My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2389: Evil face, dark red eyes!

Who... die first?

666, old iron, nothing wrong!

Facing the five human gods, Su Jin's Small World Realm actually said such things, and the entire Shenzong Mansion and the monks around in the distance burst into laughter.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao wiped off the fine sweat on her forehead. She knew that Su Jin was in a state of ‘devil stun’ and was not awake at all, but this kind of awkwardness was terrible!

Wu Huapo and the other five gods stayed in a daze. This kid is crazy, looking around the world, there is no one!

"Who are you? Why cut the three longevity powerhouses in my Shenzong Mansion!" Wu Huapo saw Xia Yuyan sitting under the Love Tree, and carved the words'Su' and'Gold' on the tree with her own hands, even though it was a heart. I know, but I still want to confirm.

"Who am I--" Su Jin thought hard, but couldn't remember his name.

In the Shenzong Mansion, Huan Zhao Dao Zun's heart suddenly tightened. This Wu Hua Po was not ashamed of a god, and she clearly saw that Su Jin was in a special state. She was very nervous now.

Why are you nervous?

After all, Huan Zhao Dao Zun doesn’t know how strong Su Jin is, but she doesn’t want Su Jin to wake up quickly in the course of the ancient mad demon avenue. If the modern and ancient mad demon breaks slightly, it will be a little more dependent. ——

Bai Shan, Tiger God, Tianshan God Venerable, and Jincheng Princess looked at each other. Although these four gods were not very nervous, Su Jin possessed the inheritance of the magic way of ‘Ancient Venerable’, which was quite troublesome.

Wu Huapo smiled weirdly, shook the green snake stick, and said through the voice: "I'm here to tell you that your name is Su Jin, you are here to save your Taoist couple. It's a pity that she has been tricked into staying here and served. Zhanqing Dan, completely cut you off from her life--"

Obviously, let Su Jin remember his name, it is very likely that he will wake up from the devilish state, which also interrupted the process of his magic way, but Wu Huapo did not expect that she was clever and was mistaken!

Too smart!

"Die, you have to die!" Su Jin couldn't hear the word'Zhanqing' the most, and the devil's fierce power continued to increase!

Taotao's **** devilish energy, like a tsunami of hundreds of meters, was raging around Su Jin. For a while, Wu Huapo was shocked, knowing that the wrong method was used!

But it doesn't help at this time!

Wu Huapo stretched out her hand and pointed a finger at Su Jin. She is a human being and she is not afraid of not being able to trap this small world!

Circles of dark green divine power, condensing from Wu Huapo’s fingertips, those dark green divine powers are like ropes, toward Su Jin scroll——

Su Jin only felt that his body was imprisoned by divine power. The dark green divine power of the thickness of his fingers was as tough as steel, but how could it be possible to trap him just by this means?

Bang bang bang--

With five or six bursts of sound, Su Jin's whole body of devil blood burned, and he broke Wu Huapo's confinement directly!

"What's the situation!" When the **** of Tianshan said, his tone was obviously unexpected, and even the Jincheng princess, who was covered by the obscure avenue, raised his head faintly.

Wu Huapo's divine power was broken, and she took two steps backwards carelessly. Under the gaze of millions of monks in Panlong City, she was ugly and her face was very ugly.

"I'm killing you!" Wu Huapo snapped her finger, and a pointed direction was too fast, and even the four gods and gods of Jincheng Princess could not stop it. That divine power directly penetrated Su Jin's left shoulder!

Blasted a wound the size of a finger hole--


The four gods of Jincheng princess breathed a sigh of relief, and the Skywalking Dragon Lord currently in the Dragon Head Palace explained that this kid cannot be killed in Panlong City! Otherwise, the Candle Dragon would take the opportunity to seize him, transform into a Candle Dragon, and absorb the underground dragon energy, and the whole city would be poisoned to death.

"Calm down." Bai Shan glared at Granny Wuhua, knowing that she was so angry that she was so angry, but she really couldn't kill him here, she had to find a way to lead him away, or be detained so far.

"I'm going to'Jiyuan' to open up a battlefield. You will take him away and bring him there." After the **** of Tianshan had communicated with the four gods, he could not help but hide his body into the void and disappear over the Shenzong Mansion.

Wu Hua was trembling angrily, and pointed to Su Jin and shouted: "I don't have time to spend with you here. I am going to Jiyuan now. Can you dare to chase you for a fight? I will bury you there!"

"You are too ugly--" Su Jin could feel the pain, looked down at the bleeding finger hole on his left shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice when he raised his head.

Too, too ugly.

Wu Huapo looked at her hands, and her face had always been her nightmare. In the whole area of ​​Shenjiang, who would not be taboo against the word ‘ugly’ when facing her?

Now Wu Huapo is going crazy, and she collapsed when she was scolded by Su Jin. The other party said she was ugly, which meant nothing more than that. Are you worthy of me to chase after a fight?

Princess Jincheng cried out that it was not good, and at the same time, she felt bad, and there was also the human **** Bai Shan. The two of them pressed directly on the shoulders of Wu Huapo.

As a result, Wu Huapo's profligate side broke out, and she stretched her legs and feet, and kicked Su Jin on the spot, screaming in her mouth, but was held firmly by the two gods, it was hard to tear this kid!

"I want to tie you to Jiyuan, cut your skin and flesh into pieces with one knife, and let you die in pain, I also want to detain your Dao soul, and refine it in the magic lamp forever!" Hua Po began to cry as she cursed.

Although old, this is an untouchable pain, even more painful than killing her once!

"Princess Jincheng, you come forward and grab him, we don't have time to spend time in a world with him!" The human spirit Bai Shan motioned a glance.

"Okay." Princess Jincheng loosely opened her hand on Wuhuapo's shoulder, walking in the void, her skirt fluttering, but her face seemed to be covered by a cloud of fog, and she could only see the facial features.

The most tense moment is about to appear. I don't know how many people are holding their breath, watching Princess Jincheng and Su Jin fight.

No one will sympathize with Su Jin in this battle.

Crazy must pay for his madness, no matter where, when and where, no one will sympathize with a weak person!

In the finger hole on Su Jin's left shoulder, the magic blood floated out. At that moment, the opposite side of Shenzong Mansion began to tremble, and the entire Panlong City could feel it!

The blood of that long street dyed the'Modern and Ancient Mad Devil City' into a hall of devil. The blood of emperor, the blood of the world realm, and the blood of the gods are mixed around the magic city——

But Su Jin's blood swam out from the wound, and the entire modern and ancient Mad Demon City actually reflected a monstrous scene of blood!

And the **** light came straight forward, Jincheng Princess only felt uncomfortable, but if the human **** retreated in front of Su Jin, wouldn't it be like Wu Hua Po, who was laughed out of her teeth?

The blood came in anxious, directly enveloping the battlefield of Princess Jincheng and Su Jin!

Outside, it only seemed to see a huge blood cell, constantly braving, and no one could see the scene!

Su Jin's eyes were as dark as a starry sky, and the pupil in the middle was seen by Princess Jincheng, which directly made her vigilant. The pupil was dark red!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Su Jin lowered his head slightly, stretched out his right arm, looked at the five imaginary blood-colored chains surrounded by his five fingers, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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