My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2404: Words on tombstone

The two candles went out, and Princess Jincheng paled, and she was shocked.

On the road in the center of the burial ground, a few blazing lights made noises, and then on the road, like fog and waves, there was a blue mist rushing away——

"Zie Sha, take a snapshot of what I did!" Jincheng Princess called out again and again.

"What are you doing?" Su Jin was startled, but she felt that Princess Jincheng was exceptionally solemn. She was a strong person in the realm of God, why was she afraid to go this way at night?

Princess Jincheng was obviously very anxious, and she couldn't explain it for a while, and she directly took Su Jin's arm and pulled him into the open sarcophagus on the side of the road!


It turned out that the broken sarcophagus was scattered on the road and placed irregularly, which was actually set up to hide from people. Su Jin suddenly understood in his heart that he also valued a lot of this burial ground.


In the dark, a coffin is hidden together. This kind of sarcophagus is not too big, but it is one-third larger than a mortal coffin. It is too crowded for two people, and even one needs to be sideways, or stacked on top.

In the dark space, Su Jin only felt that Princess Jincheng was holding her arms in front of her. Her long legs seemed to push herself away, but with a little effort, she got closer.

Princess Jincheng

There is a strange fragrance.

It may be from a wealthy family, what to wear, and what you want to own is just a matter of one sentence, but because of this, I am short of breath now.

Jincheng Princess felt Su Jin's breath appearing next to her face and ears. At that moment, her ears were red hot, and she hugged Su Jin's arms to conceal her fear.

"What's the matter?" When Su Jin Chuanyin asked, he deeply smelled the strange scent of her body, and felt that after smelling it, the whole person was awake for three minutes.

"The burial and burial grounds are the most gloomy place. Every three or sixty-nine days, there is a possibility that the corpse **** will appear. This **** tomb will exist after the sky is opened. It is said that if the gods and humans touch the'Chong Sha' On this day, you will not be able to get out of this tomb.

"It turned out to be like this--" Su Jin thoughtfully.

"The sarcophagus on the road is just for hiding. They can hide from the sky and cross the sea without being discovered by the corpse god. Maybe they are just passing by and will disappear in a while."


For a while.

Two moments.

After five minutes, half an hour passed, and the blue mist spreading on the rim of the coffin was still rewinding, Su Jin looked helpless, and simply relaxed, lying on her side.

Smelling the scent, the tip of Su Jin's nose was approaching, approaching her crystal-clear snow-colored earlobes, and couldn't help it! High officials can't do it! He grabbed the crystal earlobe like a smoke--


Princess Jincheng's body shook fiercely, and her eyes facing the sky were slightly blurred. She was holding Su Jin's arm and began to feel weak, but that arm was liberated~~~

The quiet blue evil spirit surgingly shrouded the sarcophagus extended by the two of them. When the stranger exhaled the heat, the evil spirit and the breath of the person's breath merged, and the whole sarcophagus was on fire!

Su Jin's expression moved slightly, without even thinking about it, he rushed out of the sarcophagus and rose into the sky!

His reaction was too quick, and the actions she made couldn't be stopped by Princess Jincheng!

As for the so-called corpse god, Su Jin did not see it directly, but instead saw the scene that he would never imagine!

The road was covered by evil spirits, and there was a false and real vision in the middle. It was a mausoleum. There were colorful camellias around the tombstone, and the blue light was so bright around it—

"Quick, go!"

In the sarcophagus, Princess Jincheng was anxious, resisting fear and poked her eyes out of the sarcophagus.

Immediately startled.

"Where is the corpse god?" Su Jin looked at the startled eyes, asked, and asked lightly.

"I, I'm just listening to the rumors, but I rushed on the road just now, there is no reason why the corpse **** will not appear, it is strange—" Princess Jincheng boldly stood up from the sarcophagus.

A **** tomb cemetery appeared, and Princess Jincheng used the unique vision of the human spirit to sweep around. As Su Jin said, there was no sign of the **** of corpses.

"Can you see the words on the tombstone?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"I'm just about to ask you, you can't see it either? You have several mastery pupil skills. If you can't see it, how could I..." Princess Jincheng thinks she can't compare with Su Jin. Su Jin gave Su Jin a white glance.

Su Jin's face was dark.

Now if you want to get out of the burial ground, you have to cross this vision, or wait for the blue evil spirit to dissipate, and let the road manifest, but the stare did not clear for half an hour, making him feel surprised.

Su Jin has never encountered the weird scene before, and now one is stepping over, and the other is waiting for dawn in the sarcophagus, but both seem to be risky.

"Go!" Su Jin's expression became more and more gloomy, and finally looked directly at Princess Jincheng and made a decision.

"I'm not going—" Princess Jincheng feels very bad now. If the corpse **** appears, maybe she feels better. She dare not let this guy let her cross the tombstone god.

"Those who come are not good, those who are good don't come! Hiding in the sarcophagus may not be able to avoid disaster!" Su Jin's eyes were cold. Although he understood Princess Jincheng, avoiding would not solve the trouble.

"If you want to go, you go--"

Princess Jincheng shook her head like a rattle. She was so frightened that she felt the great crisis and would rather hide in the sarcophagus than leave.

"It's up to you?" Su Jin didn't even think about it. He directly fished into the sarcophagus with both hands, and carried her out of it.

Stride towards the tombstone and the vision of the tomb of God, without hesitation at all.

"From, from you." Princess Jincheng's eyes were clever, but her face was on the other side, holding Su Jin's neck in both hands, and refused to face him.

The weird scene became more intense in the hearts of the two of them. As they gradually approached, the vision of the tomb of the gods became clearer, and the lush camellia around the tombstone was colorful.

At the edge of the tombstone's outline, Su Jin saw a golden lotus pattern engraved on it. Although it was only a virtual celestial phenomenon, it seemed to be true.

Su Jin is very familiar with the tangled lotus pattern, a bit inclined to the Buddha——

Princess Jincheng thumped her heartbeat, looking at the tombstone, the vision of the entire **** tomb is very huge, if this scale is real, I am afraid it will be able to top the entire **** burial ground!

"You said that the corpse evil spirit can't come out, why do you condense such a vision? It seems to be just to frighten us, and there is no intention to attack." Princess Jincheng blushed, she was held, Su Jin's palm was holding her leg , Where has this happened before——

"Don't talk too much." Su Jin was silent, his face calmed, and he strode forward.

"By the way, you haven't answered the question I asked you just now? Can you see the words on the tombstone?" Princess Jincheng asked.

"You can see, but you can't know." Su Jin hugged her and walked farther and farther, until he got out of the range of the blue evil spirit.

On the tombstone, the dim words gradually became clear, and four words were displayed impressively:

"Su Jin's Tomb!"

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