My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2403: Go to the burial ground at night (6/6)

Hit casually?

Princess Jincheng was silent.

Not to mention her, anyone can see that Su Jin's condition is very poor, even if she is not 100% sure, Jincheng Princess has 80% hope.

"What then?" Princess Jincheng sat directly next to Su Jin, letting him see the snow muscle under the damaged clothes.

"Then you can hold my head and go to claim credit—"

Su Jin's voice is still like just now, without emotion at all.

"It seems very attractive..." Princess Jincheng sighed deeply. After speaking, she closed her mouth and two dimples appeared on her cheeks.

Su Jin's body was crackling, and there were bone sounds constantly, and his face was blue and white, but the man with bones and bones would not scream because of this pain.

"You are much smarter than the tiger's "human gods"." Su Jin raised his breath, urging more divine power in his body, and the entire sea of ​​Qi began to rippling slightly, overflowing with a little power.

"Look, do you know why this place is called the burial ground?" When Princess Jincheng asked with a smile, she pointed to a graveyard in front of her.

"Didn't you talk about it just now?" Su Jindan asked.

"Yes, people and gods who are better than me will also die. I used to think that they can live forever, but only after they have cultivated to realize that people and gods are also very fragile. Rotten, they all want to resurrect—"

Princess Jincheng turned her face and looked at Su Jin, "Eight years ago, I was almost carried here to bury me. Today, I was beaten by you to doubt my life. Think about beating you now, I am still me."

Become a human god, you will have everything you should have, a huge family, inexhaustible wealth, but talent is not able to make up for it, and it will look down.

So Jincheng Princess looked away and didn't cut Su Jin, and went to receive the so-called reward. It was just that she came together like this, maybe her Jin family would have no way out.

Su Jin did not speak, it was her choice how to do it, and he had no reason to interfere.

Seeing Su Jin Yungong healed, Princess Jincheng smiled and said: "In more than an hour, it will be dark here, and then it will be the busiest time. Do you stay overnight or go through this burial ground to find your way. companion?"

"Hurry up." After Su Jin said two words, he chose to close his eyes.

As time passed, the inside and outside of the burial ground began to darken gradually. When Su Jin concentrated on healing, he was suddenly awakened by a cry of crying——

Princess Jincheng shrugged, Su Jin looked not far away.

No wonder, it's no wonder that Princess Jincheng considers it the most lively at night!

Not far away, there was a ‘Tomb of Man and God’ surrounded by nine sapphire carvings, each in the form of a woman. Su Jin personally saw a female ghost coming out of the jade, crying loudly.

"That's a soul stone, and many will set up grave guards. These souls are imprinted in them, and they will never be able to reincarnate. It is very miserable." Princess Jincheng explained.


Five tones.

Immediately thereafter, one after another, as an ordinary person, I really dare not stay here to meditate. No matter how bad, I will be upset and walk the night here? It's really bold!

Su Jin has a ray of natural ‘Heaven’s Law’, and he can always hold the inner mirror. He probably estimated that after half a stick of incense, he should be able to recover 50% of his strength.

When he cried, he laughed. Su Jin saw a beautiful female ghost and couldn't help but slapped his eyes towards this side. He only looked at it two more times, and Princess Jincheng stood in front of him to block her.

"Living beauty, why didn't I see you look more?"

Princess Jincheng is very confident. She stays calm. In fact, she has never existed at such a close distance with a man.

Su Jin looked around, admiring her with a man's unique ‘eye’.

Than shameless?

Sorry, Su Jin really wants to ask, what is the face!

Princess Jincheng cried **** inwardly, turned her front body, and walked instinctively two steps sideways, the dimples on both sides seemed to fall into the big dyeing vat, pink and transparent.

"Let's go." Su Jin stood up from a cross-sitting position.

"Are you getting hurt so soon?" Princess Jincheng put away the most primitive pink shame and asked calmly.

"It's fast, you should be able to recover on your own on the road." Su Jin estimated it, but didn't know how long it would be.

However, Su Jin is very smart. Since Princess Jincheng said to hurry up at night, it must not be far away. During this period, his body injuries will heal faster as his strength recovers. After all, the candle dragon magic medicine that he takes is not covered. .

Princess Jincheng was speechless, followed Su Jin closely, and began to walk the burial ground at night!

The whining cry can be seen everywhere, and the phantom is flashing away everywhere, Su Jin, if he does not see, moves forward resolutely!

On both sides of the road, Su Jin saw a strange sight. There were many stone slabs scattered on the side. Three empty coffins appeared just not far away.

"Go, let's go! You can't look at the burial ground indiscriminately--" Princess Jincheng poked his back with her finger behind Su Jin, reminding in a low voice.

The touch behind the man at the fingertips persisted in Princess Jincheng's heart. Fortunately, the night was covering her face, and no one knew how hot her face was!

"Walking to dawn, can you get to the place you said?" Su Jin didn't care.

"Thinking too much! At dawn, it's not bad that we can get out of this burial ground!" Princess Jincheng said.


Is the burial ground so big?

Su Jin couldn't see his head anyway, and then said: "Then go faster--"

"You can't go too fast! I'll tell you that in two hours, I will light two candles, one for you and one, don't lose it in your hand, know?" Princess Jincheng said cautiously.

"Are you particular?" Su Jin was really strange.

"Don't worry about it, it's so easy to live here? The Skywalker Dragon Lord walks from here, I'm afraid he won't dare to walk all night, you, hey! I don't want to care about you." Princess Jincheng's beautiful eyes seemed to have a ray of richness. The taboo.

Su Jin was expressionless and continued to walk. The speed was actually quite slow, but Princess Jincheng kept asking not to speed up, as if she wanted to avoid something.

There were broken coffins constantly appearing on the side of the road. Some sarcophagi were completely empty, and some sarcophagi were half-fitted. Su Jin had grown so big and had so many encounters. He still encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

On the way, the two talked very little, but they communicated a lot. Princess Jincheng kept talking, and the deeper she walked, the more nervous her face became.

Are people so courageous?

Less than two hours later, Princess Jincheng lit two candles. The body of the candle was pale white, and the lamp beans jumped on the wick, and the pace of the two slowed down.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, half an hour passed.

Everything is in peace--

Princess Jincheng breathed a sigh of relief, but before she had five breaths, her mind began to tremble, the hairs all over her body stood up, her face turned pale!

A blast of cold wind was blowing through the bones in the middle of the road.

Su Jin squinted his eyes and looked at the white candle in his hand. The flame on it swayed from side to side, as did the candle in Princess Jincheng's hand.

The light bean is very unstable.

Until the two candles went out instantly...

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