My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2426: Challenge?

One blow, can't tear the silver-backed ape king, is Ye Di lose?

The lord of Nanli, ‘Oz’, frowned directly after hearing Su Jin’s words. Whether the Heavenly King Shen Jingqiu had done anything, she knew best that Su Jin was a genuine twenty-seventh ring masterpiece!


But can't it be so rampant?

The Silverback Ape King is incomprehensible among the powers of the gods of the same level. It is not only terrifying in defense, but also unique in attacking the gods. The blow Su Jin said made many people shook their heads and sighed.

"The little monk of the world realm, threatening to cross the first level of the'Tian Dao', and shatter the power of the divine realm! And he is the terrifying silverback great ape king among the monster clan, this night emperor wants to scare off the powerful enemy?" There are onlookers, Suddenly came the spirit.

"Who knows, the Silverback Ape King is practicing faster and faster, and he will be able to achieve longevity in less than a hundred years. When that happens, even humans and gods will tremble in front of him. I really don't know where the faith of Lord Yedi comes from!"

"DaDaDa, fakes can't be real, it's impossible to scare the Great Ape King——"


On the huge bronze array, there are constantly invited people, from a few thousand to 9,800 in a short period of time, and all over the Five Elements Heaven, there are terrifying powers that can perform magical techniques to reflect the scene. Everywhere--

For example, Nanli Tian, ​​the Nanli Shrine, where 300,000 heavenly soldiers are stationed, shows various scenes over the garden.

The three fairies, Jincheng princess and Xia Yuyan sat on the table and stool made by Shenyu, beside the colorful fairy grass, fairy spring, butterfly and other beautiful scenery, the five women did not want to watch.

"Silver-backed Great Ape King, after using the bloodline method, he can contend against humans and gods for a short time! Although it is only half an hour, the son-in-law said that he can tear the opponent to death with one blow, which...a bit entrusted!" Jincheng Princess Started to be nervous again.

"Can you not deal with it?" Xia Yuyan asked curiously.

"Yes, we are all humans and gods, and the eldest sister has the highest cultivation level, but if the silver-backed ape king makes the bleeding vein originate, she can't break the silver-backed ape king's defense with a single blow." Little fairy Xiaoxiang said.

"Huh?" Xia Yuyan was stunned.

"Yes, if you don't let your words go, the son will definitely be able to kill the silver-backed ape king, but it's a bit impossible with a single blow." Fairy Guanghan also said.

The Five Elements Heaven is all around, noisy, all accusing Su Jin of arrogance!

However, at the scene, the silver-backed ape king on the bronze array plate, his eyes have begun to jump with flames, this kind of performance obviously represents the degree of irritation——

"Arrogant!" The silver-backed ape king's body, as tall as a three-story small building, jumped fiercely. When the fist on his right arm hit Su Jin, it was extremely frightening, with billowing rays of light lingering around the fist front.

Su Jin gently raised his head, his eyes glowing with scarlet red, and a magical sutra surrounded him——

That is "Modern Ancient Xuantian Demon Sutra"!

Now the silver-backed ape king's fist is bigger than Su Jin's whole person, but when his fist is about to hit Su Jin, he suddenly stops!

The atmosphere is exceptionally weird.

The silver-backed ape king began to sweat all over his face, and the silver bars on his back gathered sweat and flowed down, and he landed on the ground, making a shocking move!

"I, I surrender!" The Silverback Ape King retracted to the height of a normal person, knelt directly on one knee, lowered his fierce face and head——

"Hey, hey, hey~~" Su Jin blindfolded with one hand, with an exaggerated expression. He had actually expected it, and it was the silver-backed ape king that would not persuade him! No counseling, he could also tear this big man to death because of the existence of the violent ape!

What silverback king? It is not worth mentioning in the eyes of Bao Yuan! Although the bloodline of the "violent ape" is extinct, the belief of the ape race is still there!

If it really fights, the aura of the violent ape in the ape-strike technique can make the blood of the silver-backed ape king tremble, and there will be no resistance at all, only to be torn to death by bare hands!

Not only the scene was confused-

Even the area where the other Five Elements Sky reflected the scene here was almost frightened.

What happened to make the Silverback Ape King surrender?

"Ape ancestor magic is actually on Lord Yedi! My Silverback Ape King will no longer question Lord Yedi's abilities. He is definitely a super 27th ring existence!" The Silverback Ape King was shaking all over, but his tone was It is very sonorous and powerful.

The lord of Nanli ‘Oz’, suddenly stared at Su Jin, and suddenly saw the strands of magic scripture, her complexion suddenly turned helpless.

It's no wonder that Su Jin is not very attractive to Tian Dao Fa! This, this guy actually has the inheritance of one of the three avenues of ‘Ancient Venerable’! That is the "Modern Ancient Xuantian Demon Sutra"!

It turns out that Su Jin hasn't pretended to be paralyzed, and people don't care much about the magical medicine of immortality, and even the law of heaven can be used at hand! After Xiaoyu got the news for the first time, he felt that he was too fond of pretending--

After a brief silence, the scene suddenly became more and more lively. It was not that they were shocked by Su Jin's strength, but that many people felt insulted their IQ!

"Thank you! Hurry up and get off!" Many strong men shouted at the Silverback Ape King.

"Get out! Why did the silverback ape clan appear to be a scum like you? It's still in the divine way, don't be ashamed!" Someone was unusually angry.

"It's too ugly to eat! How much benefit did the Lord of Nanli give you the Silverback?"

Originally, the Silverback Ape King had conceded, but the Lord of Nanli thought it was a good thing, but now he was dumbfounded. How could he be self-defeating again?

The silver-backed ape king suddenly showed a hideous face, and showed a cruel appearance. Since he dared to stand up for the first time, it was naturally not the kind of person who was afraid of things!

"Retreat—" Su Jin waved his hand.

The silver-backed ape king suddenly hesitated a little, it really wanted to emphasize that he was not an actor! really not! As a result, Su Jin waved his hand like this, although it seemed to surrender and not kill, in the eyes of others, it really looked like an employment relationship!

Do I care?

Am I afraid of things?

"Thank you for not killing!" The Silverback Ape King still returned to his place. Many people were far away from it, showing contempt. It comforted itself like this in his heart. It is a blessing to not die just now, as for others. No matter how you look at it, it has become secondary!

"You, you come out." Su Jin screamed at a young man who called the most fierce one. This young man was a little mature in appearance, obviously not in the camp of the root of the test.

"Me? Are you in a small world, and a demigod against me?" The young man suddenly showed murderous intent on his face. He is puzzled. What courage does Su Jin have to challenge him?

Be aware that there are ‘Heaven’s Realm’ and ‘Divine Realm’ after the world realm! Moreover, this old-looking young man is still a perfect eternal life, and is known as a strong man of ‘half-god’! Only one step can create a ‘human god’.

Su Jin nodded and said indifferently: "Yes, it's just you. Even if you are a human **** today, I will tear you to-"

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