My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2417: Nanli


On a clear day and thunder, when the wind blows the clouds, there is a vast scene of lightning.

There was a special artistic conception that fluttered in the hearts of the people in the palace, including the two ancestors of Jinshan and Yinshan who were waiting in the distance. They stared in amazement and saw a little gray light in the clear blue sky above.

Whoosh whoosh...

Tens of millions of Su Jin figures appeared neatly on the uppermost sea of ​​clouds. This vision was different from the imaginary, and even more different from the Profound Method. Every Su Jin was extremely real.

"It's all true?" Princess Jincheng was surprised.

"Naturally not true." Fairy Guanghan directly denied this possibility when she was frightened. After all, there is only one real body of Su Jin, and it is still in the palace hall!

"It's not true, but it's messy. I can't judge the aura. If he is in it, I am afraid that he can easily make terrible attacks. Please observe and observe. This is probably the big method of the wordless Tianshen." The mother was deeply moved.

Xia Yuyan watched quietly, Su Jin, a world-level cultivator, was surprised by a group of unimaginable strong men. This feeling made her feel good and proud.

As for the secret of the sky, Xia Yuyan doesn't care or understand--

That's right, it is the wordless secret.

This method is fundamentally different from Zhetian Mi. Zhetian is a technique of killing, suppressing, and killing the Tao. However, the wordless secret technique is a life-saving technique. Shu Tian Mi's superficial ability.

Now, there are tens of millions of Su Jin figures, and each figure has a different temperament, breath, and even breathing.

"Mother God, this wordless Tian Mi has reached the realm of entering the hall, and I am afraid that he is one step closer to the'lawlessness'." Jinshan Old Ancestor felt more emotional than anyone.

"Lawlessness? Is there such a realm?" The daughters and the **** mother were extremely shocked, especially when such words were spoken from the **** mother.

"Yes! It is rumored that there is no word heaven secret, and it is lawless if you cultivate to the highest point, but no one has done it. This is a secret method that far exceeds the way of heaven, the real heavenly technique."

"Look, he's afraid that he really moved in the sky, practicing this wordless secret--" Jincheng princess pointed to the sky excitedly. The white and delicate lotus arms had a unique beauty in the sunshine.

Sure enough, when everyone looked at it, tens of millions of Su Jin instantly became one, his brows frowned, as if thinking about something--

No, why is it called "No" Tian Mi?

Is nothingness or reclusiveness highlighted? Just tens of millions of tens of millions of real Su Jin's figure, he just touched the context, in the hands of a truly powerful, one blow is afraid that he can be crushed, and it is not as easy to use as the ‘permanent and perpetual’!

"Hush, don't disturb him, just take a look, I want to see if he is also very enchanting in savvy--" Fairy Xiaoxiang said softly.

Su Jin shook slightly, and then displayed tens of millions of figures. Unlike this retraction, when the tens of millions of figures turned around in a blink of an eye, the world of the gods under his feet seemed to be ‘shrinked’ a lot?


Su Jin became excited.


The whole person stroked his feet and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"So fast!" The **** mother said in surprise.

"Shrink the ground to an inch, this step is one hundred thousand li!" Yinshan ancestor growled low, with deep fear in his eyes.

Although a step of 100,000 miles, humans and gods can easily do it, let alone the existence of surpassing human beings and gods, but this evildoer obviously has no loss and can be maintained for a long time——

"No!'Shrinking the ground into an inch' is obviously not the final state of casting spells!" The **** mother saw the clue.

Su Jin stepped into the Great World of Heavenly God, walking a million miles southeast and northwest, but only took ten steps, but then his body became lighter and lighter, on the contrary, circles of gray-blue clouds gathered.


After a breath of air-conditioning, the scene fell into silence.

The gray-blue clouds actually formed a vortex covering a radius of a million miles!

A smile was drawn at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and the wordless Tian Mi really surprised him. Unlike the power of Zhe Tian Mi, this Tian Mi will greatly increase his future survival rate.

It can move, get lost, and even shrink to an inch, condensing a million-mile gas field vortex!


Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. He saw Guan Zizai turning into a golden light before leaving. Although he couldn't do it this way, with the improvement of his strength, his Heavenly Secret might have power beyond imagination. !

Then, Su Jin disappeared into the void and returned to the main hall of the Heavenly Palace. He continued to cultivate. Now he is strong and competitive. Since the Five Elements Heaven is a place valued by Guan Zi, why not go there!


In the evening, the clouds in the distance were gorgeous, red like blood, and half of the red sun had been buried in the horizon. The Tiangong Teleportation Array was like a compass covered with stars, densely covered with many star roads.

At this moment, when Su Jin appeared, the women had been waiting for a long time, and the godmother was moving the star array, and the pointer on it was like a star road. When it revolved and stayed, the entire array quickly moved——

On the star array, the innermost ring pattern lights up, and the three fairies, Princess Jincheng, Su Jin and Xia Yuyan disappeared on the star array, and a glazed star path was opened in the sky.


The second ring lights up.

Fourth ring.

The eighth ring.

When the real twenty-nine ring patterns light up, the **** mother relaxes her tight nerves. During this period, it took more than an hour--


The five elements are in the sky, and the sky is south.

Su Jin and several people appeared on an ancient formation. When they had a clear vision, they scanned the surroundings and they saw the existence of an array disk with a radius of thousands of miles, with very regular long array patterns everywhere.

Su Jin knew how rare it was for the star-route teleportation array that was thousands of miles long, and even the time, manpower, and material resources required to build such a large array were extremely large.

"It's the first time I have seen it with the frontier as the city." Su Jin said lightly, "Your mother, have you explained everything that should be explained?"

"Hmm—" Fairy Shuqing nodded: "Settle down first, and then come to the registration office tomorrow morning, present the quota letter to confirm that we are a god, you can naturally take the test."

"Have you been here?" Su Jin asked curiously.

Although the three fairies Su Jin shouted and screamed in front of them, after finally clarifying the context of the matter, now they are not too disgusted, and the key is not disgusting. The appearance of these three girls is really not black!

"We have been here twice, every time we are in a hurry." Fairy Guang Han said.

"Let's go, find a place to live first." Su Jin waved his hand.

The star formation is thousands of miles around, and there is a huge city in a circle. The whole city is very special. Now the lights are shining like stars, demonstrating the prosperity of this super city.

In the end, a few people found a good restaurant, it was very lively outside, it was almost the same as the festival, it was not like night at all. Su Jin recalled Qincheng's hometown after this grand scene.

Xia Yuyan, Princess Jincheng, the great fairy Shuqing, and the second fairy Guang Han went shopping. Obviously, these rare scenes do not want to be missed.

Only Su Jin was in the room, and just when he wanted to meditate and practice, the little fairy Xiaoxiang hesitated and walked into the room.

"You didn't go?" Su Jin frowned and asked.

Little fairy Xiaoxiang stammered and asked: "No, it's a bit late...Do you want to take a shower now?"

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