My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2391: Seven Wonders of the World

Princess Jincheng, was slapped out!

This scene caused a sensation in Panlong City, and even caused a chain effect in a small part of Shenjiang. The news flew out like wings, and no one believed it was true.

Even the three human gods of Granny Wuhua's eyes widened, unexpectedly!

What kind of world is Su Jin? This is so strong that it is impossible to write. On the contrary, Huan Zhao Dao Zun is very proud. Although she does not know the roots, but this man is a fellow practitioner of the Seven Dao!

The real Seven Dao World Realm powerhouse, and just now the ancient and ancient Mad Demon Dao has condensed the shackles of the imaginary divine Dao!

This means that Su Jin will step into the realm of Divine Dao as long as it takes some time!

The power of Su Jin's world realm lies in the seven realms. This is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Unlike other world realms, the path he walks has become another road.

"Princess Jincheng was slapped and wounded, she retired in embarrassment, and was wounded by a world-" A disciple in the Shenzong Mansion had eyes blank, but he was afraid if he thought about it. Why is this person so hot!

"Humans and gods were slapped, and the wounds were not lightly wounded, but why? It's not something that the world can do at all..."

Some people began to wonder about their lives. Not to mention the entire Shenjiang Continent, even the world of Panlong City, there are so many, but every further step, the difficulties can be imagined, Su Jin thoroughly let them see what is impossible today. !


Countless eyes were staring at Princess Jincheng, trying to figure out the situation.

After knowing that Princess Jincheng stood firm, her face seemed to have not calmed down from the panic, and the atmosphere fell into a strange situation——

For a long time, Princess Jincheng wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth. At the moment when the blue giant palm was photographed that day, she really felt enveloped in death!

A person who has spent all his life's hard work to reach the God Realm, Jincheng Princess is afraid of death, and everyone is afraid of her!

Soon after the Jincheng princess calmed down, she arched her hand to the **** fireball and said, "Thank you for your mercy. I am just my ancestral land in Panlong City. Afterwards, I will move my ancestral land away. My Jin family will not participate in this matter! "

Be merciful?

I heard it right or not!

Is this the result of mercy? ?

The scene included Huan Zhao Dao Zun, the three powerful men and gods, and the powers of Panlong City. All the people who came to watch from afar were shocked by the shocking words of Jincheng Princess!

Shocked and tender!

The blood-colored fireball, the bright magic clouds on the surface, were gradually accepted by the modern and ancient Mad Demon City not far away. Su Jin didn't know when, carrying the dragon sword on his back, sitting in the void, and did not make a statement.

It wasn't that Su Jin didn't want to shoot this Jincheng princess to death. At this point, he wouldn't have any thoughts of pitying jade.

It's a pity that Princess Jincheng didn't shoot her dead. The Secret of the Sky-Zhitian couldn't mobilize all of her power. After a little instillation, the candle dragon's poisonous spirit became vigorous.

Su Jin had the illusion of being conspired. He felt that he was not vigilant. This candle dragon would use his Dao body to transform into a real dragon, and death would not be able to restore the evil results.

Wu Huapo only woke up now, and then transmitted a voice message to Princess Jincheng: "What the **** is going on, how can you lose to the hands of this world?"

Princess Jincheng has a disheveled hair, and the cover disappears. With a wry smile, she only transmits two words: "Mystery!"

Wu Hua Po is going crazy!

One of Gu Zun’s inheritance of the magic sutra was owned by Su Jin, not to mention, he also had a secret! This is so maddening! Not only that, but to deal with him in Panlong City, he must be fearful, for fear that he will turn into a candle dragon and poison the cultivators in the city!


But something is wrong!

A strong person in the world can't defeat the gods even if they have the secrets. If Wuhuapo doesn't watch Princess Jincheng cover her face and sweep it, it will not look like a fake, I am afraid that she will doubt whether she has released the water!

"What kind of secret?" Wu Huapo forced her to calm down, and the voice asked.

