My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2377: When I return here (2/4)

Worry, uneasy.

After all, I know why!

Su Jin's handsome face, like the eyes of deep stars, was immediately sharp as a blade, staring closely at the face of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, seeing her panicked expression with great guilt.


Su Jin's fist suddenly squeezed, his voice inevitably louder.

"When I set off a few days ago, I sent my sister Fuyao and Yuyan’s lover to the Midway Star Formation Station. I have stayed there so far in the morning, so that I can pass some messages with my sister at the'Star Formation Station'. This is Yujian. ."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was short of breath, hurriedly stretched out his palm and handed it to Su Jin a jade slip with the word "Fu" on it.

Su Jin took it and closed his eyes. The scene stored in it immediately made his liver and guts torn apart, and bloodshot eyes filled his eyes.

In the scene, Qionglou Yuyu has it. There is a big city built with mountain dragons. The entire huge dragon-shaped **** city is full of snow. Xia Yuyan is dressed in white, sitting under an old tree and carved on it with his own hands. The word'Su Jin'.

My heart trembled, Su Jin knew what that meant——

Once the king of Chu, he left under the old pear tree in the "Forbidden Immortal Fief".

And Xia Yuyan now...

"Who, who bewitched Yuyan! He actually did something to kill the love!" Su Jin suddenly opened his eyes and questioned the Madam Dao Zun.

"I don't know the specific situation, but it seems to be a female cultivator with great power. She said she took her lover as her daughter, promised to unlock the seal for her, and said that she would become a female emperor after she cut her love." Huan Zhao Dao Zun was not on the scene, Can only be judged by a brief conversation with my sister.

"The Empress." Su Jinhu smiled sadly, shaking his head with tears in his eyes.

"I suspect that I have been deceived. The lover may be told that after the love is cut, the empress will be able to find the root of love." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

"Fu Yao! Where is she!"

"I have been under house arrest, and I can't see Yuyan disciples--." Huan Zhao Dao Venerable didn't dare to look into Su Jin's eyes.

Su Jin raised his hand, closed his mouth, and fiercely nodded Huan Zhao Dao Zun with his finger.

Speechless, represents monstrous hatred!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun had been prepared to be punished and scolded a long time ago, and said again and again: "Now there is still a chance to remedy it. When I came, my sister Fu Yao heard news that it was under the tree of love, and Yu Yan stared at it for two days. , The handwriting has not disappeared at all—"

Cut the love tree, the lettering is like bones, and the two characters ‘Su’ and ‘Jin’ have not disappeared at all.

Su Jin's body was trembling, but his heart was hurting and painful. This kind of feeling is worse than digging out his heart and liver, it may be better!

"Tell everything you know!" Su Jin's voice was shaking.

"If it is difficult to cut under the tree of love, my sister is afraid that the other party will give me a pill of love, so I immediately asked me to rush to it, and said, I made a lot of mistakes, and my sister was willing to receive punishment afterwards!"

When Huan Zhao Dao Zun said, he buried his head lower.

"Your sister...I better hope she didn't obey the Zhanqing Pill..." Su Jin slowly got up with a strong hate tone, now is not the time to pursue the blame.

Moreover, the poison is in the body and the life is dying, these are not important!

The head can be broken, the blood can flow, the loyal soul is hard to dispel!

The mountains and rivers are in distress, the country is picturesque! Foreign enemies are eager to watch, coveting our China China!

The red tide sea in southern Xinjiang has revived the whistle.

The Nine Nether Blood Sea, the enemy of the foreign world, the heart that perishes my Shenzhou is not dead!

‘Emotion’ is bone-eroding poison, and ‘Zhanqing’ is even more like a bone scraping knife!

Facing the three big mountains with "heaven and earth as furnace" and "sacred mountain as incense", how could Su Jin make such an easy choice?

Look up to the sky, tears unyielding!

Who thought for him, who shared it for him!

Now Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked in his eyes, but was anxious, and naturally knew that this crisis needed Su Jin to clean up, but now there was no way, she did not want this kind of thing to happen.

Silent, Su Jinyi was hunting and hunting. Under the mountain breeze, in the entire Nine Heavens Palace, there weren't many people looking up at him.

Those are all persuasive eyes--

Yao Guang and Crane Girls are all peeping at each other, but Meng Girl seems to have guessed something, but she is very supportive of Su Jin's decision, regardless of whether Jiuyou is guarded!

Scanned one by one,

Su Jin looked at Huan Zhao Dao Zun, calmed down and asked, "How many days will it take to get to Fu Yao?"

"Two days. There was a galaxy storm in the middle of the way. This requires a stop at the transit star formation station, otherwise it won't take so long."

Huan Zhao Dao Zun said quickly.

"Where is the star map!" Su Jin stretched out his hand.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun directly offered it with both hands. It was an ancient sheepskin picture. When they went, they marked the location of the star array, and they could see the route and end point. The transmission time was not long, mainly to avoid the turbulent time of the storm.

Holding the star map tightly, Su Jin could no longer suppress his anger, and the monstrous anger made him a little furious, "Whoever makes her sit under the tree of love, the blood of the whole clan will be destroyed by me! Who gave it. Zhanqingdan! Who should be prepared to be frustrated by me!"

You must die! ! !

Suddenly, Huan Zhao Dao Zun was frightened by Su Jin's aura, and took two steps backwards. She saw Su Jin's body surrounded by death, and even faintly saw the trace of the candle dragon raising his head around him.

The bright red candle dragon, like a lacquered candle dragon eye, is about to take away the soul of a person. This is too scary!

"When will we leave?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun tried to calm down, while worrying about Su Jin's state, asked anxiously.

"I'll explain it well—"

Su Jin slowly turned around, facing the Emperor Shaoman and Yao Guang on the palace gate of the Nine Heavens Palace, it was obvious that everyone was listening.

But everyone didn't know that the'explanation' mentioned by Tianzi Su was not meant for the people present!

Lightly closing his eyes, a mysterious artistic conception loomed around Su Jin, and he directly entered the state of "Wandering Taixu"!

Yuanshen traveled too far! The voice has a strong sense of shock, but it is also beyond doubt!

In the five domains, everyone heard what Su Jin said to the Tianlong Great World——

"When I return here, if the Heavenly Dragon Realm dared to fight half-heartedly, I will squeeze your realm soil, let the corpse of Er et al drift in the abyss of void, let Er et al's blood to repay the price, let Er et al's souls enjoy God The bitterness of flame roasting! Never live beyond birth!"

In the five domains, I don't know how many people are secretly clenching their fists for Su Jin.

Many people have experienced it, knowing that Su Jin is not easy, and in such a situation, Su Tianzi even thought of the foreign enemy, the Heavenly Dragon Realm.

of course!

Jiuyou Jibei, the unknown world within the boundary, is the top priority!

Su Jin's voice appeared in that foreign and unknown world, directly resounding in every corner!

"When I return here, if China Shenzhou breaks a piece of grass and mustard, it will be less than half of the sacred soil, and it will damage my human soul! Returning I...I will definitely make you a foreign corpse like an ant! The blood flow... spread it out as a galaxy!"

That's right!


Flowing into a galaxy!

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