My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2367: Fly Ash Annihilation at a glance (1/4)

Not afraid of the imperial realm, he took the giant Aruye with his bare hands, Su Jin's lonely back, unique temperament, even if no one sees his face, he can know at a glance——

he came!

Aruye caught the axe blade by the small piece of fingertips, and was shocked immediately, shouting with fear, "Who is coming!"

The wind is flying, the ink is flying, Su Jin's eyes are like deep stars, which are impressive, and the expression of ease, so that all the strong in the dark are paying attention to him!

Su Jin’s fingers are flexible, just like playing a piano and swaying a string. The little finger, ring finger, and then **** are flexibly swept away, and the blood-stained giant axe is directly shattered!

Aruye was blown away fiercely, spurting blood, his wide-eyed eyes were totally unbelieving!

"Get back."

Su Jin didn't even look at that Aruye, but stared at the nine-eyed yellow spring, and then said: "Little Monarch, this king can make you fly into ashes and annihilate you with a single look. If you dare to be presumptuous, this king will break the boundary. Kill you without leaving it!"

"Arrogant!" Although Aruye was jealous, he thought that Su Jin had just been a little tricky. In addition, he was fighting with the Ksitigarbha King, consuming his strength, and it was not strong at that time, not full.

Now after drinking violently, Aruye's armor is dazzling, and a trace of black and red blood lingers around him, directly showing the emperor!

Su Jin gently raised his head, eyes that looked like deep stars and Aruye looked at each other--

There was an exclamation sound all around.

In Aruye's eyes, two ‘dead’ characters clearly appeared! The ups and downs of the four characters directly caused him to fall into a short period of sluggishness.


Aruye roared wildly, holding the emperor's skull, and there was endless pain in the roar. His huge emperor body began to crack, and the emperor's blood fell into the sea of ​​blood and merged into one color!

When the body collapsed, the emperor's bones were cracked...

Bang! After only a short breath, Aruye couldn't even escape the Emperor Spirit, and he was completely destroyed!

This! this is too scary!

Ksitigarbha King looked at Su Jin's back, with a trace of coldness hidden deep in his eyes, except for him, the scene cheered.

Tens of thousands of people outside the territory are watching Southern Xinjiang and the Sea of ​​Blood in the Nine Nethers. At this moment, Su Jin killed an emperor with a single look, and it was a huge boost!

In the middle domain, in the Mohist institution city, I haven't seen a young beauty for a long time. She loves to cover her face with black gauze. She wears a white shirt on the outside. She is actually a goddess of Yin and Yang——

Not long ago, the goddess of Yin and Yang came to Organ City because Mo Yue and Su Jin knew each other well, and then she stayed for a few days. With excitement in her beautiful big eyes, she watched the scene of Mo Zu waved and manifested, her delicate body trembled slightly. .

The entire organ city uttered noisy exclamations!

"Tianzi Su killed a great emperor at a glance! This is too strong! How terrible is he now?" A disciple in the organ city was so excited that he didn't believe it.

"Yes! Absolutely better than the former Emperor Qingshuang and Emperor Huangquan of China Great World! Because even Emperor Huangquan can't do this step, he may not be the emperor anymore." There is a holy queen sister, incredible. While chatting with his companions, the admiration in his eyes was undisguised.

"Isn't it the emperor..." There was a terrible guess in the monk's heart.

"Is it the legendary world?"

"Against the world! Kill an emperor at a glance!"

"Under Emperor Huangquan, we were silent in the years and looked down upon by the outside world, but now we have Su Tianzi born, and he has finally risen!"

"Have you heard that Emperor Su almost wiped out the great world of Yuanshi not long ago, and even the beauty of the landlord was taken away by him——"


Words such as these are everywhere in the Five Regions, but at this moment it is not just a battlefield in the Sea of ​​Blood in the Nine Nethers. In the Red Tide Sea in southern Xinjiang, there is a magical monkey thrown into the Red Tide Sea with a shot and floated. One hundred thousand ancient coffins!

And a Buddha with overwhelming magic power actually enveloped the entire sea of ​​red tide, and chanting the Buddha's words actually caused the one hundred thousand ancient coffin to shake, as if it were communicating with corpses.

Jiuyou blood sea.

Su Jin shook the power of the dark, turned his head and walked to the shore. He saw Lan Yueya, saw the Emperor Shaoman, and even Dream Girl looked very excited. The mountain armor king was carrying a mud girl, her body like a rock. It left a few mottled wounds.

Jiang Xiaji and Lan Jingxue were standing on the Divine Phoenix Boat with the Goddess of Shaking Light, while Nine Heavens Saint Ji Shiyao was in the same place with the powerhouses such as Wan Beast Mountain, Yemon Gate, Luan Feng Pavilion, and their expressions were a little embarrassed, but now their expressions are different. Very excited.

"Why don't you do it?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked the Goddess Shaking.

"Stay here overnight, you haven't seen a terrible situation, I'm afraid this disaster will be difficult for you, it's not like I will return to the heavens." Yao Guang persuaded.

The big crane girl and the little crane girl were teasing the protoss baby girl. Su Jin hesitated after hearing the words and looked at the protoss baby girl for a while, and asked, "Is it about the nine-eyed yellow spring?"

"Yes or not, I don't know what's going on behind this boundary wall, I think there is no weaker than you!" The dignified voice of the goddess Shaking light came.

Su Jin fell into silence.

What happened to the Nine Eyes Huangquan, could it be that the Scarlet Town Demon Tower was taken away by himself, and it evolved strangely? But it was also a last resort, after all, it was related to Meng's safety.

"Brother Jizo——"

Su Jin turned to look at the Ksitigarbha King, and said gently: "I heard that you took a bone in the blood that day, can you let me take a look."

"Don't borrow." The Ksitigarbha King refused to dissipate the bodhisattva body in all directions, and his voice seemed to have no room for negotiation.

"The same Chinese boy, no matter what Brother Ji Zang knows, he should abandon his premonitions at this moment and face the enemy together." Su Jin's face was pulled down.

The Ksitigarbha King glanced at Su Jin coldly, then refused to say a word, but turned around and left.

Miss Meng’s complexion is also not very good-looking. It seems to be seen on both Jizo and Su Jin, but some words are still difficult to explain——

But Su Jin's brows began to frown very tightly. What secrets are hidden in the bones that the King of Ksitigarb has taken away? It would have caused such a big reaction from the Ksitigarbha King, he was relieved after thinking about it, and he shouldn't think about it now.

"Boss, don't care, anyway, you are not afraid of anyone now!" Shaomanhuang was a little upset, quietly speaking.

"You were sent away by the Four Holy Spirits that day. Have you found anything since you came back?" Su Jin transmitted to Lan Yueya and Shaoman Emperor.

Lan Yueya's face changed slightly, as if he wanted to speak again, but he saw Su Jin staring at his face, staring at him, swallowed the words raw, shook his head and said, "No."

Su Jin swept the audience's gaze and saw Bai Baobab crying and wiping tears. When he was about to ask about the situation, he seemed to be aware of it, and turned around sharply, condensing his arms!

Severely grasped the boundary of the unknown world——.

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