What is the source of the scream?

Su Jin's foot strokes, the divine method of shrinking the ground was revealed again, and his whole person was in the air. When he saw the scene on the black ping mountain, Jun Yi's face suddenly changed color.

Moyin’s pupils turned into a weird pink. She could still stand, but her left abdomen was penetrated by a dark thorny vine. The ring-shaped thorny vines were arrow-shaped at the front end, thick but not more than fingertips, but like steel and soft. Extremely!

According to the strength of the etheric demon, she should not be able to hide from these ring-shaped thorny vines. She is now standing under a trap with her legs, and holding her hands high on the trap with curved teeth, which is quite unhelpful—

Because of this, that strange thorn vine can penetrate her left abdomen!

"Don't come here!" The girl Moyin's abdomen was bloody, and she naturally found Su Jin who was following her, and shouted again and again.

"I'll save you first!" Su Jin stepped forward with his left foot, and the whole person had already crossed over, his entire right arm turned into Buddha's color, and he lightly flicked the Buddha's finger at the beast——


A crisp sound appeared!

Unexpectedly, Su Jin's finger didn't break the ‘catcher’! But soon he reacted and revealed the dragon sword in his right hand. Kaka is two swords——

The trap was cut neatly and lost its effectiveness, and there was a weird thorn vine on the left abdomen of the girl Moyin who had not taken it back!

Su Jin immediately picked up the dragon knife, snapped his fingers with both fingers, and a strand of burning golden crow flames loomed out, directly smelting and breaking the weird vine. The weird thorny vine was still moving, like a hundred-legged insect, dead and dead. Not stiff!

Putting out his hand, Su Jin suppressed the remaining thorn vines and pulled out from her left abdomen fiercely. The strange fire in his hand immediately smelted the thorn vines into ash——

The girl's face was pale, and she almost fainted in pain. Fortunately, the sound of Buddha's singing rose up around her, and circles of the Buddha's original scriptures of the king of life and death surrounded her, as if the entire black hill was turned into a piece of Buddha's soil!

The injury that penetrates through the abdomen is really a bit serious--

Su Jin flattened his palm on the wound, and the girl's magic sound was suddenly golden! Her pain gradually eased, then eased, and even finally recovered~~~

"Thank you, Lord Yedi..." The magic tone powder pupils gradually disappeared, returning to normal, naturally blurred big eyes, and the tone was full of gratitude.

"This ring of thorn vines is actually a kind of plant and wood spirit. When you came here, the plot is the stone pine?" Su Jin watched the thorn vine shrink away, disappeared away, and slowly frowned.

"Yedi asked, Moyin didn't dare to hide it."

Moyin thought for a while, and continued: "There are things in the stone pallet that are extremely important to me, and I must take it away, otherwise the magic sound will be solved automatically within a hundred years."

Su Jin squinted his eyes and remained silent for a long time. At this moment, the woman did not lie to him again, but after the silence, he asked a question that surprised Moyin: "How many times did you automatically solve it?"

"Not less than five thousand lives -" Moyin slowly lowered his head.

"If I'm right, your body is buried in this stone pallet." Su Jin said lightly.

"No, it's not me, I'm just..." Moyin didn't know how to explain it. In front of Su Jin, she even had a feeling of a low level, afraid that she would be looked down upon by Lord Yedi.

"You are just a funeral." Su Jin smiled slightly.

Moyin's eyes widened when the three words for funeral goods appeared. She thought that Su Jin would never guess it, but she said nothing! It can't be more accurate!

Startled, the magic sound asked in surprise: "Master Yedi, how do you know--"

"It's very simple. During the Nanlitian test, I felt a different kind of feeling in you, and you, as the'Ethere Demon,' you have the characteristics that affect the life of the people."

When Su Jin spoke, he pointed to the vertical eyes on the center of his brows, and said, "My divine eyes will not lie to me, and you have also appeared in China Great World——"

It's a pity that even if the "Secret of Heaven" is not found in this ruin, getting this woman is definitely a treasure comparable to the secret of Heaven!

"Master Yedi is much better than I thought." Moyin's eyes flickered, and he looked at Su Jin.

"I was only skeptical at first, but it is becoming more and more consistent with what I thought. How about, how about a deal between the two of us?" Su Jin smiled generously.

"What deal?" Moyin asked curiously.

"With your strength alone, you can't open this pair of stones, I will help you obtain the body——"

Su Jin slowly said: "You help me in the Great China World, prosper forever, and avoid the disaster."

"Not to mention that I can't do it. Even if I can do it, you will undoubtedly die at the moment you open the stone pallet. In fact, before entering this'Forbidden Land of Death', that candle was extinguished. Although I did not see you as a real person Where, I saw a scene in your future." The magic sound was calmer.

"Oh?" A look of interest appeared on Su Jin's face.

"Have you prepared a cemetery for yourself?" Moyin asked Su Jin, staring at him.

Su Jin's heart burst.


Although the words made Su Jin a little displeased, it reminded him that Xia Yuyan was caught by the little fairy Xiaoxiang in the Celestial World, and he and Jincheng Princess walked to the'burial ground' at night, and he saw it. The tombstone vision with the tomb of Su Jin.

At that time, Princess Jincheng also said that if anyone saw her name appear, she could find her own cemetery in the burial ground the next day.

"I haven't prepared, but there are signs of evil--" Su Jin shook his head nonchalantly.

"Your cemetery is in the burial ground, no one can save you." The magic sound is even more evil, even Su Jin can guess the vision.

Maybe not a guess, because she is a demon, but this is just the name of other big worlds. In China big world, she has a famous name.

"Once the dragon head ancient coffin wanted to take me to the Xinglu Cemetery, I almost lay in it, but it's okay? I'm never afraid!" Su Jin said coldly.

"The burial ground is different. You have changed your life once for yourself, but the heavenly power will only increase and not decay. This time, be careful—" Moyin seemed unwilling to owe Su Jin's favor.

"Let’s talk about the business right now. I don’t care who is buried in the stone pyre. If you can use the real He's Bi as a funeral, I don't want to think about the cultivation base. Just take your He's Bi. it is good."

"You'll die when you open the stone pallet. You have said it several times!" Moyin frowned.

"Remember my words, you will help me Huaxia Great World if I have an accident! I'm 100% sure, take your body--" Su Jin strode forward.

During this period, Su Jin watched and destroyed several extremely hidden traps. From Moyin's point of view, her footwork was simply art, and she had no good options at the moment, so she had to follow along.

On the Black Pingshan, the long strip of stone platform is clearly marked with another closed line. It looks ordinary, but it is actually a stone stilt that hides the existence of terror!

"No, don't!" Moyin immediately stopped anxiously.

However, Su Jin's hands have been pushed on it, slowly pushing away the top of the stone cover~~~

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