My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2379: Disdain to play with your little forces (4/4)

Don't leave a living?

The people on the whole ship are making a noise. The mysterious comer wants to take action on the merchant ship carrying people and cargo. He doesn't take the Wanmeng agreement into consideration at all?

But the noise then turned into a dead silence. There were nearly two thousand five hundred monks on the ship, and ninety people came. I am afraid that only ten strong people can destroy the entire ship! Among them, there are ninety strong, and several longevity!

Dao Zun Huan Zhao’s heart beats like a drum, and she wants to get out of the bathtub from the curtain, but when she hears Su Jin’s previous explanation, she is still hesitating--

After hearing the words, Su Jin opened his eyes slightly, and immediately continued to stay together.

"Thief, take your life!"

In the huge wooden boat, eight young girls flashed up, holding a three-foot green front, walking into the void, and the eight directly joined forces to display a piece of green gang!

The cultivation of the monks on the boat is uneven, but the eight young girls who have emerged are all showing their beauty. Upon closer inspection, they are all in the realm of the peak of the Taoist priest. The peak of the Taoist priest is the realm of heaven. I am afraid that the origin is not simple!

Among them, there is the girl in green clothes who Su Jin saw the dead--

Ninety mysterious powerhouses seem to be all hidden in the illusion, making people unable to see their appearance, and even their breath is hard to distinguish. The first one is very strong, definitely the kind of old monster that can live for ten thousand years!

"It's only eight low-level servants, and they want to fight against me? You are not enough for thirty more Daoists!" The first person's voice was cold and waved, and two longevity strong came out.

Sha Sha Sha-

The galaxy within a radius of hundreds of miles was torn apart, like an ancient evil beast awakening and opening a big mouth, the piece of Qinggang cut out by the eight girls with their swords was taken by two longevity strong men!

"Puff..." The Cuiyi girl who had carried the blood basin beforehand vomited blood in disbelief. On her handsome face, there was a centipede-like strange insect swimming under her skin.

In that void, the eyes of the girl in Cuiyi gradually became dull, and she became apathetic. A snow-colored millipede poisonous insect bit through the flesh, and came out with a squeaky noise.

Falling down, falling deep into the galaxy——

"This is a Thousand Foot Gu worm! No wonder you know our movements!" Among the remaining seven girls, a girl had a pale face and a deep fear in her eyes.

"It's not a pity for a low servant to die... Your master is the target we want to take away. It's useless for anyone to say today! The whole ship will be buried in this galaxy!"

The first one has a dark voice. Although he is an old demon who has lived for thousands of years, his desire is still there. When he looked at the seven watery and fragile girls, he also brought some regrets in his eyes. It is a pity that these people are all Can't live.

In the face of ninety people who can kill all the people on the ship at any time, where are the other guests on the ship willing? Suddenly, a few people became annoyed and shouted.

"Who is your master? If you don't give it to your seniors, you are going to die, don't take us!" Someone suffered from unwarranted disaster and almost collapsed.

"That's right! If you hand over the people you want from the predecessors, you might be able to open up to us--"

"Speak up quickly, or we will do it ourselves and tie up your master!"

"We have seen these women. They live in Room 48. Let's go! Let's tie someone up!"


The seven young girls who rushed out were all unable to calm down at this moment. Originally, ninety strong men could not contend, but it didn't matter if they died, the master must leave safely!

for sure!

The atmosphere on the scene became tense for a while, and the ninety strong men seemed to be jealous of the masters of the seven servant girls. If the people on the boat said so, they can also explore the reality and reality, and the final killing will be the same.

When Su Jin heard that the master of the seven maidservants actually lived next door, he smiled slightly.

With seven heavenly realm powerhouses as servant girls, the person the other party asked for seemed very difficult. The most important thing was that he was living next door, which was beyond his expectation.

"No, there are five great powers of longevity! More than twenty heavenly powers! They are going to destroy our entire ship!"

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was in the bathtub, swimming out of the primordial spirit, and seeing the horror scene, the primordial spirit returned to his body immediately, dressed in a hurry, and walked out.

She didn't even know why Su Jin could still laugh, yet he was so calm!

Who dares not pay attention to such a huge trouble?

"Don't worry, what's the rush?" Su Jin glanced at Huan Zhao Dao Zun when he said calmly, and then couldn't move his eyes away.

When Huan Zhao Dao Zun came out in a hurry, he easily found a Chinese style pajamas from the storage ring. The pajamas were maroon. When they came out in a hurry, they just fit and fastened their belts.

The glimpse just now is nothing.

Even the snow-colored flat belly was caught in Su Jin's eyes. Her calves were close together, and the snow-like legs presented a very sharp contrast with the skirt of the pajamas.

Unlimited charm——

"Is this in a hurry?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun's wet hair, soaking his pajamas a little bit, stared at Su Jin and asked.

"The urgent one should be next door." Su Jin pointed to room 48 next door.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao didn't understand Young Master Su's thoughts. Others said that they wanted to destroy the whole ship, including her and Su Jin. Now he still has the intention of joking.

Ding Ding Ding Ding.

There were many voices of passengers rushing in the corridor, but a wave of longevity escaped, and immediately shocked everyone. They looked at the door of the room with 48 written from a distance and did not dare to break in.

Su Jin yawned. He didn't even have the desire to get up on the futon. He glanced at Huan Zhao Dao Zun and said, "I'll let you go out and drive away the ninety rubbish, dare you?"


Huan Zhao Dao Zun was completely stunned, as if he heard a big joke, watching Su Jin's expression, it didn't seem to be a joke!

"Don't dare." Huan Zhao Dao Zun directly chose to shake her head, she didn't die!

Su Jin opened his star-like eyes, with a slight helplessness on his face, and then surrounded the whole ship with a scene of emotion that made the Dao Zun Huan Zhao, and even the whole ship palpitating directly!

The voice, under Huan Zhao's gaze, spoke from Su Jin's mouth, covering a thousand miles!

"Delay this king's time, you **** ninety waste materials! You need to know that this king doesn't bother to play with you little forces, give you three breathing time, let me get out of the boat--"

The light and fluttering voice spread all over the surrounding area, and naturally fell in the ears of the ninety mysterious powerhouses.

This tone is too loud.

Give three breaths to make a decision? Why don't you go to heaven! Biao, so crazy!

There were more than three breaths of shock. Those ninety strong men, including the top one who had been living for 10,000 years, were shocked by more than ten breaths, as if they had heard an incredible joke!

The seven girls from the heavenly realm who rushed out before didn’t believe them at that moment, let alone them, no one would believe them, even Su Jin’s person next to Huan Zhao Dao Zun was like this——

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