"Zhitian." After finishing the two words, Princess Jincheng retreated and retreated to the top of a mountain three hundred miles away from Panlong City. She felt that Su Jin was not limited to these secrets, and she did not want to participate. the reason!

The "Secret of the Sky" in the Sky Secret!

Wu Huapo looked at each other with Bai Shan and Tiger God, but she couldn't figure out it now. After all, in the realm of Su Jin, using Tian Mi is simply a waste!

"Next! I want to kill the gods." The magic script around Su Jin disappeared, and the blood was gone.

After the last trace of blood mist disperses, the sky over Panlong City is like a world of Buddha Sha! The golden Buddha is as bright as sand and golden light, so dense that I don't know how many!

Su Jin’s eyebrows opened, and in the distance of the golden light of bliss, the three Buddha halls were reflected. In the sea like Buddha sand, sands began to gather together——

A true Buddha with folded hands condenses in a cross-legged position.

Ten, a hundred, but in a flash, a million Buddhas were sitting in a sitting position outside the remote "Daxiong Hall", no one would dare to underestimate Su Jin!

The number of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats increased by millions in the blink of an eye!

In the end, 64 million Buddhas condensed by Buddha Sha, the squares are neatly arranged, so many are arranged in the distance of the gods, this world of Buddha has awakened the world!

The corner of Princess Jincheng's mouth is obviously bitter.


Su Jin’s Buddhist path also reaches the world realm. Buddha is more difficult to cultivate than any other. It is necessary to taste the joys and loneliness of the world, and the speed of cultivation will be very slow. No wonder the power of this world realm is different from other worlds. It's over!

Buddha and magic double repair!

Princess Jincheng looked at the scene in the distance and couldn't help smiling bitterly, but soon she was stunned again, and stammer muttered to herself: "Golden body!"

It is difficult to cultivate a Buddha, and it is even more difficult to build a golden body!

Shenzong Palace Lord Wu Huapo raised his vigilance to the highest level. The two gods beside him were unbelievable. At the top of Su Jin's golden Buddha body, there was a frightening Buddha eye!

"Golden body, Great Wisdom Buddha Eye! Who is he--" At first, Bai Shan looked down on Su Jin at all. There was no meaning to it, but the love was really different!

"Dual world realm, and the magic path is about to cross the threshold of the divine path." The Tiger God, who hadn't spoken for a long time, had unconcealed dignity in his eyes, and there was doubt in his heart.

The dual world realm, no matter how strong it is, it shouldn't be so strong! Strong enough to hurt Princess Jincheng! Even if you have a heavenly secret, with the blessing of the dual world realm cultivation base, the power will not be as powerful as that of Dacheng.

"When I came, I vowed secretly! If my beloved wife takes Zhanqing Dan in your Panlong City, I will subvert your entire city and destroy your last enemy in Panlong City. Now I will kill you three! God! Could stop me?"

Su Jin was talking, and finally became impassioned, and the blood all over his body was surging wildly like never before!

"Say crazy words!" Wu Huapo screamed, and the green snake rod shook in the distance, obviously feeling like he was going to be angry!

"Hahaha! You gods and gods! Keep your eyes open and look at me! Is it a rant! Or can it be done!"


The last word fell, Su Jin clenched his fist, the void directly blasted behind him, and a huge wheel that could not be seen stood up!

People are like dust under that huge wheel!


The Buddha Xia lights up on the wheel of the Secret of Heaven, transforming into a brilliant golden light, and converging into a first class! Turn into a circle of gold!


The eternal ghost king, the black brilliance faintly flashed, and the second divine glow shocked everyone!


In the end, in the eyes of a human shadow sitting on the ground, the Secret Wheel of the Sky was shining seven times. The secret of why the Su Jin World Realm is so strong is of course known!

Princess Jincheng swallowed, only feeling her throat dry, she kept shaking her head, even she didn't believe what she saw with her own eyes!

Seven ways! This is a marvelous evildoer in the seven worlds!

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