
How high is the cultivation base of the Lord of Nanli! Su Jin can hardly move now, many Dao techniques are difficult to mobilize, and the power is quickly slowed down in the veins of the body.

Su Jin was surprised at first, but immediately felt that this woman was innocent, fearing that it was because she had lighted up the twenty-seventh ring of the Celestial Crystal Ball, which was too curious.

Warm fingertips, white onion-like flawless fingers pressed against Su Jin's eyebrows——


The flames of the Lord of Nanli were lingering around her body, and there were nine square disks that led to nothingness. Her red crystal-colored pupils were lit up one by one, and finally the entire pair of pupils were full of brilliance!

Su Jin didn't bother in his heart, with a smile on his face. He still wanted to know his true identity. The Lord of Nanli was afraid that he was a reincarnated evildoer, and it is estimated that there is a transcendent divine method that can grasp the context.

In this case, Su Jin was not in a hurry. He looked down at the figure of the lord of Nanli. The luxurious clothes covered the seemingly thin and thin body, and there were some snowy round legs on his knees, which made him look and look again. .

The Lord of Nanli kept pushing forward, her eyes seemed not to be in the main hall of the divine palace, as if she had passed through layers of fuzzy barriers, and vaguely saw an extremely terrifying scene——

That scene was very cautious. It was different from other places. The scene was bloody. There was a **** moon hanging high in the sky, red light hung from the gale, and broken Buddha statues faintly entered the eye.

The mutilated Buddha statue and the **** color were moving, and even in the **** dark color, there were more than 80 gargoyles faintly, dragging the chains and dragging away scenes of tragic corpses.

In the scene, the Lord of Nanli looked into the void, and a crack in the sky swallowed a ‘golden’. Under the fierce battle of several people, the blood of the gods kept dripping down the earth!

And those few people, the Lord of Nanli couldn't see their looks!


One of the super scary beings swept in the direction she was gazing at. The lord of Nanli's body was shocked, and his pretty face was shocked. The index finger violently left Su Jin's eyebrows and backed onto the spacious main hall chair. Panting, looking at Su Jin with an incredible expression!

Su Jin said lightly: "What did Miss Sister see?"

On the surface, Su Jin doesn't seem to care, but in fact he is paying attention to every move of the Lord of Nanli!

What kind of cultivation is the Lord of Nanli! I'm afraid I saw the unimaginable situation.

"I saw some unimportant pictures, but it is just that, you make me more curious!" The Lord of Nanli just had a sense of death, almost! If she didn't stop, she was afraid she would die!

"Just now, why did Miss Sister retire?"

"I just saw some of your past, and was discovered by the people at the time--" The Lord of Nanli stopped the trembling right hand, and although his tone remained calm as much as possible, the tension in it could not be concealed.


The Lord of Nanli is really amazing! Divine method through the profound, can actually see one's past through the calculation, afraid it will be the first life?

Su Jin shrugged, knowing that it is difficult to ask anything of value, and directly asked: "When will you go to the ruins of the Desolate Age?"

"I'll go together with you later. By the way, you should pay attention to some things after you go in. Don't make trouble. Now you are showing such a strong potential in my South Litian, but the potential is not equal to the cultivation base- "The Lord of Nanli reminded.

"It doesn't matter, I just want to confirm one thing." Su Jin was very calm.

"whats the matter?"

"Is there a secret inside?"

"Yes! But don't hold up too much hope, because'Kai Tianhou', that Shu Tian Mi has not been found by many powerful people, and no one has found it." said the lord of Nanli.

There was silence, Su Jin looked up and said: "Others can't do it, maybe I can't."

"It is good to have confidence. I will tell you now that it is only a secondary matter to go in and not fight with others. Do not go north in an area that is open this time." The Lord of Nanli reminded one by one out of good intentions. .

"Why can't you go north?" Su Jin was surprised.

"Because the north is the'Death Forbidden Zone'! After someone entered, they didn't come out again, and disappeared silently—" The Lord of Nanli stared at Su Jin closely.

Ok? Thief terror

Looking at the expression of the Lord of Nanli, I don't know the cultivation level of the person who entered the "Death Forbidden Zone", but I am afraid that the cultivation level is not low, otherwise it will not attract the attention of the Lord of Nanli.

"Oh." Su Jin said perfunctorily, and asked jokingly: "What should I call Miss Sister in the future? I can't always call you the Lord of Nanli, right?"

"My name is'Oro'."

"A word?"



Afterwards, chatting and chatting became commonplace. No matter where Su Jin is, as long as there is a "Secret of Heaven" in it, he can find it by digging a hundred feet! As for the so-called ‘death restricted zone’, he can’t miss—

After half an hour passed, all the tests in the five directions of the universe were completed, and Su Jin was taken by the Lord of Nanli, and went to gather from another channel!

It turns out that there are huge secrets hidden in the center of the five-star ring. After the opening of the sky, the ‘Great Desolation Era’ starts from the center of the five stars. Among them, the huge land mass hidden in the thick nebula exists quietly.

Su Jin and the lord of Nanli, "Oz", appeared on a huge floating bronze-colored quaint array. The land under this array was moved by the power to build a large teleportation array!

The pattern is primitive and simple.

When they came, many people had already arrived first--

Su Jin first looked at the back, the huge land covered by the nebula, he could not see the edge at a glance, it was very mysterious, and thousands of people had arrived on this large array!

"Geng Jintian, one hundred and three monks with enchanting potential have been detected! One of them has reached the twenty-third ring, and should be considered a leader!" Someone was still talking.

"Ah? Twenty-three rings, Guishui Tianyu has a lot of strong potentials, and the number ranks first in the Five Elements Heaven, reaching 256. I heard that Guishuitian is digging everywhere in other places. People go--"

"What is the twenty-third ring, the twenty-first ring? Nan Litian has detected a great evildoer who exceeds the twenty-seventh ring! It burst the heavenly king's crystal!"


"It must be fake, who of you saw it?"

"I didn't see it anyway, it was just a message."

"Seeing is true, hearing is false, I just say that if I don't see it, anyway, I don't believe it, who has the ability to burst the Celestial Crystal Ball? Do you know how difficult it is to push a ring?"

"The power of'Wututian' has already dispelled the rumors, saying that Nan Litian has no such evildoer."

"The monks who participated in the test and the onlookers did not believe it. The rumor is that the Lord of Nanli moved his hands and feet on the Celestial Crystal Ball, deliberately making news—"

"Yes, after all, Nan Litian didn't detect how many enchanting monks."

"Shhh, don't say anything! Everyone is here!"

Suddenly, someone saw the lord of Nanli, ‘Oz’, and showed up with Lord Yedi himself!

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