My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2378: Don't keep alive? (3/4)

Who, who has the courage to say this under such circumstances?

Moreover, the meaning in Su Jin's words is nothing more than that I have something to leave. Whenever I move my rivers and mountains, when I return, I will be burned with jade and stone, and the end will not stop. Others may be Kyogen.

Maybe not.

But no one doubts that he can do it!

The black night sky, dotted with stars, the entire Five Domains, the Unknown World, and even the Great World of Heavenly Dragon, were all quiet for a while, and the leaves could be heard——

Dao Zun Huan Zhao opened the void passage and dashed in with Su Jin, Su Jin's voice, after he left, everyone seemed to hang a heavy hammer on their heads, this is the pressure caused by Su Tianzi's prestigious reputation!


Half a day later, Su Jin and Huan Zhao Dao Zun appeared by the edge of a galaxy and boarded a huge wooden boat with two huge sputums. The boat had sails. On the road ahead, there were dark clouds gathering, thundering thunder, and heavy rain. Fell down.

The entire wooden boat is three hundred feet high and thirty miles long. There are over 2,000 monks who have boarded the boat. There are men, women and children, and there are several young girls who appear beautiful and busy from time to time.

Su Jin carried the dragon sword on his back, watched the wooden boat set sail, and then looked at the teleportation gate far away. It came from an ancient formation in Huaxia, but he didn't expect to go by boat.

"It will take a day to cross this galaxy, and it will be just night at that time, there will be a star formation station there, and we will start to set off again the next day --" said Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"When you arrive at that station, can you receive the latest news?" Su Jin looked at Huan Zhao Dao Zun and asked.


Huan Zhao Dao Zun hesitated a little, and finally nodded, provided that there is no accident, but the probability of problems is relatively small.

Su Jin was not in the mood to admire the scenery anymore, turned around and walked towards the cabin door. He returned to the room. Why did he take this wooden boat? He had already seen that the galaxy could not be crossed, that is, there was time, and waiting would only waste time.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun followed closely, but when Su Jin was at the cabin door, he stopped--

There was a girl in Cuiyi carrying an exquisite beast bone washbasin, the water in it was bright red, and she seemed to be anxious. After looking at Su Jin, the girl showed a vigilant expression and did not speak, she was busy working on her own.

Su Jin didn't say a word. There were a lot of people when he boarded the ship, so Huan Zhao Dao Zun paid a high price and bought a room No. 49. Although it was only one room, it could be passed by just one day.

He didn't mind, and Huan Zhao Dao Zun naturally did.

Room 49.

Su Jin looked at the small space, thought about finding a futon to sit down, folded his hands up and down, and began to heal.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao is very nervous. She is a strong man in the heavens. She obviously feels the power of Su Jin's world. In addition to surprises, she also has faint worries.

The worry is that Su Jin is using huge power to suppress the poison in her body. She sees that there are bright red candle dragon bows around Su Jin. The ink-painted eyes are very scary. Su Jin has actually been hit by the famous candle dragon poison. !

Another hour passed.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was boring, quietly walked behind a cloth curtain, looked at the stone bathtub where only one person could lie, his face was relieved.

Because of Xia Yuyan’s affairs, she rushed all the way, where could there be time to take a good bath——

The steaming water was placed at the right height, Huan Zhao Dao Zun observed Su Jin more and found that he was just as before, and immediately relieved.

After a while~~~

"Why is the ship slowing down?" Su Jin opened his eyes and looked on the curtain.

Vaguely and faintly, there are snow-white scented shoulders, jade necks, cheeks, etc. appearing on the curtain, and even seem to have a thin white calf, stretched out and put on the edge of the bathtub.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun's tone weakened a bit, and he calmly said, "There are still several places to pick up people on the road, but please don't worry, you will definitely be able to get to that station one day—"

"Oh, take a good shower, and in the next period of time, no matter what happens, don't walk out of it." Su Jin said lightly.

"Why?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun had some doubts.

"This ship is not safe, your cultivation is too weak." Su Jin said without moving.

"I just saw that you were staying in front of the cabin door, and there was blood in the basin of the girl, so you suspected it?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun had all kinds of thoughts in his mind, and he could only think of this reason.

"It doesn't matter that there is no blood in the basin at the end. The important thing is that the girl also has blood on her face. She can't live for two hours." Su Jin said lightly.

In fact, Su Jin did not want to explain.

When staying in the cabin door before, at that moment, Su Jin saw the girl in the green clothes with the basin, her eyes were dull, her face was bloody, and she was in the same state as before when he saw the goddess of the holy mountain.

That's death

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was dumb, and there was no reason to question Su Jin at all. Perhaps it was very unbelievable to outsiders. After all, a world realm powerhouse said that she was too weak for the Heaven Realm Realm Dao Zun.

But Su Jin is really strong, not a normal world realm. In his emperor realm, he is not an opponent, and can shatter the chains of the gods of his sister Fuyao Palace Master.

Although Taoist Huan Zhao had a lot of doubts and was eager to understand, Su Jin didn't talk much to her, but was in the same room, and he was taking a shower. Although it was hidden by the curtain, there was always a strange feeling.

Su Jin closed his eyes again, trying to find a way to break through the second turn of the Nine Deadly Heavenly Power, but this was very difficult, and it could not be done in a short time.

In the end, Su Jin saw no results, so he had to condense the Buddha's will, manifest the Buddha wheel behind, and circle the golden Buddha pattern horizontally, overflowing under his body, suppressing the magical poison of the candle dragon!


The huge wooden boat set sail for the second time after it stopped, but when it swam 400 miles away from the star array, a full 28 gray-white bone claws were thrown out of the galaxy with chains involved!

In the middle of the head and tail, twenty-eight gray-white bone claws grabbed the entire wooden boat!

"What happened?" A nervous voice appeared outside.

"Could it be the Galaxy Pirates?" someone on the deck asked in horror.

"Impossible! Wanmeng has reached an agreement long ago that Galaxy will not allow any pirates to exist. It has been 700 years since the last time the Galaxy pirates were annihilated!" A monk directly rejected it.

"Broken, for such a big battle, isn't it the Galaxy Pirates that there are other forces working on merchant ships?"

"Merchant ships are also protected, who would dare to run wild on the Galaxy Route?"


The entire huge wooden ship creaked and squeaked in the huge galaxy, and it was difficult to get in any inch. The strange and unknown aura hovered between each monk, and no one knew what was going on!

And soon, a dim scene appeared in the galaxy, there was a black shadow hiding the galaxy, and ninety mysterious strong men stepped on the galaxy--

"Except for the target, all the other people in the ship are killed! No one can survive!"

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