My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2397: Hualong (6/6)

That's right! too late!

Arriving late is as if there is only one last breath left. At that time, everyone wants to live, but who can save themselves at that moment?

The divine light of the Buddha is dim, the power is no longer, the rain has just been fierce, and the burning blood can be extinguished!

Su Jin has walked the road to the limit, but at present, there is nowhere to go.

"I want to take him home——" Xia Yuyan was held in the rain by the Fu Yao sisters, but her voice was covered in the rain, and other people's eyes were not on her, all in the void!

"If it weren't really good, this is a big mistake I made." Palace Master Fuyao was filled with blank eyes, perhaps because he brought Xia Yuyan here, he ruined an invincible evildoer.

Su Jin sat, his consciousness began to blur, and the power of his divine eyes was lost. He could clearly feel that the last lost vitality on his body was drying up quickly.


When Su Jin arrived, Huan Zhao Dao Venerable was awakened, and he even grasped Xia Yuyan, knowing that the eminent Chinese Su Tianzi was afraid that he had already entered the time of dying!

"He let us leave Panlong City." Huan Zhao Dao Zun hurriedly said to Fu Yao Palace.

"I won't go! If you don't go, don't go!" Xia Yuyan was soaked, why didn't he know the situation after hearing this?

Palace Master Fuyao nodded to his sister, there was no way! She directly used her Divine Dao realm cultivation base to transform a strand of primordial spirit and rushed into Xia Yuyan's spiritual sea!

Soon, Xia Yuyan fainted, so there were no three people on the long street!

At that moment, the rain was still so heavy, but time seemed to stop when Su Jin looked up!

Su Jin's eyes, the unprecedented azure blue, will never be forgotten by all spectators.

Suddenly, the Jincheng Princess stretched out her fingers in a daze, watching the dense raindrops floating in the air, she could no longer fall, and could not blend into the earth!

A huge wheel, rising again! Reflected in the extreme deep sky, when Su Jin died that day, it did not show a dim state——

On the contrary, it is dazzling, far more than ever before!

And it's more than that! The seven divine clouds seemed to ignite a great fire, burning the huge wheel, and a trace of destruction on the entire wheel of the secrets of the sky swam out, and the divine clouds began to swim away like a fish!

"This, what's going on!" Some spectators panicked.

The destruction enveloped the entire Panlong City. Tens of thousands of monks in the city looked up, and the word ‘death’ in their eyes became more and more intense. Every monk’s face was full of life, and there were patches of handwriting on his face, which was quite terrifying!

"The whole city has been affected! Let's stay away quickly, or I'm afraid it will be affected!" Some monks retreated quickly.

"His will not let the heavens cry for humans and gods, no matter how hard the rain will fall, this kind of anti-sky method is far stronger than the strength he just demonstrated!"

"I think he is afraid that he will be solved! Burn out the last trace of strength and achieve his wish!"

"Hurry up! I'm panicking now!"

From the naked eye, the monks on the battlefield of Panlong City were no less than tens of millions. The black pressure retreated from all directions, surprisingly unanimous, while the dark clouds were retreated, and the sky was strangely gone!

Earlier, when Wu Huapo was killed, the sunny day was shining brightly, but now I can't see that round of tomorrow, and the sky is blue, without a cloud, this has never appeared in the entire Shenjiang!

Princess Jincheng bit her lip with her teeth. Although she was messy and embarrassed, she just sorted out her clothes. Every inch of her body seemed to represent the exquisite and noble beauty.

Rao is such a beautiful person. When he saw this abnormal scene, two words appeared in his mind: "Zhetian!"

The most pure blue secret power in the sky secret!

The huge roulette that does not know how far to reflect the deep sky is rumbling and becoming more and more unstable. Princess Jincheng sees it, wondering if she should leave!

Look again!

Princess Jincheng stayed on the adventure, constantly suppressing the trembling heart.

She is like this, besides, the Tiger God and Bai Shan at the scene?

Su Jin's consciousness is now more and more blurred, as if there is a black hole of nothingness, wanting to involve his consciousness, he can vaguely recognize the fearful human **** Bai Shan and Tiger God.

Raising his hand gently, Su Jin seemed to feel the real power——

Tiger God and Bai Shan directly wanted to escape, but the terrifying power even covered the ‘sky’ above Panlong City. They were the first to bear the brunt, feeling that the blood of the gods seemed to be solidified by the suppressed.

The beating heart of God is even ten times slower!

"It's useless... waste!!" Panlong City's huge mountaintop, dragon-head-shaped palace, burst out a terrifying roar, has the Skywalker Dragon Lord ever been so angry?

Five human gods, even a world realm can't be captured!

When the word ‘trash’ fell, the human gods Bai Shan and the tiger gods were about to be held by the sky-blue hand covering the sky above the sky!


Bai Shan and Tiger God had never felt so powerless before, waiting for the feeling of death quietly. They didn't want to experience it, but after the loud noise, the void was collapsing, and neither of them died!

Looking closely, a bone palm exuded the power of the two people's palpitations, abruptly raised, and actually took the hand that covered the sky!

The collapsed void is so striking! Far away I don't know how many longevity powers are watching, feeling that if you are in it, I am afraid that you will be crushed by the force of the collapse and twisted into dust!

"Lord Skywalker, I've taken the action personally!" You Da Neng looked at the void and collapsed place in disbelief, and a dark shadow appeared. It's hard to imagine that such a legendary existence would appear!

Su Jin was reluctant and regretful--

The blue in his eyes gradually faded, and in the vagueness, Su Jin seemed to see the ugly faces of Bai Shan and Tiger God quietly and proudly, the two of them must be delighted. Since Tianxing Dragon Lord would not let himself kill him, he would naturally reuse them.

Su Jin tried to see the dragon master that day, but the first thing he saw was the afterimage of his face. The so-called "soul not staying at home" might be this state.

Suddenly, there were waves of exclamations, and tens of millions of people saw a terrible scene!

The clothes on Su Jin's upper body were silently destroyed, shattered into debris by inexplicable power!

From his left arm to his chest, to his back, a bright candle dragon is vivid!

Bang! !

Princess Jincheng looked at from a distance, and was startled by the sound, while the Skywalker Dragon Lord slowly raised his head with a dark face.

Bright **** dragon scales, showy dragon heads, black triceratops eyes, the candle dragon seems to swim out of Su Jin, the scales are like a bright net, the whole candle dragon really roars out of people The first sound in the world!

The entire dragon-shaped mountain range was shaking, and the dragon gas was swallowed by the bright mesh dragon scales, and the dragon's tail seemed to penetrate through Su Jin's left shoulder...

But soon, as the dragon gas was swallowed, the whole head of the candle dragon seemed to blow up a balloon. Bright red dragon pose, head into the sky! The body is as broad as a mountain, and when the dragon head is low...

As if looking down on sentient beings!

"It's transformed into a dragon! It's transformed into a dragon!" I don't know who it is, and he is far frightened.

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