My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2423: Black sky magic nine days

It turned out that people stopped because they were afraid of destroying the crystal ball——

It turns out that lighting up the 25th ring is not the final result.


Of course, Su Jin doesn't care about this. He doesn't like to show off. He originally wanted to be low-key, and he has his own set of methods.

Su Jin put his palm up for the last time, and the terrifying candle dragon head opened his mouth again and roared, swimming towards the twenty-sixth outer ring, like a broken bamboo!

The middle-aged man in Qingpao now has a very numb face. Looking at the bright and dazzling 26th ring, there is no expression on his face and his mind is completely blank.


Finally, the 27th ring was occupied by Zhulong Avenue, and the entire test bench trembled three times. When Su Jin realized that it was not good, it was too late! He seemed to be attracted by the King Shen Jing Ball in his palm!


A clear sound appeared in the heavenly king's crystal ball. Su Jin only frowned when he heard the sound. He saw a crack in the heavenly king's crystal ball following the sound.

Ding Ding Ding...

There were more and more cracks, and those existences like ice cracks caused the condensed twenty-seventh ring above to become unstable!

It was a sunny day in the morning, but as a result, there was a little more blackness in the huge wheel that turned into the twenty-seventh ring! Black quickly filled everyone's heart, and the sky began to darken.


The high-pitched chirping sounded in the black high sky, among which nine groups of burning red light groups appeared, and in each of the huge red light groups, nine golden crows faintly appeared!

Golden Crow three feet! Tethered with the clinking chains, the terrifying heat spread out. In the entire dark sky, each of these golden crows represented a sun wheel...


The heavenly king crystal ball turned into gray powder, Su Jin withdrew his hand, the whole vision was only about a dozen breaths, the black color faded quickly, and the nine suns disappeared.

Su Jin spread his hands to the middle-aged man in Qingpao. The thing he was worried about still happened. The Heavenly King God Crystal Ball was shattered and some visions were leaked from the domineering side.

Of course this is beyond his control.

"Declare it." Su Jin walked down the ramp with his hands on his back.

The middle-aged man in Qingpao suddenly woke up like a dream, the color on his face was very exciting, and he roared at the time and announced: "Ye Di! Super 27th ring!!"

"Ye Di!"

"Ye Di!"

"Ye Di!"

The whole city roared, with two words, Yedi! In the end even Xia Yuyan and other women shouted, this scene is unprecedented!

The middle-aged man in Qingpao was so excited that he followed Su Jin closely and laughed: "Master, you are over the 27th ring, why don't you seem unhappy?"

"Get used to it." Su Jin said two words lightly, and then disappeared, leaving the middle-aged man in Qingpao in place.

Where Su Jin appeared, the three fairies, Jincheng Princess and Xia Yuyan suddenly became the most eye-catching existence! Three hundred thousand heavenly soldiers will protect five beauties, breaking the rule of Nanlitian and only using heavenly soldiers on expeditions!

"I may go to the ruins later. Although I haven't seen the Lord of Nanli, he should not be a person who violated his promise. You are safe, and it will be fine when I come back." Su Jin said lightly.

"I didn't expect the son to be so scary--" the little fairy Xiaoxiang blinked.

"Yes, I'm afraid I can't sleep tonight." Princess Jincheng said.

Su Jin glanced at them and looked at Xia Yuyan’s face. As if there was no one else, he stretched out his hand to cover her cheek and said through the voice: "Wait for me, when I come out, we will go home. ."

Xia Yuyan nodded silently.

"It's okay, anyway, in Nanlitian, you can also pay attention to the scene in the ruins. Many abilities have the technique of derivation, and we can do it too--" Fairy Guanghan said quickly.

"There is no such thing as attracting me here. I will just go and take a look at the Heavenly Dao Fa you mentioned. The most important thing is the ‘Secret of Heaven’. If there is one, I must get it!”

Su Jin said that he was firm, he had two heaven secrets and knew how terrible the secrets were, so he had to fight at all costs!

"Husband, be careful--" Xia Yuyan said slowly.


Three hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were still on standby. With Su Jin determined, the middle-aged man in Qingpao went to buy a new heavenly king **** crystal ball, and then wiped his sweat and directed the heavenly soldiers to love a place and put the three fairies and Xia Yuyan in love. , Princess Jincheng invited over.

And before the 300,000 heavenly soldiers, arcs of fire began to turn into orbital gates, and a thin and thin girl appeared on it!

The girl's figure seemed weak, with cinnabar on her eyebrows, and she was wearing a luxurious silk skirt with white as the main color. She was faintly glowing with red clouds, her pupils were crystal fire, and her hair was red.

The fire-colored hair is curled up with that kind of very spicy and demon hairstyle!

Hair style, dress, almost perfectly blend with that temperament!

"See... Lord of Nanli!"

Three hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, the tens of millions of monks onlookers, and even the middle-aged man in Qingpao bowed down!

Su Jin does not kneel!

Xia Yuyan and other women are not kneeling!

Almost at the moment this girl appeared, the three fairies and Princess Jincheng had the idea of ​​kneeling down, but Su Jin stopped them by sound transmission! Do not kneel to heaven, only kneel to ancestors, parents, masters, and benefactors!

Otherwise, nothing more than a slave!

She was weak with a demon, and her temperament was a lot more charming. No matter how much status she had, Su Jin looked calm.

"Lord Yedi, the potential beyond the twenty-seventh ring is extremely rare. While there is still some time, why don't you talk about it like me?" The main voice of Nanli was full of expectation, and he looked at Su Jin and asked. .

It is naturally impossible to be called Lord Yedi. The Lord of Nanli is not only high in status, but he does not know how much he is higher than Su Jin in his cultivation. However, anyone like Su Jin is an enchanting evildoer like Su Jin. It’s not a shocking power in the previous life--

"Please." Su Jin made a gesture.

"Please." The Lord of Nanli walked up to the fire pattern formation.

Su Jin only hesitated for a moment, still gave the women a look of relief, walked away from the void, and disappeared into the fire pattern with the Lord of Nanli.


Nanli Shrine.

There are towering palaces, and there are hundreds of crystal and luxurious palaces, each of which is prominent. Above and below the main hall of Nanli Shrine, there are a total of 8,000 female fairies on both sides of the jade stairs. The servants don’t know how many—

This is a man's palace! It's a pity that the head of the house is a woman!

Appearing in front of the main hall, you can see the vast sea of ​​fire, clouds, and clouds. Su Jin was only slightly shocked by the beautiful scenery, and then turned around and entered the main hall.


The main hall door slowly closed, Su Jin turned his face slightly, looking at the Lord of Nanli, Jian's eyebrows began to frown.

What does the Lord of Nanli mean?

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin's face changed wildly, his whole body was difficult to move directly, and the Lord of Nanli turned around, and the snow-white Suzhi pointed towards his eyebrows, his weak and graceful posture, like a butterfly, but with a very seductive smile:

"Lord Yedi~~ Let the Nujia... take a look at your secret~~"

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