My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2396: Frightening people (5/6)


The knives went up and down, everyone hurriedly turned their heads, but still vaguely saw a cloud of blood mist!

Su Jin twisted his body, his firm face did not fluctuate, and he lifted his foot and kicked the head of the man who was about to fall. The head of the man was like a ball, punching a hole out of the void, without seeing the abyss, I didn't know how to kick it. Where are you?

Rumble, the dark clouds of Panlong City gathered, covering the sky, and the roaring thunder sound made people numb.

The **** Wuhuapo...fallen! Drew a torrential rain--

"It turns out that people and gods aloft are also afraid!" Su Jin's hoarse voice, not afraid of the rain, fixed his eyes on Bai Shan and Tiger God.

"Brother Bai, this boy is getting stronger and stronger. When Princess Jincheng left, she revealed through Wuhuapo that he still had a trick to'cover the sky' and didn't use it against us." The fear in the Tiger God's heart is trickling out, and It's full around God's heart.

"Do you want to retreat? The Dragon Lord won't let us go!" Bai Shan voiced, slowly shook his head to Tiger God.

It is not easy to cultivate to the level of human beings and gods. The higher the level, the more afraid of death. Now Wuhuapo has walked in front of them, and I don't know who will be next!

"Princess Jincheng dared to leave!" Tiger God blushed.

"Her Jin family is only here for the ancestral land, and all the servants who are left behind are caring for the ancestral hall!" Bai Shan stared, and the sound transmission was endless. Now they are dying, they can't go anywhere.


Su Jin fought his life and frightened the people!


The huge thunderous sound immediately awakened the Tiger God, and there was a chill behind him. That's right, his situation is different from Princess Jincheng, and everything he has is still in Panlong City and cannot be abandoned!

"Everything is dead! Brother Bai! Cut off this person, you and I may live!" The Tiger God held both hands, and in the dimly heavy rain, suddenly there was a blood-stained tiger, with its head raised and roaring towards the sky. .

That tiger, as if standing on the top of a mountain, the head of the tiger was so big that it was lifted to the top of the cloud, with blood streaks all over the body, like a confluence of mountains and rivers, and its domineering and brutal momentum shocked many people!

From all directions, the cultivators who watched the battle refused to leave, and when they saw the blood-stripe **** tiger manifesting as if it could swallow clouds, everyone's expressions were more or less strange.

"The tiger **** has taken off! He may have understood that Wuhua Po is only the weakest among the five human gods!" Someone's eyes were wide open, looking at the **** tiger, and his mind was trembling as he spoke.

"The **** of Tianshan left without appearing, but the two strongest men and gods are still there, and these seven evildoers have tended to decline -"

"Wu Huapo was probably beheaded to death by carelessness. As far as her true strength is concerned, she is afraid that she is not afraid of this person, and I feel weird to fight this battle. Several humans and gods have a feeling of restraint!"

"But that enchanting evildoer, it seems that there is no need for such a big fight."


Sure enough, countless people turned their eyes to Su Jin. He can still stand now, and he has been admired by the people outside Panlong City who come to see the bustle.

After slaying Wu Huapo, Su Jin's body shook slightly, his will seemed to be faint, he could only instinctively reduce the bronze barren bell and pinch it in his hand——

Circles of lifelessness, surging surging, looming from the whole body!

The rain is torrential.

Su Jin wanted to sleep comfortably now, the discreet wound on his back was deep into the bone, but at this time he could not feel any pain.

Sitting cross-legged, even though Su Jin's will is dizzy, the two-line gap in his eyes, which he worked hard to open, appeared in his eyes when looking at the sky, a vision that might only exist before death.

In the heavy rain.

It seems that from that piece of rain, a smiling water Buddha statue is condensed, and Su Jin can see it, but as if touching it at will, the water Buddha statue can be touched away~~

"Buddhism of life and death, you haven't seen it through, you have understood it." Except for the sound of rain and the sound of Buddha, the tiger that shook the sky seemed not to be heard by Su Jin, and did not hear the **** **** tiger roaring .

He only heard the sound of Buddha.

Weak, very weak!

"Life is not to give up, death is to give up, isn't it right..." Su Jin's lips moved slightly, and his voice became very hoarse. If he hadn't said it personally, otherwise the three daughters of Xia Yuyan would not be able to tell that it was him. sound!

"Not all. Life is joy, death is sorrow. You only realize death by fighting for your life. You are not afraid of death, but you have not realized ‘death’." The water Buddha is like a dream, and the principles of enlightenment are very clear.

Can babies who are born know how to be born? Can you know how to grieve?

Growing up, whoever does not experience some setbacks and sickness, lives healthy, gets rid of the sickness, escapes from death, self, family, and friends even strangers will feel happy and joyful. This is the life that covers everything.

So sad! The bones are covered with loess, and the so-called superficial view of not being afraid of death, have you ever wondered if your relatives and friends will feel sad for their death?

"I just can't bear it--" Su Jin tilted his head hard, his husky voice and his eyes dim.

Two Zhanqing Pills could not remove Xia Yuyan's love.

With the four Zhanqing Pills, why didn't they not cut off his love?

The heavy rain smashed the long street. In a short time, the street grew into a river. Su Jin sat cross-legged in the void, as if the water Buddha had never manifested.

Perhaps it was just a moment.

The Tiger God was staring at Su Jin. He and Bai Shan were just looking for an opportunity. They thought that this big evildoer was going to fight with him. Who knew they just sat down so abnormally!


When they missed that opportunity, when the two of them took a closer look, the void in which Su Jin was sitting cross-legged, although he was surrounded by death, seemed to sit on a solid platform.

The rain couldn't fall for a hundred meters around Su Jin's body, and layers of water quickly condensed to a thickness of half a foot.

"This, this--" In the weird atmosphere, Tiger God's heart squatted, and he went backwards like Bai Shan, looking at the 100-meter-square-meter void, and the gathering water surface, there was a little golden light coming out of the water.

Jin Guang appeared, and was immediately seen by everyone, very real! It is a blossoming golden lotus, from the state of golden lotus buds, green branches are slowly protruding.

In the swaying and swaying, golden lotus buds bloomed, and on every green branch, began to spiral a series of virtual golden chains——

The King of Life and Death, together with the ancient and modern madden avenue, the world is at its peak! If these vain chains, if it takes time to condense into the kind of shinto shackles that can be gnawed and swallowed in the abdomen by the little dragon monkeys, then they can enter the shrine realm!

It's a pity that this is not something that can be done overnight, the imaginary quality has not been condensed, but it has just stepped on the threshold.


Let the girl in the yellow dress on the long street cry bitterly. I don't know how many people feel the sad mood. Su Jin's previous strongest road of life and death, originally led the other six roads, now...

Now merge with the magic way.

The lotus blossomed with eighteen flowers, each of which was sacred. Su Jin sighed in his heart. He knew his situation well. Now that the Buddhism and Taoism have made another step forward, it is difficult for him to survive.

too late--

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