My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2401: The sunny day changes to the stars (4/6)


This time, even the Skywalker Dragon Lord was stunned, and the scene after that would be hard to erase and forget for the rest of his life.

There were two white symbols in Su Jin's pupils that were jumping in flames. As the symbols flickered, the entire sky above Panlong City was filled with a terrifying white eye.

"Making... good fortune fairy pupil..." Originally, Princess Jincheng didn't believe it. Except for the famous ‘Great Wisdom Buddha’s pupil’, Su Jin’s other two pupil techniques were not known.

But the good fortune fairy pupil, who does not know?

"What does the Immortal King Good Fortune have to do with you!" The Skywalking Dragon Lord's voice is a bit savage. From his initial contempt to the current emphasis, he can't even think about the change.

Originally, the Skywalker Dragon Lord thought that the five trash gods could easily kill Su Jin, who knew this son was so difficult to kill!

"Go to hell! Extinguish the world's fairy light!"

Behind Su Jin, the wheel of the secret of the sky vibrated. Among them, the candle dragon was exceptionally different, cruising in the huge vertical wheel, and the huge dragon posture was daunting.

With Su Jin's burst of shout, eight kinds of avenues blessed the divine pupils, the huge white eyes that covered the entire sky, the pupils were extremely small, but the black spot in the center was very smart.

The giant white eyes were blessed by the wheel of the sky secret, and a few colors of divine glow appeared on the surface, and a beam of fairy light suddenly smashed down——

The Dragon Lord can't retreat!

If he retreats, Su Jin’s other three pupil skills will inevitably shine on him. Only when he possesses pupil skills can he know how terrible it is. If he doesn’t retreat, he must resist hard. His whole body shook out the towering circular gods, but that pillar of fairy light Has come.


The **** pattern opened by the Skywalking Dragon Lord prohibits being smashed, and the prestige of good fortune fairy pupils is not covered, but the more so, the more Su Jin is frightened by this person's tyranny.

Although the Dragon Lord Tianxing had his long hair scattered and was shaken for hundreds of miles, like a madman, his body was special, and Su Jin had just learned about it after slashing a dragon sword. The damage caused by this extinction fairy light is just like this.

But in the eyes of others, the famous ‘Ling Yan pupil technique’ of the Skywalker Dragon Lord was lost to Su Jin. This confident pupil technique competition ended with the defeat of Lord Dragon Lord!

Su Jin looked at it coldly, feeling a little grateful.

If it were not for living together with his daughter, Sakura, to obtain a part of the abilities of using the "good luck fairy pupil", he would not get any benefit in this pupil skill competition.

But let's get back to the subject, if it's the same realm, no pupil skill of Su Jin can be matched by this'Ling Yan Shen Tong', he has this confidence.

It's just that the pupil skill competition loses, but the real strength, the Skywalker Dragon Lord thinks he can kill him!

"Next, if you can withstand my blow, I will let you leave Panlong City!"

The voice of Tianxing Dragon Lord seemed to be roaring, his eyes faintly vomited red light, and the meaning at the moment, as if he did not agree, he must agree!

A circle of onlookers hundreds of miles away, looking at the two people facing each other in the sky, were very surprised.

It is unheard of to be able to force the Heavenly Dragon Lord to this place!

Even if Su Jin fell under the attack of the Skywalking Dragon Lord, he would still be famous in the world——

"Do you think he dare to answer?" someone asked in a low voice.

"The next blow must be Lord Dragon Lord's lifelong work. If you can't kill this evildoer, it's strange, but at this time, if he doesn't want it, I'm afraid that Lord Dragon Lord can't stop it."

"I really hope that he will die. No matter what, we are not allowed to have this kind of enchantment in our Shenjiang. The candle dragon poison on his body may be able to stop people in our entire territory."

"It's useless, the Dragon Lord will not let him go, absolutely not!"

