My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2427: Demigod

So crazy!

No one can understand the rampant, but who can understand that it is these spectators who are arrogant! Can Su Jin do it, looks arrogant to outsiders? What kind of truth is this--

Moreover, tearing the silver-backed ape king by hand was several times more difficult than cutting off this demigod, but this demigod was too jumping.

However, outsiders don’t think so! To tear a longevity demigod in the world, it is simply a joke in the world! But who knows that Su Jin is the Eight Realms Realm, and among them, the Sanmen Avenue quickly enters the Heaven Realm?

"Okay! I will personally expose you Nan Litian's lies!" Will the mature-looking youth be afraid? There was no need to think about the battle of crushing, he stood directly in the field.

Su Jin was as calm as ever, watching this longevity demigod begin to focus on the glow, the strong demigod cultivation base swayed out, and many monks who passed the test were moved.

The Lord of Nanli watched closely, for fear that he would see Su Jin being killed——

There is another person who pays the most attention to Su Jin, that is, the girl "Ethereum Demon" in a bamboo dress. She always feels that Ye Di is unusual, but she doesn't know where it is different.

The other Sifangtian masters, the little girl, God King Guishui, looked at it for a while, then slowly whispered: "Lost."

"Oh? Who loses?" King Wutu asked in surprise.

"This demigod monk comes from Geng Jintian? I feel like he will lose, but I don't know what Gengjin Tianwang thinks?" Guishui Divine King laughed directly.

"This night emperor has the inheritance of a demon way from the'Gu Zun', and this demigod comes from the Xuantian Palace. Although it is not a person who participated in the test and entered the ruins, sister Guishui must not forget that he is a demigod. Things that can be killed with a single finger." Geng Jintian said kingly.

The only unspoken King Yimu is still looking, and there is no sign that Su Jin can win——

Talking from side to side, the main melody in the battlefield is always fighting spirit! But Su Jin really couldn't raise any interest. On the contrary, the demigod was thinking about how to make Su Jin die miserably!

"Hands! The demigod of Xuantian Palace, shouldn't it be a support! You deal with a world realm, and you still have such ink marks!" A monk shouted at the demigod.

"That is, the demigod can kill the world with one breath, right? Is it so troublesome?"

"The demigod sacrificed the longevity statue. I don't think the night emperor can even touch it, and he is still very nervous. Kill him sooner, so we can enter the ruins."

"Sit and watch Nan Litian make a fool of himself and make such a big joke!"

"The fanatic should die! Kill—"


The demigod of Xuantian Palace, now the forehead is constantly sweating, he also wants to kill Su Jin directly, but who can realize Su Jin's horror without being on the battlefield?

When Su Jin looked over now, that look in his eyes, although indifferent, but faintly strengthened, made this mature-looking demigod young man constantly comforting himself in his heart, telling himself that this is just a world state, and even kept repeating this sentence. words.

The momentum is getting stronger and stronger, the demon energy is rolling around Su Jin, the blood is vast, and the strands of the "modern and ancient Xuantian Demon Sutra" are flying fast. Gradually, the blood-red demon aura condenses a "violent ape" around him!

The silver-backed ape king's face was pale, regardless of other people's surprised expressions, he knelt on the ground with a thump, shouting "Ape Ancestor"!

The entire violent ape has blood-red hair like steel needles. Although it is transformed by the imaginary magic ‘Ape Strike’, it looks lifelike, and even after manifesting it, it keeps beating its chest!

Bang bang bang--

The sound of beating the chest is like a shocking'drum'. In Su Jin's own Qi sea, the eight divine clouds continue to flow, transforming the pure devil energy, and even faintly the ancient mountains and the current mountains ups and downs, constantly revealing the road of madness Dao Yun!


The whole violent ape shattered the void, Su Jin's whole body lightly stepped on the ground, and the entire scarlet violent ape jumped up in shock with his movements! The devil's palm covered the demigod youth of Xuantian Palace--

The demigod young man, his body trembling like chaff, his face was pale, without a trace of blood! Watching the palm cover!

"Move! Hide! As long as he doesn't kill you with a single blow, you will win!" Someone wished that Su Jin would tear the demigod with one blow.

Indeed, after Su Jin really used his power, he shocked all the people on the scene! Because this Lord Yedi has never made a move since lighting up his talent of over 27th ring!

"Really! The demigod is still so useless? Don't even hide, but the demigod's body is very strong, shouldn't be shot to death—"

"No, caught it!"


Now that the demigod youth has a hard time talking, it's not that he doesn't want to hide, but can't avoid it! When Su Jin's ape strike technique was used, the violent ape was transformed, his breath was locked, and there was only fear in his heart! Only then did he discover that the person with the real big gap was him!

And Su Jin is not incapable of shooting this demigod to death!

Speaking of tearing, then tearing!

The entire violent ape seemed to be carrying a little chicken, and picked up the demigod youth who was exuding a bright glow, and the two ape claws gently pulled in the void——

"Ah!" screamed.

A cloud of blood exploded, and a drop of eye-catching blood fell from the void. When it was dripping on the bronze array, it made people feel dreaming—

The lord of Nanli, "Oz" opened his mouth slightly, and didn't close it for a long time...

Su Jin's actual combat performance far exceeded her expectations! It can be described as shock!

The young demigod who was still clamoring just now was torn to death by his hands, but a single blow! Anyone who sees this scene is dumbfounded! !

Now in the scene of the audience, you can see shocked faces from ear to ear everywhere, and the strange wind blows, and no one dares to make a sound!

Lord Yedi, who had illuminated the twenty-seventh ring, was so stupid! !

Su Jin dissipated the Ape Strike Technique, and his indifferent gaze began to scan the audience, as long as he focused his gaze on him, all of them began to bow their heads!


The middle-aged man in Nanli Tianqingpao took the lead first, blushing, and led the dozens of people who passed the test and shouted, "Emperor Ye!"

"Ye Di!"

"Ye Di!"


At this moment, Nanlitian and Yedi have become the main theme! Who still dares to question, question Su Jin's terrorist potential? Who would dare to question whether the Heavenly King Shenjing was touched by the "Obility"?

The bamboo-colored skirt is floating in the wind, and the girl's eyes are radiant in the eyes of the etheric demon. If you are a man, you must be Su Jin! This man will not be mad, because others think he is mad, but it is the powerful strength he already has!

Su Jin was very lonely, his whole body revealed a touch of loneliness, and even his eyes were very lonely. He even touched a cigarette, lit it lightly, and snorted the smoke. The sound spread all over the surroundings, calmly said:

"Whoever refuses to accept me, now all stand up together, this young master is not afraid that you will not accept it, because this young master refuses to accept the treatment!"

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