My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2405: Break Lingxiao!

"Jie Jie Jie--"

A weird and gloomy laugh came from the horrible vision. Su Jin really looked like a mighty, holding Princess Jincheng. Hearing that voice, his face did not change and he walked away.

After a quarter of an hour, the two stopped and Princess Jincheng was also put down by Su Jin. She turned her head and looked back. The dark blue light had disappeared, and she couldn't help but pat her heart.

"It's really unlucky. I have to tell you clearly about something. Don't think that I'm hiding from you when the time comes and you have to say that I'm wrong." Princess Jincheng said.


"Why didn't I come out just now, naturally there is a reason why I didn't come out, because I have heard a legend."

Princess Jincheng gradually calmed down, "It is said that there was a great power before. When he stayed at the burial ground at night, she had a dream. The vision in the dream showed that he was buried in it. When he woke up to look for it from memory, I found my own tomb, an empty tomb—"

"Then what?" Su Jin asked.

"Within three days, I fell to the ground and died. In the second year, the grass on the graves grew to this height." Princess Jincheng pouted, and was higher than her waist.

Su Jin laughed. He saw that Princess Jincheng was ridiculing and laughing so as to ease the atmosphere. She could be naughty like a little woman, but she was not alone on the road.

"It's just a legend." Su Jin joked.

"Seriously, tell me, what are the words on the tombstone? This is not a child's play. If it is a stranger's name, let's just leave it alone--"

Princess Jincheng was seen by Su Jin deliberately alleviating the atmosphere, staring at Su Jin when she finished speaking, she didn't need to hide it.

"I'm afraid of scaring you to death." Su Jin said haha.

"Me, me?" Princess Jincheng's face suddenly paled, and her mood suddenly fell. If it says "Princess Jincheng", she will not escape death.

The burial ground, there is such an ominous sign, no one can look at it with fluke eyes, otherwise they will not know how to die by then.

Su Jin shook his head, took the initiative and continued on his way.

A smile suddenly appeared on Princess Jincheng's face. She knew that Su Jin would not lie to her. It would be nice to see that it was not her own name. It is difficult to cultivate human beings and gods, and no one wants to die.

Time is spent walking——

Su Jin owns the "Eighth Way" candle dragon, and the magical poison is also a magical medicine. After walking for a long time, when the sky was turned up with a white belly, his injury had recovered 90%.

The broken **** bones healed, and his physical injuries were better than when he was the Dragon Lord on the day of the battle!

With the god’s ‘burial ground’, how terrifying this continent is, Su Jin can naturally think that when the bright red round of the sun completely rises, the two have already left the burial ground.

Soon, outside the Baili Mountain Range, Su Jin and Princess Jincheng were pursuing this——

This is a rural inn. Several ‘wine’ flags fluttered slightly in the morning breeze. Su Jin saw it with the eyes of the prison in Maha Town and saw the girl who had taken Yuyan’s wife here.

Even staying in the inn until dawn did they step into the sky and stay far away.

Su Jin secretly cried out that it was a pity that if it hadn't been for the vision last night, it would have been a delay for a while and had a guilty conscience to rush all night, and that girl could be intercepted in this inn!

"I have never asked you about the identity of the girl who took my wife away--" Su Jin looked at Princess Jincheng and said.

"Tell you, you dare not kill. This time it mainly depends on your wife's meaning. If you can't leave or go back, you can't be able to control it." Princess Jincheng sighed.

"Speak." Su Jin became more and more worried.

"Well, the one who took your Taoist couple... is the third daughter of the **** mother, Fairy Xiaoxiang."

Bang bang bang.

When the words ‘Xiaoxiang Fairy’ and ‘God Mother’ were uttered, the doors and windows of the entire rural inn suddenly closed, and I didn’t know how to describe it. Su Jin naturally discovered this.

Very weird.

Su Jin turned his face straight and looked at Princess Jincheng and said, "Is the **** mother very powerful?"

"Keep it down!"

Princess Jincheng was almost frightened, and then she said in a voice-transmitting way: "The people of Tiangong, who would dare to say something offensive like this? But recently there seems to be something wrong there. I don't know exactly. Let's come this way. I can meet Lord Dragon Lord."

Obviously, Lord Dragon Lord is a member of the Heavenly Palace. He has been sitting in Panlong City all the year round. Now that city has been destroyed and there is nowhere to go, so I can only go back——

"If you don't give me an explanation, I will never give up! How far is it now?" Su Jin didn't want to waste too much time, so he immediately asked.

"It's very fast to take the'Transportation Array". With our feet, we have to walk for four hours. I know where there is a Teleportation Array. Let's go—" Princess Jincheng said.

Su Jin's heart is a little heavy, his premonition is getting worse and worse, Xia Yuyan's secret may have been known, otherwise why does the other party value it so much?

Stepping into the void, Princess Jincheng took a deep breath and said: "I tell you, I can take you there, but I pursue you and promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Su Jin asked.

"Stay in awe of Tiangong. I have already given up my life and put all the treasures on you. You can't die. If you die, my family blood will definitely be wiped out..." Princess Jincheng said.

Su Jin thought for a while, this woman is following herself now, plus she betrayed the Skywalking Dragon Lord. That's not bad to say, he fell silent--

"Don't speak when you agree." Princess Jincheng said.

Afterwards, when she walked to the teleportation formation mentioned by Princess Jincheng, half an hour had passed. Of course, this little time was obviously not worth mentioning when she walked from the void to the'Heavenly Palace'.

How fast is the teleportation array? But more than 30 breaths--


The purple mountain was towering, and Su Jin looked at the sacred mountain on the teleportation formation, looking at the bottom of the mountain from a distance. This mountain is too high, and there are a lot of purple-red vegetation.

At the edge of the mountain, Su Jin felt that when he stretched out his hand, he could touch the clouds.

Beyond dozens of clouds, about a thousand miles away, I saw a quaint fairy city faintly among the clouds. There were countless palaces and barriers above. People looked at it and felt a kind of majesty from the heart.

Yuyan's wife was caught here? Su Jin's eyes were cold--

"I went to worship the **** at the gate of Tiangong Palace, and by the way, I asked someone to ask the godmother of the sky and the Taoist couple to come." Princess Jincheng apparently went to the palace more than once.

After that, Princess Jincheng did not dare to look at Su Jin’s face and disappeared in place. She knew that there was little hope of seeing Su Jin, but could not bear to hit Su Jin——

Su Jinpan was sitting on the top of the Zishan Mountain and looking at the gate of the palace that day, he saw the princess Jincheng who appeared there, but he was stumped by a few gods and generals, and said his intention.

"You Jincheng Princess didn't kneel down and apologize! Fairy Xiaoxiang knew that he would come after! She specially told us that if he asked to see him, let him go --" a **** general holding a warrior shouted.

Princess Jincheng was directly fought by several battles, pressing on her neck, shoulders and other positions!

Let me go?

Su Jin's pupils quickly filled with blood, and his whole body turned into blood, rushing directly to the clouds!

Really turned into a dragon! The dragon is as long as ten million feet long, and has a body width of one million. The blood scales all over his body expressing his breath, the dragon roars into the sky! Over the entire heavenly palace, an aura of destruction overflowed!

Some people in the palace raised their heads and saw the shattered void, revealing the blood in the abyss of the void. A bright red'Candle Dragon' forelimbs had six dragon fingers, and one forelimb was as large as the purple mountain. !

Penetrating from the clouds-

It was actually going to smash Heavenly Palace Lingxiao!

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