"I'm afraid he is scared, don't think that if you take advantage of the pupil technique, you can compete with Lord Dragon Lord!"


There has been a wave of discussion around, only those who care about Su Jin will not question his actions or discuss him at this time!

Su Jin's stern face, without the slightest emotion, stared at the Dragon Lord Skywalker and nodded and said: "One blow is one blow, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Walk around!

Princess Jincheng disappeared in the same place, but the Tiger God three left in the same way. No matter who wins this move, they can't get close to Panlong City!

Tian Xing Dragon Lord laughed, and laughed up to the sky, the whole sky changed color in his rippling low voice, and a circle of stars began to swirl around him——

That's right, it's starlight!

This is... the sunny day changes to the stars!

The sky turned into a dark night, and darkness seemed to be a kind of power, maintaining a large area of ​​God’s borders into one color. From a distance, the sky was full of stars, and the blue starlight seemed to be swallowed out, wrapped in the body of the Skywalking Dragon Lord. ——

Su Jin's eyes began to appear solemn.

There must be a gap, but Su Jin feels that he will not die under this blow. He is not in a state of exhaustion like the earlier one.

The Skywalker Dragon Lord was fully prepared. After absorbing and swallowing an unknown amount of starlight, the blue brilliance under his feet flowed out, and the pattern began to shine like a fish.

Boom boom.

Su Jin looked at the Skywalker Dragon Lord, as if he saw a dead bone, the mysterious feeling floated to his heart, and the whole area began to follow the pattern, and began to be filled with stars——


A gust of wind blew, and the Skywalker Dragon Lord’s robe shattered into powder, and what appeared was an old bone. No flesh or skin was visible, but the stars gathered behind him, and the bright blue human figure seemed to stand up from the old bone.

Killing intent, the strong killing intent made Su Jin's hair stand up.

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and when they opened them, they were already greyish blue.

"Hahaha, this Hengbi Henglong Lord has already broken through once, he repeats his old tricks, I am afraid that he has no means!" There was a lot of laughter, and even the three gods of Bai Shan who were scolded smiled.

Princess Jincheng met Su Jin in a short period of time, and she felt that this person was very smart, and she probably wouldn't do useless work.

Sure enough, the laughter stopped abruptly!

Su Jin's body began to sink and float pieces of the word ‘dead’, and the force of the nine-dead heavenly power began to be exerted on the state of ‘this is constant and the other is constant’, and all his real power was added to nearly 20%!

"The Dead Man's Sutra!" The Skywalking Dragon Lord said withered bones, on the bright blue human form, two groups of eyes looked at Su Jin, the meaning of the words seemed to be more unexpected than his possession of the sky secret.

Dead Man Sutra?

The bronze bell trembles slightly, and the mysterious white bones are heard: "The Dead Man's Sutra is the'Nine Dead Heaven Kungfu'. This evil skill once caused a great catastrophe in the heavens. The name is different in different places."

"Thank you, senior, for helping me build the Avenue of the Candle Dragon." Su Jin said in a voiceless thank you. Before he turned the dragon into the "dao", besides the water Buddha, there was also the help of this senior.

"Be careful, with his blow, you have very little hope of holding it--" After the mysterious white bone spoke, he said nothing.

Su Jin immediately fought for a full 120,000 points, shook up a glow, and challenged with all his strength!

The Skywalker Dragon Lord raised the sharp bone arm, the bright blue human figure covering his old bones, and made the same posture as him.

The luminous blue starlight is like catkins, and the void seems to be transformed into a sea of ​​stars, in which humanoid demon barriers roll from time to time, and with just three breaths, there are at least a thousand, no nose and no eyes—

"Kill." On the skull of the Skywalking Dragon Lord, two groups of flames suddenly burst out.

The bright blue cohesive giant opened his big mouth and smashed the void out of a starry sky, like a real starlight giant hand, directly blasting Su Jin's state of ‘everlasting and everlasting’!

Su Jin... his face changed suddenly!

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