My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2456: Priestess

Caught off guard--

The three fairies and Jincheng princess knew that when the entire dojo was opened up, it had been banned by the Lord Nanli, but the bunches of black patterns seemed to be unimpeded and cut towards Xia Yuyan!

Regardless of the difference in strength, the four women are at the same level as humans and gods. If you want to stop at this time, the speed of reaction cannot keep up with the rhythm!


Outside the dojo, there was a surprise.

Dozens of sharp black lines on the front end, when cutting towards Xia Yuyan, a few meters away from her body, a drop of golden light began to fall, and each drop of golden light fell into a ‘lotus’, and the golden brilliance radiated in all directions!

Golden light bursts! One after another, "Living and Death King Buddha" Jinglun, appealed to the Buddha's will, and those black lines touched them, and they actually retracted back——

Last night, Su Jin left behind a trace of primordial spirit in this dojo opened by the Lord of Nanli. At this moment, he reacted faster than anyone, and was the first to know that someone wanted to attack Xia Yuyan!

The entire dojo reverberated with Sanskrit sounds, and the overflowing golden light contained the original mantra of the King of Life and Death, enclosing the dojo, and not far behind Xia Yuyan, a virtual golden Buddha appeared.

look up--

He actually looked up like Su Jin who was far away from the sky!

The tomb-digging giants all shattered into powder, and even the tombstones were turned into pieces, messy and smashed on the surface of the earth. When Su Jin raised his head, his eyes were as deep as the deep sky, and he looked towards the abyss of void——

The uncontrollable rage was soaring in a straight line. At that moment, Su Jin's spiritual sea seemed to explode. He had no scruples and there was only one word in his heart:


"Go away!"

Su Jin roared, and the ground under his feet seemed to have become an arc, shortening quickly, he disappeared in place, and directly used to shrink the ground into an inch to kill the dojo!

The masters of the four heavens of Gengjin, Guishui, Nanli, Wutu, and Yimu suddenly changed their complexions. Just now Su Jin confessed that he was going to the Void Abyss to protect the dojo, but now he is in big trouble. !

"Let's go! Someone is shaking the dojo, let's kill them together!" Sister Yu can't worry too much. Now in the family of the Five Elements Heaven, she has the highest status and can naturally give orders.

Five people disappeared in Nanli Shrine!

Su Jin was really violent this time, and the entire Five Elements universe seemed to be bearing his anger!

Someone looked in the direction where the Master of the Five Elements Heaven was going, and actually tore through the void rift and entered the void abyss, and a strong golden light faintly bloomed out of the torn rift.

"There is a dojo in the Void Abyss!" There is a god-king level power, guarding another big city in the south, waving directly back and manifesting the gorgeous scene of Buddha.

"Ah? Yedi didn't show any signs of abnormality when he burned a thousand grave-digging giants. What is it now that provokes him so much anger?" When someone was curious, they wanted to see the scene in the brilliant golden light--

But Foxia is so dazzling that it is difficult to look straight at!

"There are a few beautiful beauties in there! Huh? Someone in the dojo seems to be practising amazing magic!" When the golden light dissipated a little bit, many people saw this scene.

"Silk...what are those black stripes?"


In the Void Abyss, there are fragments of broken and silent continents floating away in the distance, and in the dim vision, only the splendid Buddhist temple is relatively stable——

And just outside the dojo, bunches of weird black stripes were slowly retracting, and when they were gathered, they turned into a beautiful goddess in the distance.

Wear a crown.

The skin of the goddess is not bloody, showing a sickly white appearance. This woman is a curvaceous and slender girl with a bold Chinese dress covering her body. She seems to be dissatisfied with Su Jin's anger, and raises her slender white right arm. , The light white fingers stretched out slightly, a jet-black butterfly was slowly spreading its wings and flapping its wings——

The lord of Nanli is also annoyed now. When he comes with the other four heavenly masters, when he looks at the woman in the north, his brain rumbling directly, it becomes blank, and the anger is instantly extinguished as if it is cold!

"This, is this someone from the Yinmian tribe?" When the Lord of Nanli spoke, his breathing became rapid and he asked several other people.

"Why the mysterious Yinmian clan came here after the tomb-digging giant?" The face of the **** of Guishui Wang Qiao also appeared solemn.

"The person here is not just the Yinmian clan. If I guessed right, this woman should be the legendary Dark Sacrifice Heavenly Girl..." Heavenly King Yimu's face had long turned into an iron blue.


Dark sacrifice to the goddess!

The heirs of the ancient kingship have unparalleled rights!

The Three Fairies and Princess Jincheng had obviously heard of this mysterious race, and they all took a sigh of relief. In fact, when they saw the black butterfly on the back of the woman's hand, the four of them had faintly guessed the identity of each other!

That is the extremely terrifying "Dark Sacrifice Butterfly"——

Su Jin's expression was also solemn, and when he arrived at the dojo, he put away the wisps of primordial spirit, and now he was facing the dark sacrificial goddess who was quietly releasing the ‘butterfly’.

The woman's lips are slightly painted blue, and the place where she stands, seems to be transformed into a world of her own, every move will make people feel a strong noble aura.

"Golden Body Kid~~ Come on——" The Dark Ji Tiannv turned her hand and gently stroked the wings of the'Dark Ji Butterfly', as if it brought back sound effects, the voice was incredibly magnetic.

"No time to make an appointment!"

Su Jin's momentum is not lower than the opponent's half point, and he replied violently.

"I'm weird~~~"

The magnetic echo was rippling, and the Gloomy Ji Tiannv turned her head, a little lazy, and looked at Su Jin and said, "You are not as shaved as those bald donkeys, how can you cultivate a golden body?"

Those bald donkeys?

Su Jin frowned tightly, a thousand tomb-digging giants in front, and now he was ruined by himself, how many masters were there behind? This dark sacrificial goddess obviously came from ‘Guan Zi Zai Tian’, watching Zi Zai, how is it now?

These are all Su Jin wants to know, but now he has no time to take care of them, because this dark sacrificial goddess alone made him feel extremely pressure!

The bronze bell kept trembling, and the mysterious bones kept transmitting. The message was only two words: run away! Run away! Run away!



Xia Yuyan was at a critical time, and she fell into the once-in-a-lifetime state of "Epiphany" with a trick of ice and blue sky. From last night until now, she has been enlightening!

At this level, I am afraid that I will directly become a female emperor. How can Su Jin disturb her, and even so, there is not much chance to escape——

"Long-legged sister, do you want to learn Buddhism? If you don't, why be curious." Su Jin squinted and asked calmly.


The long-legged sister.

The Lord of Nanli and the God King of Guishui were all frightened by Su Jin's words. The other party was the famous Dark Ji Tianmai, a legendary existence! Su Jin was actually teasing her--

"The chaos of the five elements, make things right~~~"

The Dark Ji Tiannv looked at Su Jin and continued with a charming magnetic voice: "Unexpectedly, there are a lot of surprises here, she is much more interesting than you."

she was?

She means--

Refers to Xia Yuyan!

Su Jin's calm complexion suddenly rose with murderous intent, his anger no longer concealed, and he was surrounded by the Heavenly Dao-level "Wang Buddha Jinglun"! One step disappeared in the dojo, and when he reappeared, he swooped from top to bottom towards the Dark Ji Tianmai!

Kill kill kill!

Dark Ji Tiannv raised her head, her beautiful eyes faintly filled with dark silver divine light. When Su Jin's giant Buddha fist struck, facing the vast aura, she stroked the pitch-black butterfly with five fingers, sighing. Rulan said slowly:

"Dark Sacrifice Butterfly~~"

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