My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2429: Death penalty zone


Others have listened carefully to the opinions of the middle-aged man in Qingpao, but this girl's magic voice has fallen on deaf ears, and seems to be going to the ‘Forbidden Land of Death’ with a purpose.

Su Jin hesitated a bit, but he didn't follow it, and he didn't itch his heart. What is the plot of the magic sound? The lord of Nanli ‘Observed’, but told himself that the death forbidden area is the most terrifying place in this ruin, and there is no one.

After thinking about it, the magic sound was gone, Su Jin did not delay, took out the "Hidden Dragon Robe" from the bone ring, and put it on his body, revealing a mysterious mood of "Nothing" all over his body.

Under his feet, the earth seemed to shrink. In fact, it was the method of "shrinking the ground into inches" that he had understood from the "wordless heaven secret".

One step, and then go far away from the fire chess array——

Go north!


The mountains are full of forests, with strange sounds. The land covered by the nebula is full of gray colors. Among the mountains and ridges, the deepest part is a blue haze. Su Jin looks to the east, and I don’t know the far east. What kind of forbidden place is there, it is actually a blue!

It was not water, the crystal clear blue enveloped the earth, and there were faintly terrifying fluctuations, as if it was announcing that it was its territory.

In the sea of ​​forest in front, the girl's magic sound exudes a glow, and the canopy of the entire forest sea begins to sway. She can reach 80,000 li in one step, as if the entire forest sea is helping her walk through the void——

At Su Jin's speed, he quietly followed Natural Relaxation. He hesitated more than once, because during the walking process, there were a few special places that might be treasured, but he gave up all of them.

For example, not far in front of my eyes, a high mountain has been cracked, but it hasn't collapsed. The cracked marks on it are actually a kind of scary claw marks——

The ten thousand-foot high mountains are almost completely cracked, and the cracks in the north and south can be seen transparently. I don't know what caused it.

After following half an hour like this, Su Jin's patience was almost worn out, and the darker he went as he went north, he could already see the existence of the thick black "Death Forbidden Zone" from far away.

Fortunately, the girl's magic voice fell down~~~

It fell to the south of the'Death Forbidden Zone'.

Su Jin stood 100 meters away from the girl's magic sound, with a smile on his face, his hunch was correct, the girl's magic sound really came to enter the'death restricted zone'.

The girl’s magic sound, the bamboo-colored thin as cicada-winged dress reveals her complexion, that complexion is whiter than snow, maybe this is the case for girls?

She didn't find anyone following at all, because she didn't believe it. After all, even if she was as strong as Su Jin, she didn't think she would dare to follow, and follow up this horrifying ‘death restricted zone’!

After landing, the two low mountains are behind them, exuding the breath of endless vicissitudes of life, and then stepping in, I am afraid that I will enter the eternal darkness that will never be restored.

The girl's magic sound stood upright under the two low mountains, then turned her hand, and nine snow-white candles appeared in both hands. There was a handle under the candle, and each candle was more than one meter high. The word was lined up by her and inserted on the ground. , There is a very pale and scary feeling of horror.

After lighting up, the girl magic sound did not turn her head back, but at a normal pace, she walked into the dark road.

In the ‘Death Forbidden Zone’, what plot makes her worthy of entering? Moreover, this woman bluntly said that it is not for the law of heaven, not for the secret of heaven, and her words do not seem to deceive him.

In that case, could the girl's magic sound give up the hope of life and enter it with death? Isn't this bullshit?

Su Jin doesn't believe it!

Without hesitation, Su Jin passed the nine lightened pale candles——



Su Jin's complexion changed. When he looked ahead, the darkness couldn't cover his eyes. Seeing the girl's magic sound, he even stopped after he stepped over nine white candles.

And he quietly turned his head to look, nine white candles, weirdly extinguished one——

Su Jin looked helpless, the girl's magic sound was afraid that she already knew that someone was following behind her, and she knew that there was only one person!

But! What if you know?

Sister, it’s good to be able to find out your elder brother——

Su Jin continued to follow ceremoniously, he also stepped into the'Forbidden Land of Death'! After the girl's magic sound paused, her eyes were cold, but she didn't look back, and moved on.

In the dark environment, I couldn't see the five fingers when I stretched out my hand. Su Jin opened his eyes, and the surroundings were as clear as the morning, but since stepping in here, he only felt a burst of coldness through his heart~~

Danger may be everywhere.

In the end, the girl's magic sound couldn't help it, and couldn't help stopping and turning her head several times, trying to find the trace of her, but it was empty, as if it no longer existed!

More than a dozen meters after her, Su Jin kept posing the poss of a strong man, not even looking at her, arrogant, sister! Can you see me?


But soon, the smile on Su Jin's face gradually turned dignified, and the magic sound seemed to no longer care about behind him, and quickly walked into the dark depths, but in it, there was a disturbing breath that hit his face.

Su Jin even saw a trap under the mountainside that was so damaged that it still emits a gloomy light. This very retro trap was even the size of a small building, and the sharp serrations that had not been closed up and down made a person. She shuddered!

This is just a damaged state. If it is intact, it might be a terrible weapon for catching'divines and Buddha' and'punishing demons.'

It is absolutely impossible to say that Su Jin does not have any pressure in his heart. It seems that even the Lord of Nanli may not have come in here, so he might have lost his life here.

Follow along! Su Jin did not look back, and now he can't see the way back with his divine eyes when he looks back, the section of the road into the death penalty zone, as if the void has been distorted, I don't know the situation-


Su Jin followed up again, but at this time, the scene covered by the road surprised him and lost the trace of the magic sound!

Nima! This is for nothing?

At this time, the girl Moyin finally stopped in front of a square black hill. Her body was as soft as a willow branch, and she leaned back slightly, holding her delicate white hands high, forming a handprint——

On the index finger of the right hand, a needle-eye-sized wound appeared, and red blood dripped!

After only five centimeters of dripping, the blood was dissipated into fog, turned into a mysterious rune, and thrown toward the black Pingshan!


The black Pingshan trembled again and again, and the dark red brilliance rose and cruised throughout the Pingshan mountain, while a long stone platform on the Pingshan mountain appeared at this moment!

The girl Moyin's face was happy, just like a carp, jumping high onto the black hill!

Su Jin was stunned, someone broke the road cover! He saw the black Pingshan! Even the scene where the girl Moyin jumped up was also seen by him——

The creepy feeling was felt by Su Jin for the first time! With this kind of cultivation, the girl magic sound dare to jump to the black hill! And it was too fast, Su Jin could not stop it at all!

"Ah~~" The girl magic sound suddenly screamed.

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