My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2428: Magic sound

Not convinced by the dictatorship

The most irritating thing in the world is the way you look unpleasant to me, but you can't get rid of me! Not only can’t it be done, but I’m afraid that I’ll be hanged and beaten up--

Many people present were mad and pretentious, and they were no longer enough to describe Su Jin! But at this moment, no one dared to question any more, so he could only be dragged down by Su Jin.

No one dares.

It's not that there is no strong person who can match Su Jin, on the contrary, it is impossible! After all, he, Lord Yedi, has proven that he is a super 27th ring masterful evildoer!

Whoever touched him, the lord of Nanli, "Oz", is afraid that he would not be the first one!

"My sister is really amazing. Congratulations. I don't know where my sister found Lord Yedi. It is really enviable~~" The little girl of the **** of Guishui blinked playfully, and said to the lord of Nanli.

"I have proved myself, and the real hammer has been hammered. The ruins should be opened--" The Lord of Nanli, "Oz", immediately stood upright in the sky, and said to the other masters of Sifangtian.

What a long face! Su Jin thinks that people who question the authority of the lord of Nanli are swollen, and Su Jin alone can eliminate more than 30 talents who have tested the roots in the sky of Nanli. Dilemma.

"Since everyone has arrived, except for the monks who have not participated in the test and are not eligible for entry, everyone else is standing in their respective camps and preparing to enter—" Heavenly King Geng Jin said lightly.

Su Jin held one hand behind his back, took out the folding fan of the "Mountain God and Dachuan Picture" with his right hand, and walked to the 37 people who passed the Nanli Middle School exam.

Poor Nan Litian and Su Shao, only 38 passed.

The girl in bamboo-colored clothes raised her face slightly, and looked at the Lord Yedi beside her. She was anxious, but she didn't talk a word, and then silently looked forward.

"Master! My lord has already told you what should be said?" The middle-aged man in Qingpao wiped his sweat and asked in a low voice.

"What?" Su Jin pretended not to know.

"Inside, don't conflict with other Sifangtian monks. The most important thing is to never enter the'Death Restriction Zone'."

Su Jin hesitated for a moment, and did not respond to this explanation. Instead, he changed the subject and asked: "Except for you, you should all be the cultivators who test the roots. Why are there so many outsiders?"

"I am afraid that something will happen. After you go in, more than half of you will not be able to come out again. At that time, I am afraid that we will have to rely on us to seal the entrance, otherwise the Five Elements Heaven will cause great trouble."

The middle-aged man in Qingpao said, and then comforted: "It's okay for the son-in-law to come out, as long as you don't cause trouble and be cautious, there is no big problem—"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the middle-aged man in Qingpao flashed a dignified look. Of course, this was a perfunctory remark. Once inside, no one has the possibility of living!

Su Jin nodded slowly, turning his face to the side of the girl in bamboo-colored clothes.

The incarnation of the etheric demon truly casts the human body. This bamboo-colored dress is as thin as cicada wings, showing the girl's figure perfectly, and her big eyes are naturally blurred, but she has a resisting temperament that strangers should not come near——

Very wonderful.

"Old girl, is this trip for Heavenly Dao Fa or Heavenly Secret?" Su Jin asked the girl'Ethereum Demon' through voice transmission.

"Master Ye Di." The girl leaned slightly, her eyes flickering and shook her head: "Neither."

"Why are you here?" Su Jin fanned the fan, and then asked: "I forgot to ask, how do I call it?"

"Ether Demon."

"I know this name, ask your nickname."

"Magic, magic sound."

"Well, you are neither for Heaven's Dao Fa nor for Heaven's Secrets. Go in and be careful. Just now this elder reminded me that most of the test cultivators who entered will die in it." Su Jin's eyes turned and he started to attack from the side. Now, I want to ask why.

"I, never thought about coming out." The girl Moyin is not very good at communicating, and she doesn't know how to answer. In her naturally blurred eyes, there is an unimaginable confusion and emptiness at this moment.

Su Jin:...


Completely speechless!

"Ahem, sister, what made you give up the hope of living?" Su Jin joked, becoming more and more curious about this etheric demon, even surprised.

This woman went in, afraid that it was not as simple as just sending her to death, she must have a plan and purpose——

In the brief exchanges, the Five Elements and the Sky, which represent the fundamental camp of the Five-Party Test, have been clearly established!

Above the five places of Nanli, Gengjin, Guishui, Wutu, and Yimu, suddenly on the bronze array, five huge chess pieces of different colors rose up. The chess pieces were empty and controlled everyone in it.

On the upper side, a purple-black circular void was opened with a gap, and the five chess pieces spun and instantly turned into a five-color streamer, wrapped in many test monks, and disappeared on the bronze array!

"Seal! Seal!"

The Lord of Nanli and the other Sifangtian masters directly shot all of them to fill in the purple-black void cracked above.

Oz slowly lowered her head, and said silently in her heart: I hope you can come back safely.

According to Su Jin's cultivation base, as long as the monks in it didn't besie him, they would be fine among the monks in the test, but there are many places where the Lord of Nanli has not fully explored the remains of the Great Desolation Era.

The unawakened ancient demon gods, the terrifying ancient forbidden traps, and even the "Death Forbidden Zone" and several other forbidden places are the threats to Su Jin and the others——

On the huge land hidden in the nebula, Su Jin and the others are divided into five places, driving virtual chess pieces to fall, Nan Litian's huge temperament is fire-colored, and it will not disperse on the ground. I am afraid that it is time here to continue to rely on. .

"Three days! After three days, no matter what, you must rush to this chess piece, otherwise you will be permanently trapped in the deserted ruins!" Among the thirty-eight people, one of them said with excitement and nervousness.

"Tian Dao Fa, Tian Secret! Let's, how do we find it?" Someone's enthusiasm was wiped out in an instant, looking at the endless ancient ruins continent, three days may not be able to finish, the key is such a big place, where to find ?

"Take your luck! Maybe you can find it by trying your luck! Daoists, let's leave!"

The monk who had the Nanlitian test, clasped his fists, and left quickly, meaning to

No one wants to be with Su Jin, and following him, this great evil evildoer, will not get any benefit at all! And in the event of a treasure, the gap in strength is also very large.

The youngest son of the Great Black Eyed Devil looked at Su Jin with a yin-eyed expression, disappeared silently, and left quickly——

Including Su Jin, there were thirty-eight people, and he left in a flash.

Of course, Su Jin doesn't care!

It was just a strange situation that caught his attention.

The thirty-seven people who left were probably told by the middle-aged Qingpao not to go north, because in the "Forbidden Land of Death" to the north, he could judge the situation by looking at the people who kept leaving in the distance, but only, The only one walking straight north--

Girl magic sound, all the way north!

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