My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2392: Battle against the Tiger God (1/6)

High spirits!

Most sentient beings breathe heavily, and their eyes are like seeing a legendary god-man. The seven realms of the world are too scary, and the crazy demons together are even more powerful at this time, giving rise to the shackles of the false gods. Qualitative transformation!

With disheveled hair, Jincheng Princess is watching from the top of the mountain outside Panlong City, her Taoist heart seems to tremble with the shining ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’.

"A fellow practitioner of the Seven Paths, carrying the'Secret of the Heavens', and even the inheritance of Gu Zun's magic path, I, I just wanted to kill him." Jincheng Princess looked pale.

Although embarrassed and messy, she is showing another messy beauty at this moment——

The Buddha sands of the Ganges River are overwhelming, dyeing the green hills into Foshan, and the brilliant wheel of secrets is far more gorgeous than the rainbow.

"That roulette can actually allow him to converge with the seven ways. If it is only one, it may not be so strong when separated, but if the power of the seven ways is integrated, it is no wonder that he can instantly kill the twelve world realm and kill the three longevity! "

There were onlookers who spoke their opinions.

"Seven realms of the world, even humans and gods can be bombarded, worthy of the evildoer who goes against the sky!"

"Who dares to laugh at him as a world realm now? Look at the people in Panlong City, I'm afraid I feel dangerous. After all, this strong man will destroy the city in front of the gods!"


That's right, the monks in Panlong City are panicking now. Su Jin has not been defeated yet, and he still has the upper hand in his aura, so self-confidence does not seem to be a pretend——

Wuhuapo, Tiger God, Bai Shan, and the three gods looked at each other and were discussing countermeasures. In their eyes, Su Jin's trump card had been exposed, but because of this, it was much more difficult.

"I'm so mad, the Dragon Lord asked not to kill him in Panlong City, otherwise the three of us will join hands and we will surely be able to take him to ashes in an instant!"

When she said that, Granny Wuhua was very angry. When she was communicating with the other two gods, she looked at Su Jin, her eyes were as fierce as a poisonous snake.

"The seven realms of fellow practitioners have all achieved the world realm and possessed the secrets of heaven. We must find a way to lead him to the extreme plains. With the words of the gods of the Tianshan Mountains, we four human beings and gods will kill him easily." Turned his face.

"How to cite?"

The three gods fell silent, and now Su Jin was planning to destroy the city, obviously not leaving Panlong City easily. In this way, the situation seemed to have fallen into a dead end.

"Or, use the goddess--" Tiger God mentioned Xia Yuyan, seeking advice from Wu Huapo.

"No!" Wu Huapo refused directly. There was obviously something that was not negotiable in her words. Compared with Su Jin, Xia Yuyan was more important than anyone. In case of a business trip, she couldn't afford it!

"Then my tiger, I want to stop him! The best thing is to wound him and take it away!"

Tiger God suddenly widened his round eyes and took the lead to step out. Just now, Princess Jincheng was too feminine. He Tiger God usually dislikes feminine beauties and is not strong enough. He feels that he is more than enough to contend with Su Jin!

The wheel of the secret of heaven is magnificent. In the sands of the Ganges River, everything seems to be chanting Buddha, and the tiger **** walks in the void. Every step of the way, a cloud of radiance rises around the body!

Gradually, the tiger **** began to condense a terrifying blood-stripe **** tiger, and the tiger roared fiercely!

"The fierce tiger King Kong change!" The tiger **** is worthy of the human god's power, the whole head of the clear blood-stripe **** tiger, when he began to follow his body under his bow, he directly rushed to Su Jin like him——

No matter how vast the vision is, the Tiger God is sure to kill it! He roared, and every time he rushed, the surrounding void was trembling, and the entire Panlong City was trembling!

This condensed **** tiger, in terms of momentum and brilliance, is not weaker than Su Jin, reaching the point of daring to compete with the sun and the moon!

The real life-and-death battle is about to start!

Su Jin supported the blood-colored violent ape around him, and when the opponent's aura appeared at that moment, the blood-colored violent ape directly skyrocketed like a mountain, and every blood-colored hair was upright, like a steel needle!

"Kill—" Su Jin didn't retreat, and greeted him.

This Tiger God does not have many skills to attack, but without skills, this is the most terrifying part of this human god!

Get closer, get closer!

Su Jin stomped on the void fiercely, and the whole person appeared in the sky in an instant, the blood-colored violent ape surrounded him, sitting in the same motion like an arm yelling!

Think about it, the huge mountain-like tyrannical ape leads two ‘Ancient Mountains’ and ‘Jinlai Mountains’ that look like small peaks. How amazing is their spirit!

When the ape jumped up, Shenwenhu saw that Su Jin had entered the close range, he turned around and turned around, the tiger's tail behind it flared up and cut it fiercely!


Scarlet Violent Ape’s left hand ‘I’m coming to the mountain’, slammed heavily on the cut tiger tail. The void turned black at that moment, and the people below seemed to have experienced an apocalyptic catastrophe, and the heart was throbbing!

"What a strong defensive power!" Su Jinna smashed the god-patterned tiger's tail on the mountain today, like steel hitting a **** stone, that kind of tenacity makes people feel desperate, but the opponent's god-patterned tiger's tail has powerful destructive power!

"You're nothing but that!" The Tiger God finished, roaring his forelimbs and rushing towards Su Jin. His tiger claws were like an indestructible blade. When he lifted up and patted, it quickly dazzled people!

The truth is exactly what the tiger **** said?

Just now, his tiger's tail was almost broken when it hit the mountain today. The hard way made him shake his soul, and he obviously no longer dare to despise Su Jin!

"Good coming!" Su Jin yelled softly. He retreated three feet, his hands and shoulders straight.

The whole violent ape was doing the same movement, and Jinlaishan and Guwangshan faintly sucked up, and a piece of imaginary chain of Shinto wandered around.

A piece of Taoism that people can see clearly appeared on the "Jinlai Mountain", and only a few words are faintly recognized. That is the ancient Xuantian Demon Sutra!

The magic scriptures are like Jinglun, spinning around the chain of vain quality, swimming faster and faster, the blood of the crazy magic road is vigorously shaken out! Su Jin's figure suddenly disappeared in place-

The Tiger God slashed the place where Su Jin was standing, and several terrifying blood-colored claw patterns persisted for a long time. This claw cracked the sky, and even the void couldn't heal in a short time.

For some reason, the Tiger God felt a bad feeling in his heart, and then the blood-colored violent ape seemed to be greatly blessed. It was actually the result of the two magic mountains infused with pure magic energy!


Everyone looked up, and some of them couldn't close their mouths together, their eyes were dry, and their necks were stiff and painful, but when they looked at the mountain on the Tiger God's face, it still made people feel like they were in a dream.

Su Jin’s strongest mad demon way, when the two demon mountains blessed the ancient demon scriptures, the violent ape held the mountain, and took the lead in smashing the ‘strong tiger king’s transformation’ magic, and a mountain slammed on the tiger god’s face...


As a strong human god, Tiger God was smashed by Su Jin's face under this blow, and the whole person was smashed out of the sky.

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