My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2390: Who on earth is it

"Boom, boom."

It's ridiculous to say that Princess Jincheng actually felt depressed. Her dignified goddess, when facing Su Jin in the world, her heart was beating wildly, and even the speed of the beating could make her hear the accelerated heartbeat!

Su Jin's **** magic pupil stared at Princess Jincheng, and that glance seemed to see through the human spirit, making her nerves tense several times!

Jincheng Princess belongs to the kind of body with a thin waist, thin arms and legs, but other positions that are not thin, combined with the charm of Jinlan Shenyi, it is no wonder that the city's male repairers have been watching before.

But she didn't think so at this time. Su Jin looked at her like this, not to appreciate the beauty she wore. The opponent's **** magic pupil was like a sharp sword, as terrifying as it would be smashed at any time!


Su Jin leaned forward, and a violent ape condensed around him in the scarlet devil blood ball of Demon Flame Taotao!


Su Jin's whole body was shocked, and a chain of virtual gods' chains appeared from his body! The chain was as fierce as a snake, and it was endless, which made the hidden face of Princess Jincheng suddenly change color!

This is the top of the world!

Just like the ‘Divine Mansion’ will appear at the top of the longevity realm, it’s not a real divine state, but if you step into a real human **** from a demigod, you will be transformed.

Now Su Jin’s "Modern and Ancient Mad Demon Dao" has finally taken a big step and reached the top of the world. If the chains of the divine Dao are condensed into substance, it will become the ‘Divine Dao Realm’!

From sadness to evil.

Enchanted by despair.

Not afraid of death, even sprouting death intentions, so that Su Jin fell into a state of madness, and finally embarked on the avenue of madness. This short period of ‘magic stunner’ has benefited him endlessly!

The sky full of "Modern Ancient Xuantian Demon Sutra", the scriptures are wrapped in imaginary chains, and they are worn from Su Jinzhou. The scenes are breathtaking and show endless madness!

The powerhouses outside, including the monks in the whole city, and even spectators outside Panlong City who heard the news, stared blankly at the blood-colored fireball like the sun.

"It's been so long, why doesn't Princess Jincheng arrest the demon?" In the Shenzong Mansion, a monk asked nervously, a little unclear.

"Relax, Princess Jincheng is a human god, a real human god. Not only is she beautiful, she is even stronger than our palace master!" Someone gave a relieved look.

"But even so, it takes so long for humans and gods to deal with a world realm?"

"Look, it's a bit strange!"

Hearing the sound, countless pairs of eyes began to look, Huan Zhao Dao Zun leaned against the wall, shaking with excitement, Su Jin was simply too powerful! It is so powerful that it can no longer be described as a genius evildoer!

Around the huge blood-colored fireball, circles of vain chains burst out, irregularly, and began to swim around the entire blood-colored fireball. The scene was terrifying to the extreme!

The pinnacle of the world!

Dao Zun Huan Zhao knew that Su Jin had finally taken a big step in the avenue of mad demons. Although facing the threat of five gods, it is still very good to increase some capital, at least give them some confidence!

And the three human gods of Wuhuapo present, looking at the huge blood-colored fireball, their faces were shocked. Now the **** of Tianshan has left and went to the'Jiyuan' to set up the battlefield. If they were still there, they would definitely have the same expression. !

No one knows. Although it seems calm outside, in fact, inside, Princess Jincheng has already stretched out her fingers, and suddenly a human face appeared on each side of her back.

As the human spirit condensed, Princess Jincheng waved her finger, and a whirlwind eye rolled out all around her body. Those winds were piercing, and under closer inspection, the center was dark blue, and the innermost point was unknown!

Immediately, Princess Jincheng was calmer in her heart, with a graceful figure, the eyes of the whirlpool storm engulfed her and the two human expressions, and the speed was unexpectedly many times faster than the blink of an eye!

Soon, the entire blood-colored fireball seemed to be filled with the figure of Jincheng princesses. Every place where one stood, it seemed that there was a divine power, and a crisis suddenly appeared!

The violent ape behind Su Jin was roaring. It was so powerful that it was carrying ‘Ancient Wangshan’ and ‘Jinlai Mountain’. It was actually beating, trying to smash the whirlpool wind eye under its feet!


A huge explosion sounded, and the void in the blood-colored fireball looked like broken glass. Su Jin raised his arm, and the violent ape was doing the same actions as him, and a "Jinlai Mountain" was carrying a circle of fierce magic scriptures. Was thrown out!

When the loud noise reappeared, Princess Jincheng exclaimed. There is nothing serious to her, but what kind of world is this! A magic mountain can capture her position unexpectedly, fortunately she hides fast!

But even so, that ‘Jin Lai Shan’ still smashed the two divine appearances behind her, and the loss was not unremarkable. Condensing the two divine appearances can be fake, I don’t know how much divine power and time it would take——

Now ruined!

Princess Jincheng was very unhappy, and even moved a bone-thin killing intent. She was still scrupulous about the words of the Skywalking Dragon Lord, for fear that Su Jin would be killed here and cause the candle dragon poisonous disaster.

"I want to see how long you can do it!" Princess Jincheng had a plan, first to suppress Su Jin's fierce coercion, wounding and kidnapping him, after all, looking at the other party's appearance, a light hand may not be able to kill him.

Just do what you want, Princess Jincheng rolled up her skirt sleeves, her snow-white lotus arms came out, her hands were quickly forming complicated handprints!

Dao Yun, the rules of the same artistic conception, quickly condensed in front of her. This time she used 20% of her supernatural power to transform a fierce formation and envelope the past!

Eight-faced bone banners, condensed formation horns, and skeleton bone dragons on them, there are a total of eight kinds of spirits being sacrificed, but the next moment, Princess Jincheng is stupid on the spot!

Su Jin lifted his palm and smashed the Eight Banners into pieces with one palm. The evil array did not even show its power!

Do not believe in evil!

Princess Jincheng increased her supernatural power again-



Princess Jincheng became more and more alarmed.

what happened! Princess Jincheng even increased her divine power to as much as 80%. Even the glazed divine light appeared around her Jinlan God Clothes, but soon, when she was dumbfounded, her neck stiffened, she saw...

Seeing a hot man, the clear blue color in his pupils, the color pure as the sky, made Jincheng princess shout out in fear!

Outside the blood-colored fireball, countless eyes were staring closely, and the banging sound inside had just continued.

"Look, when the kid was picked up by Jincheng Princess, I was afraid that he would only breathe out without death!" Some people seemed to admire Jincheng Princess very much, but the gap in realm was almost like a galaxy, only fantasy.

"Can carry the beating for so long, and it hasn't been solved by Princess Jincheng! The flesh is really thick--" Someone else had a relaxed face and smiled openly.

"I am also in the world. If I stand in front of Princess Jincheng, I will raise my hands and kneel down for her! No matter where I dare to offend her, this person is dead and there is no hope of getting out alive!"

"Listen, there seemed to be a woman's cry just now—"


There was a boom.

The scene that makes people never believe that they see it all appears directly in everyone's eyes.

In the huge **** fireball...

There is a wonderful shadow, with disheveled hair and vomiting blood on the lips, it was slapped and flew out!

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