My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2402: Chase (5/6)

This blow was very strong, and Su Jin had naturally expected it.

But he didn't expect it to be so strong. The state of'This Persistence and Other Perseverance' that was secreted by the word'Nothing' just now was superimposed by his nine dead heavenly powers by nearly 20%, but it was still shattered by that blow.

The luminous blue giant, the starlight giant hand that smashed from his lower body, was in a flash—

Su Jin has no choice!

With his palms interlaced in front of him, with a light wave, the Wheel of Secret of Heaven stood up in front of him, and that giant hand of starlight, which seemed to have come from an eternal distance and straddling, was directly submerged in the Wheel of Secret of Heaven!

The wheel of the secret of the sky, the eight divine clouds bloom, and there is a giant dragon swimming in the hand of the starlight giant, coiling the dragon head and roaring at the dragon master!

Su Jin is simply doing his best! Putting all the eight world realm powers together, there was nothing left, preventing the starlight giant hand from crushing his real Dao body!

The starry sky, where is this still an ordinary battle? The two are like gods, and all beings are trembling and trembling with the stars.


Su Jin roared with a long voice. Behind him, hundreds of millions of ascetic monks, true Buddhas, Buddhas, and Buddha emperors all sat cross-legged and manifested, chanting Buddha chants to bless Su Jin's Buddha power.

The entire surface of Panlong City, the evil spirits who died in it since the opening of the world, are turning into black smoke, providing power for the eternal ghost king Su Jin!

The dragon-shaped mountain is constantly cracking. On the spine of the dragon veins, dragon energy gushes out of it, providing dragon energy for the candle dragon god!

That scream, melodious!

The starry sky arm stretched out from the side of the wheel of the sky, but was entangled by the eight divine clouds, but that's it, in front of Su Jin, he saw the five fingers stretched out from the other end to his eyes!


The luminous blue giant shattered and was no longer sustainable. The huge shock wave moved Panlong City to the ground, and even the collapsed palace was seen. The gray air wave was round and pushed almost five thousand miles away. ——

"When I see you again, I will be merciless!"

The main body of the Skywalking Dragon was obviously weaker. He looked at Su Jin who had been shaken thousands of miles away and smiled strangely, his figure could not help but fade in the void, then fade again.

Until it disappears!

Su Jin was breathing heavily. He was stunned by the shining blue starry sky giant. The force of the explosion caused him in the center to be directly injured. The bones in his body were densely packed, all with cracks!

Is this the real power? Su Jin wiped the blood from his mouth, and the Heavenly Dragon Lord could completely crush him, but he took advantage of the time and place! Otherwise, it will be difficult to catch this blow!

There is a gap, and if you don’t want to admit it, there is no way--


What does the last smile of Tianxing Dragon Lord mean?

Su Jin was slightly startled, looking to the east of the ruins of Panlong City, he has been paying attention to the whereabouts of the three of Huan Zhao Dao Zun. Because of the blow that just burst, the dust there is now falling back, and when it dissipates, only the panic is left. Fu Yao and Huan Zhao exist.

Xia Yuyan carrying it on his back is gone!

Just now, the Star Dragon Lord had no chance. Su Jin looked up at the deep sky in the north. A deep Star Avenue was opened up. There was a masked goddess. Just taking advantage of the chaos, she drew out the pink silk and swept Xia Yuyan away!

Su Jin is so angry! With his hands crossed, the whole person leaned forward, his feet shattered a piece of spiritual sky, and he rushed directly to the side of the opened star road——

Looking from the outside to the inside, he didn't know where, Su Jin could still see the girl, but the speed seemed to be three times faster than himself!

That's right, triple!

Just as Su Jin was about to walk in desperately, the voice of Princess Jincheng appeared in her ear: "Don't worry, she won't be in the slightest danger, and I know where she was taken—"

Su Jin's eyes were indeed red anxious just now, and she saw Princess Jincheng walking to her side and shouted, "Go!"

After all, Princess Jincheng was pulled by Su Jin's arm, and the two of them disappeared into the star road in a flash!

Dao Zun Huan Zhao and Palace Master Fu Yao, staring blankly at the large passage of stars, the self-blame in the hearts of the two women became more intense, they just couldn't deal with the power that they took out of the pink silk just now, blinking Xia Yu The smoke was snatched!

"What, what to do?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked at Fu Yao Palace Master, for the first time in front of Fu Yao, acting like a sister.

"He chased after him, and he saw the situation just now, it's not something we can handle—"

"Hope, we are waiting for him at the Galaxy Station here." Huan Zhao Dao Zun thought for a while and said.

"it is good."


The two women raised their heads and watched the black star road gradually closing. After looking for a long time, they left and went to the bank of the Galaxy.

The wet place--

Su Jin felt uncomfortable when he came in. It takes at least one night for the divine bones in his body to heal. Now all the avenues are shut down, and the strength is unable to penetrate the marrow veins. The more he goes on, the more he feels discomfort.

The two of them chased this star path for a short half an hour before they walked out of the channel and stepped onto a solid ground. The bone-to-heart cold air closed the body's pores. In such a case, bursts of white mist left the body with the heat.

In front of me, there were stone steles that stretched endlessly. Snow fell on each stone stele, and the white graves protruded out.

"This is the burial ground. The lowest buried in each tomb is the **** of humans." Princess Jincheng's clothes were slightly torn, and even if she looked closely, she could see a lot of charming style, but Su Jin was not interested.

"You are driven by the Dragon Lord, why do you know where my wife is?" Su Jin didn't understand this. And the woman also vowed to say that Xia Yuyan would not be in any danger.

"The goddess Yuyan is the existence named to take away. Even if the Dragon Lord of the Skywalk dies, she can't die. How can she worry about her life."

Princess Jincheng broke out a great secret, which surprised Su Jin——


Even the Skywalking Dragon Lord is a slave, driven by the above?

In the depths of Su Jin's eyes, there is a trace of unsearchable light, is it related to the seal of Yuyan's wife's spirit in the sea? Someone broke the seal and knew her true ‘identity’?

Most likely!

As a result, Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

" are in the burial ground, can you heal your wounds as soon as possible?" Princess Jincheng doesn't know how to call Su Jin, and the relationship is quite awkward, after all, she is guilty and wrong.

"Just call me Su Jin, wait for half a day, the injury may be recovered." Su Jin estimated for a while, he understood one thing, if he did not recover from the injury, he would not be able to do anything!

"Half a day?" Princess Jincheng was a little surprised, hesitated for a moment, and looked at Su Jin's strong upper body with small cracks densely covered in her skin.

Su Jin sat cross-legged on the spot and began to run his supernatural powers. The bones in his body began to make noises. Princess Jincheng was shocked, and this kind of injury would only survive the monstrous evil!

The skin, bones, and souls have been shaken out of dense wounds, and the bones should all be broken.

Su Jin said indifferently in the endless burial ground in front of him:

"My injury is very serious right now, you can cut me with a single stroke--"

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