My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2406: Three Fairies

Above the blue sky, red scales are like sharp steel blades, densely covered on the dragon's feet, and the entire heavenly palace is affected by the powerful dragon, and it seems to be trembling slightly.

Princess Jincheng has been captured now, but she knows Su Jin's temper and doesn't want him to be like this. Su Jin is too terrifying now, but this heavenly palace... can't be offended by the powerhouse!

"I will fight you!"

The **** general who had just communicated with the Jincheng princess had a war with his hands, the armor on his body made a sound, and hundreds of blue brilliance were condensed by him. When he stepped on his feet, he has stepped out of a cloud of blue mist and disappeared from the gate of the palace. before!

"General Aoyu cannot--"

Princess Jincheng's face turned pale, "You are not his opponent, he really wants to kill!"


The several gods who trapped Princess Jincheng laughed together. The dragon above is just a little more powerful. If they want to, they can do it. Aoyu is the guard of the gate of the palace, a **** Peak is not comparable to the other party.

Princess Jincheng actually said that who has the ability to kill General Ao Yu!

This is simply impossible in the eyes of the remaining few gods——

"Princess Jincheng! You are a member of my heavenly palace, but you are speaking to foreign enemies. It looks like Xiaoxiang fairy talking about you. You have betrayed our heavenly palace. When this little evildoer is beheaded to death by Aoyu, you will surely be beaten to the heavenly palace. Great prison!" One of the gods drank lightly.

"No, no, it is precisely because I am a member of the Celestial Palace that I don't want the two sides to engage in evil. General Aoyu is really not his opponent--" Jincheng Princess looked anxious.

Now, who can believe her?

It is impossible to believe that these gods guarding the gates of the Heavenly Palace are the monks who seem to be in the realm of the world. They fought against the Skywalker Dragon Lord not long ago. Although there may be a gap in strength, they are not what Aoyu can defeat.

The Tiangong was shaking, enjoying the mighty Dragon's invasion. In the whole Tiangong, the West Palace was the closest to the battlefield.

At this moment, the snow-white jade-like railings circled a large blank garden. In front of a large hall, facing the environment surrounded by fairy mist in front, there were three fairies wearing three colors standing.

"The goddess has been born and settled, and now she must cut off the relationship with this person and meet the mother's requirements."

The three fairies, pink, white, and blue, stood inside the railings of the West Palace, looking up as General Aoyu rushed into the sky, and they immediately communicated.

If you let other gods know that the three daughters of the **** mother are now appearing together, it is definitely a great event. In the entire **** world, these three fairies are among the top five!

The fairy wearing pink, as the eldest sister, the eldest daughter of the **** mother, named Shuqing fairy, ranked fifth in the world goddess ranking——

Second daughter: Fairy Guanghan, ranked fourth.

The third daughter: Fairy Xiaoxiang, she was ranked second. These three girls with a good reputation in the whole world raised their heads together, making the entire glorious heavenly palace seem to be overshadowed.

"I heard the Lord Tianxing Dragon report that he paid great attention to this person, but I really didn't see anything special about him." Fairy Shuqing looked up with a jasper pipa on his back and pink clothes.

"The prestige is enough, but the strength is lacking, and the realm seems to be only the world..." Fairy Guanghan was wearing a blue dress, a little naughty, she seemed to be looking at Su Jin, her eyes moving.

"Two sisters, although his realm is not enough, but I watched the battle with my own eyes at the time. If the realm is not enough, it will be so strong. If it is enough, then what?

The fairy Xiaoxiang, who was covered in white gauze and dressed in white, swept away Xia Yuyan with a pink silk yesterday, at the moment she spoke lightly and explained to her sister——

"Little girl, what is his state?"

"Yes, what realm?"

Guanghan, Shuqing, and the two venerable fairies of the Heavenly Palace, now looking at the little sister Xiaoxiang, they asked curiously. Originally, the two of them had already seen, but those who dared to attack the Heavenly Palace like this were afraid that they would hide their cultivation level. People are afraid of being laughed at by the younger sister.

"World Realm." Xiaoxiang Fairy nodded.

"Huh?" Guang Han was a little surprised, because she was also looking at the world.

"It's really a world? It didn't hide it at all?" Fairy Shuqing asked curiously.

"Lord Tianxing Dragon has suffered a lot in his hands. It is indeed a good world, but he is not an ordinary world, but a world of eight realms." Fairy Xiaoxiang has a serious face.

Sisters Guanghan and Shuqing fell into silence:...

Ta Ta Ta-

The sound of horse hooves broke the silence. The three fairies looked from a distance and saw the northern void of the heavenly palace. There was actually a blue-haired man riding a sturdy god-like pony horse, stepping through the fairy mist, and his posture was a bit cold and charming.

"Yue Longfei? I heard that I have been obsessed with my sister for many years, and my mother has also appreciated him very much. She gave Bei Xianhai and gave him the title of "Beihai War God". What do you think, sister?" Xiaoxiang looked at Fairy Shuqing and asked with a laugh.

"When I was young, my mother removed the roots of love and put on the poison. I think he is actually looking at a piece of wood without feeling. It seems that you are not the same."

As Fairy Shuqing spoke, her clothes moved slightly in the wind, her profile was unique and she was carrying a jasper pipa.

"I heard that Yue Longfei likes to listen to the pipa music played by her sister--" Guanghan is playful when he smiles, but has the same temperament as a cold girl when he is not smiling.

"Oh, so I haven't heard my sister play the piano for a long time--" Fairy Xiaoxiang clearly told the truth.

"General Aoyu, even with Yue Longfei's hand, it's useless to let him have eight world realms."

Fairy Shuqing changed the subject.

Admiral Aoyu was covered in blue fairy light, condensing a Sirius, his momentum was actually able to contend with Su Jin by three points! The battle in his hand is a divine treasure bestowed by the mother of the gods.

But it was like the body of a dragon god, it was too huge, Su Jin didn't catch the palace, it was not unwilling, but the blue sky wolf was condensed by General Aoyu, the wolf head soared, and he wanted to compete with his dragon feet?


Under the collision of the two forces of blue and red, the lightning light of the thunderbolt was reflected on nearly two-thirds of the heavens and gods, and hundreds of millions of creatures all looked up and saw the terrible scene.


Six fingers on the dragon's claws, when the six fingers were covering the sky, they directly grasped the blue sky wolf's head, and when the roar sounded, the wolf's head was grabbed to pieces that day!


Above the West Palace, the fairy mist rolled back, and the three fairies Shuqing, Guanghan, and Xiaoxiang were all taken aback! In this hit, General Ao Yu directly spurted blood from the sky and flew down!

Gods are so fragile? Vulnerable? You must know that this general Aoyu is different from ordinary gods! Su Jin, this enchanting evildoer, shocked the three fairies.

"It's stronger! I'm a little worried now, his performance now is even better than when he was fighting Sky Xinglong yesterday!" Fairy Xiaoxiang said with her eyebrows.

The huge blood dragon is fading, and Yue Longfei, riding on the horse of the gods, has already arrived——

General Aoyu felt very sad, and after trying to stabilize his body, he was actually a little happy to see Yue Longfei, but then his expression changed drastically, and there was nothing behind him, and he opened up a dragon cave!

Su Jin held the dragon sword high, surrounded by the bright blood dragon, swiftly turning...

Cut it off with one knife!

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