand, Su Jin used his fingertips, floating lightly on the cut axe...

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