My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2425: Silverback King

Just now, the **** king Guishui appeared, saying that the lord of Nanli ‘Obori’ would bring the enchanting evildoer named ‘Emperor’ to appear, eliminating the suspicion of others.

The monks who passed the Nanlitian test have not yet arrived. The one next to the lord of Nanli must be the monk who exceeds the 27th ring!


Now that a needle has landed, I'm afraid it will be heard.

No wind, no waves, no flies, no seamless eggs! Since there are rumors, naturally there is some credibility, and now the Lord of Nanli has come by appointment, bringing Lord Yedi to appear!

"I have seen the Lord of Nanli!"

Thousands of monks saluted in an orderly manner.

The lord of Nanli, "Oz", although his body is Miao Qiao, but his noble and transcendent temperament faintly gives people a strong pressure——

"Just...I listened to your discussion. I suspect that Nanli Tiangong's credibility is not enough. I suspect that I have used a method against the Heavenly King Shenjing. Is the measured potential of Lord Yedi false?" The Lord of Nanli ignored the audience's question.

No wonder it doubts!

Because the Lord of Nanli thinks about it now, he is still a little bit incredible! It's just that she is a little dull.

There are four faint auras appearing, not far away, the four people come together, and they are the masters of the other Sifangtian!

Su Jin noticed that he took a look from the back, and was suddenly astonished.

The four people who came were very powerful, at the same level as the Lord of Nanli. They were three men and one woman. If he guessed right, the girl who looked like fourteen or five and was still very immature should be the **** of Guishui. !

This king of Guishui digs people everywhere and goes to Guishuitian to test, so she has the most potential as measured by Guishuitian. No wonder, this Jiao Didi looks at some girls who want to act like a baby, who would have the same knowledge as her ?

Following the words of the Lord of Nanli, supported by the other masters of the Quartet, the scene fell into silence.


I didn't believe it!

Shouldn't you doubt it?

Many people think this in their hearts, but because of the identity of the lord of Nanli, it is not easy to speak.

When the seductive face of the lord of Nanli gradually turned cold, there were two more monks on the huge bronze array. Some of them went to the ruins of the Desolate Age, and the other came to join in the fun. ——

And in these two heavens, there is naturally a Nanlitian monk brought by the middle-aged man in the green robe Nanlitian!

The middle-aged man in Qingpao wiped sweat on his forehead, and when he saw his face like the Lord of Nanli, he immediately screamed badly, obviously a little angry!

No wonder if you think about it!

Nan Litian participated in the test with a lot of people, and as a result, only thirty-eight were measured. This is still including Su Jin, anyone who thinks about it will panic! Well, now the most enchanting Lord Yedi in the Five Elements Sky, the potential for over the 27th ring exists! It was even suspected of having moved his hands and feet--

The Lord of Nanli is considered light if he doesn't go crazy on the spot.

Seeing the scene not speaking, the indifferent eyes of the Lord of Nanli gradually became cold, and he said: "Come here? It's all right, including the testers who participated in my Nanli. Who doubts Lord Yedi? , Now I allow you to challenge him alone!"


Many monks cheered up.

"Sister Ozy, don't get angry--" God King Guishui blinked his right eye and said to the void not far away.

"You're not angry, don't even the four of you doubt it, but let me remind you, Master Ye Di doesn't come without a price. Among them, there are daring and destined talents..." Ozy's face was cold. abundant.

This is to remind others and Su Jin that if someone challenges him, he will be killed directly!

In addition to Nan Litian, except for Su Jin, the thirty-seven people measured immediately looked at Su Jin, especially the girl'Ethere Demon' with her own fairy-like attributes, under the bamboo-colored clothes covering her body. Quiet and extraordinary——

Su Jin put one hand on his back, left from the Lord of Nanli, and walked into an empty place. He will use his actions to meet doubts. Fists and strength are the most beneficial evidence!

I began to agitate all around.

In the Gengjintian test camp, a hunched young monk suddenly appeared!

"My silverback ape king! The potential of the sixteenth ring! Come and ask about Master Ye Di's power!" The young man was wearing a Chinese dress, but the slight hunchback should be caused by race, not for other reasons.

As soon as the sound came out, there was a burst of exclamation!

"Silverback Ape King! It turned out to be the enchanting evildoer who lights up the sixteenth ring, and his divine way has been accomplished!" a monk exclaimed.

"You may not know this silver-backed ape king, but I have faintly heard the legends in his ethnic group. Rumor has it that the silver-backed ape's bloodline is extremely violent. The silver-backed ape king can cut longevity and even stimulate the bloodline, which can rival in a short time. God! And there is no limit to growth!" Someone said with a smile.

"The stronger the better! The more the Lord of Nanli is like this, the more it makes people feel that she is in a guilty conscience, and the sixteenth ring evildoer will definitely blow this Lord Ye Di to death!"

"World Realm, over twenty-seventh ring? It's ridiculous. The Silverback Ape King will kill him!"


Now someone has stepped out to challenge Su Jin, the emperor of the night, and the master of Wu Fangtian suddenly paid attention! The Lord of Nanli has some guilty conscience that is true, after all, the potential of the foundation does not represent strength.

Silverbacked Ape King, a special race, surpassed Su Jin's realm, and his bloodline is extremely powerful! The Lord of Nanli didn't know whether Su Jin could deal with it.

The green bamboo-colored clothes concealed it, and in the eyes of the girl ethereal demon, there was finally a little more fascinating. It was really untrue. It was immediately known that during the time when Su Jin and the Lord of Nanli disappeared, many monks at the scene of Nanli also Doubts arose.

The Heavenly King Shenjing Ball was ‘exploded’, and some people suspected that it was the destruction of evidence, which somewhat questioned Nan Litian’s credibility.

"Can you do it?" The Lord of Nan Li was worried, and the voice transmitted to Su Jin's ear and asked.

"I feel that we can talk about what benefits can be gained if it works, and what price will it pay if it fails?" Su Jin Chuanyin asked.

"You really don't want to benefit all the time! I can tell you that if you lose, the silverbacked ape king will not kill you, the old lady will kill you on the spot!" The Lord of Nanli was in a bad mood and did not expect to detect a big evildoer. , The impact on Nan Litian was so great.

"Won it?"

"Win, everything depends on you—"


Su Jin finished his voice transmission, straightened his slightly side head, and looked at the silver-backed ape king. Although the silver-backed ape king was still a young man just now, his whole body's hair began to swell.

The clothes on the back split directly, revealing a white striped road, the whole wild face is exposed, and the fangs are opened, and the posture is soaring again!

Beat your chest like a drum! The longer the silver-backed ape king, the stronger it is!

Su Jin obviously can't look up, the big man has risen to the height of a small three-story building!

Immediately, Su Jin raised his head slightly, a violent look appeared in his eyes, and said lightly: "One blow...If I can't tear you apart, I will lose!"

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