My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2418: It is inevitable!

Wash... take a bath?

Su Jin stayed slightly stunned, and the atmosphere in the room gradually became more subtle, leaving the little fairy Xiaoxiang alone, for fear that it was of ulterior motives, but he had very big opinions on this woman.

With a white gauze covering his face, Xiaoxiang walked to the side, lifted the barrier, took out the container, and poured a moderate fairy spring in the gray stone oval long bathtub.

As the mist steamed, Xiaoxiang lowered her body and tried the temperature in the water with her hands. The white yarn seemed to be in the way. She removed one side of the veil from her ear, and Su Jin was secretly surprised——

Pigeon white skin, dark cyan hair turned, several braided braids are generously tied with fan belts, her tall Qiong nose, big eyes squiggly, small mouth painted vermilion, the whole delicate and perfect Face, in the eyes of a master like Su Daguan, there is no shortcoming!

After all, as the second-ranked beauty in the Celestial World, the face of the little fairy Xiaoxiang is rarely seen, and it is said that her character is relatively docile.

"Before my mother left, she explained that my three sisters do not cause trouble outside, especially in the advanced world like the Five Elements Heaven. If you have other needs, son, you can tell my three sisters that there is still time to purchase."

As the little fairy Xiaoxiang said, she turned her head to look at Su Jin, "The slave and maid will do everything--"

"Do it all? Does it mean anything?" Su Jin's inner line of defense had a tendency to collapse under this gaze.

It's over, this woman can't get revenge at all.

This kind of tenderness makes it difficult for even a man to kill him, and it is considered good if he can not be charmed.

Fairy Xiaoxiang's piercing eyes looked at Su Jin and nodded in a daze, "Yes, son."

"Now you go and buy me some sweaters. I will change my face tomorrow and take the test with another identity --" Su Jin waved his hand.

"Okay." Fairy Xiaoxiang was slightly disappointed. Su Jin's move was obviously to distract her and not let herself serve. Fortunately, it was a small task, and his impression of him seemed to be good. A bit.

Fairy Xiaoxiang walked out of the room——

Su Jin let out a long sigh as she watched her disappear.

That's right!

The pressure thief is big.

When this beauty looks at people, as long as people look at her, as if she has committed a heinous mistake, she can't be blamed at all, and let him wait on her to change clothes, what is it?

Su Jin secretly called a headache. The key point is that these three heavenly fairies and the three daughters of the heavenly **** mother are slaves. Wife Yuyan is still very happy, and doesn't mean to object at all, but sometimes looks a little strange at him——

Stabilizing Dao Xin, Su Jin walked to the stone basin surrounded by fairy mist and began to take a bath.


The prosperous Nanli Tianda City is an unprecedented grand occasion. Su Jin thinks carefully and feels that this trip to the Five Elements Heaven should not take much time. He will test tomorrow morning and enter the remains of the desolate era. I am afraid that it will not waste too much time. .

Less than a quarter of an hour, there was noisy outside, Su Jin was interrupted, and when he saw that he had nothing to do with the women, he put on pajamas and began to meditate.

Three hours passed in a flash. During the period, the Xiaoxiang Fairy came with her clothes and put it aside. Seeing that Su Jin was practicing, she did not disturb, while Xia Yuyan was lying on the inside of the bed, yawning.

Su Jin swallowed the golden clouds around his body, and began to close up slightly, his bodhicitta lingering around the thick Buddha intent, especially the heavenly aura of the heavenly Buddha bottle, which has begun to exaggerate the bodhicitta and the **** and Buddha bones.


It is only a matter of time before the heavenly realm is achieved!

Su Jin loves this kind of practice, every inch of progress makes him very confident, but unconsciously, the window is dim, and the day is about to break.

Opening his eyes, the Buddha's light outside Su Jin's body disappeared. The moment he opened his eyes, a golden light flashed in his pupils.

The smell filled the nose, and it was a bit cold in the morning. Su Jin glanced at Xia Yuyan and helped her lift the half-covered bedding. The beauty of the moment made him smile gently.

Obviously she was too tired to go shopping last night. With the Guanghan sisters, she naturally wanted to see the novel world, but she was just happy.

"Boom boom boom——" There were several whispers outside the door, and they were also knocked.

Fairy Guanghan laughed with her sister, then cleared her throat, raised her voice and asked, "Did the son get up?"

Helpless, Su Jin responded, and spent two minutes wearing a black robe with patterns in it, which was very aristocratic.

After the door opened, the three Xiaoxiang sisters and Princess Jincheng walked in, but they saw Su Jin, who had changed clothes, constantly shining on the ancient mirror that had fallen.

"Damn! He's handsome again—" Su Jin screamed strangely.

"Being handsome every day, no one can stand it..."

"This kind of unreasonable handsome, it's best to play when there are few people later, otherwise the scene will be uncontrollable..."

"I hope there is a secret inside that can make people ugly."

After four full sentences, Su Jin seemed to have fallen into a state, and even when the four girls walked in and looked at him with strange eyes, he would continue.

Xia Yuyan opened her eyes when she heard the yelling and yelling. She remembered putting on the quilt at night, and when she lowered her head, the cover was very tight in front of her, and her heart felt warm.

"Does the goddess bathe and change clothes?" Fairy Guanghan listened to the voice and looked at Su Jin, his eyes were so hot!

Indeed, Su Jin is a little handsome, but with those few words, people can't help shaking their heads.

Su Jin lifted up his spacious robe sleeves, exposing his arms, generously and neatly, and took out the folding fan of the "Mountain God and Dachuan" that he had not taken out for a long time.

"My son, let me sort out for you--" Little Fairy Xiaoxiang hurriedly drove up, holding a wooden stool, and placing it in front of the mirror.

"I'm coming too!" Princess Jincheng smiled.

"Do I still need to sort out?" Su Jin pointed to himself and asked.

"Clear it better."

However, Su Jin had no choice but to sit down and look at Xiaoxiang in the mirror. The warmth brought on his back from time to time makes people unable to hold Dao heart.

Today, Xiaoxiang put on a turquoise blue gauze skirt, the whole person is like a glass, clean as a piece of jade, the key person is still very skillful, and the skilled operation made Su Jin who was watching Su Jin dumbfounded.

Before long, it was bright, and after all the freshening was completed, Xia Yuyan was a little uncomfortable. How much dressing experience did these fairies have accumulated? The one who combed her was like a transcendent banished immortal.

Su Jin secretly applauded, Xia Yuyan's white clothes and powder lining, and then cleverly applied powder, the whole person in the three fairies has eclipsed any beautiful scenery——

"My son, let's set off right away. I'm afraid I will miss the time later." Xiaoxiang sighed with Xia Yuyan's beauty. She is not as beautiful as her, but she can't take away her temperament and can't learn from her. Beautiful and beautiful.

"Where is the Heavenly King Shenjing?" Su Jin asked.

"Not far, just south from the sky, otherwise I have to leave before the sky is up—"

"Well, let's go!" Su Jin stepped forward and took Xia Yuyan's hand, watching Fairy Shuqing open a void passage, and several people walked into it.

The Heavenly King God Crystal and the remains of the Great Desolation Era are not important, and the secret of the sky that flew in is the existence that Su Jin is bound to win during this trip!

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