My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2457: Tiger in the city

The Buddha of Life and Death, the golden body of the heavenly realm!

This is the manifestation of Su Jin's deity. When it manifests, the golden light shines, and it is as big as the sky! The giant Buddha fist that swooped down even envelops the Buddha rhyme of the'Tianfo Aquarius Handprint'!

However, there was a giant Buddha fist blessed by the Dharma of Heaven, and under the raised hand of An Ji Tiannv, the ‘Dark Ji Butterfly’ turned black, and tens of millions of Dark Ji Butterfly greeted us!

Qiang Qiang!

On the giant Buddha's fist, the Buddha's light turned into a gang, but after the dark sacrifice butterfly resisted for a while, suddenly threw away——

The Buddha's light body could not hold the entire golden body of the Buddha!

The wings of the Dark Jidie seem to be thin and light, just like an ordinary butterfly, but at this time it seems to be an indestructible blade!

Su Jin only felt severe pain all over his body with the jingle and crisp sound, and his back and face were scratched all the time.

Just after cutting open the wound, a ray of golden light fills up the wound, and it can be recovered in an instant, but this is also very uncomfortable!

"not good!"

Su Jin was shocked and saw a few'Dark Sacrifice Butterflies' flying towards the place where Xia Yuyan sat cross-legged. He turned around abruptly, arched his palms, and covered the dojo with a huge Buddha palm! Cover Xia Yuyan directly--


On the back, in addition to the horrible scratches, there was a giant hammer with devilish energy in the void, which slammed Su Jin's back hard--


Su Jin spouted a mouthful of golden blood, and when he turned his head, he suddenly saw that the Eternal Goddess was frowning, fearing that he would not like the other party to come, and took the opportunity to attack the opponent.

"Sister Midie, in your noble status, why play a little junk from the heavenly realm? If you need to practice martial arts, I will accompany you~~"

The person who came in the attack turned out to be a very strong man, more than two meters tall, with muscular muscles, with an open chest, and a rugged breath, but he didn't even look at Su Jin when he spoke, and took photos with one hand. Come to the long rod magic hammer and look at the goddess of darkness with obsessive eyes.

"His brother can also accompany you—"

Not far away, there was a dense group of demon lights flickering, and when the voice came out, a thin young man interlaced his hands in front of him, squatting significantly.

The strong man is a brother!

The thin young man is the younger brother!

The appearance of the two made people feel numb at the scalp. The Lord of Nanli and the others showed horrified eyes and secretly communicated.

"These two are important existences of the Star Alliance! Boss Chen Youhu, brother Chen Youyao, the two brothers are very special, but how can the Star Alliance be united with the'Yin Power Race'?" The Lord of Nan Li said with a trembling tone. .

"It's over, the strength of the two brothers alone may not be as good as the dark jade goddess, but if the two do not care about the previous complaints, and unite, even the dark jealous goddess will not be opponents!" The King Wutu said in a surprised tone.

"Should they not join hands? It is rumored that the two of them are selfish characters, and they often fight as opponents. No one can help each other. If the two brothers cooperate, it is unlikely that it is possible." King Guishui hesitated.

"The two brothers, if they meet someone who will kill, they will shout their own unique slogans. Everyone who hears them is afraid, because they do it and rarely miss it—"


Now, Su Jin started to recover while the opponent was staring at each other. There was no problem with the dojo he was protecting, and the sunken Dao Jin body that was smashed in his back that day began to slowly recover.

The process is extremely painful! Su Jin gritted his teeth, and forcibly resisted not making a sound. The heavy hammer just now was so cruel!

Chen Youhu was carrying that heavy hammer, his arms were surrounded by a strong magic light, his brother looked at each other with his copper bell-like eyes, but then he suddenly shouted: "There is a city at home, and there are tigers in the city!"

"There is a city in my house, and there are demons in the city!" Chen Youyao said to his brother almost at the same time, posing as an attack.

"Enough!" An Ji Tiannv couldn't stand these two people the most.

Whenever you meet, it will be a miasma.

After the Dark Ji Tiannv stopped, the two brothers immediately withdrew from the attack state, and they were incomparably obedient--

But this is not a good thing! It can be said that Dark Ji Tiannv did not intend to give Su Jin any chance at all!

Su Jin was unable to recover from the injury behind his back in a short time. He simply stopped closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, put his hands away from the state of covering the dojo, turned around and slowly said, "Are you two brothers——"

After erasing the Buddha's blood, Su Jin could not restrain his madness, his eyes fixed on the faces of the two of them.

"Brothers of twins!" Chen Youyao corrected, his voice was rather unpleasant, a little feminine.

"Then you were crippled in the womb, but I think one of you may be true, but the fathers have to check, one of the original is a demon, the other is a demon..."

Su Jin squinted his eyes and calmed down the shock in his body, but spoke mercilessly.


The scene was silent.

Even the Eternal Sacrifice Heavenly Girl was stunned, Su Jin, the little Heavenly Dao Buddha, dared to judge the two famous Star Alliance powers, this was daring.

"There is a city at home! There is a tiger in the city!" Chen Youhu's sturdy figure directly shouted: "Weak boy, I will tear your mouth!"

"There is a city at home! There is a demon in the city! Little evil obstacle, take your life!"

Chen Youyao pinched the orchid finger on the spot, jumping wildly in anger, pointing to Su Jin——

"Brother! Fuck me off, I'll kill him!"

"Brother! You **** me, I want to tear him!"


The noble Anji Heavenly Lady, sitting in a moving posture, the noble temperament was manifested on that slightly charming face, a ‘Dark Jibutter’ floating on her knees, she had a headache, and she kept rubbing her eyebrows.

She still looks down on Su Jin's strength. Not to the point of getting a headache, it's just that the twin brothers, entangled endlessly, made her helpless——

"It's getting more and more interesting, Chen Youyao, I think you are much better than your brother. I just took him a sneak attack, and he didn't kill me--" Su Jin said indifferently.


In an instant, the air seemed to freeze, and Chen Youhu stared Su Jin with those copper bell-like eyes. A giant long tiger with a demon red sturdy body burned with a demon cloud on its surface, suppressing the weather.

"Brother... he... said I'm inferior to you!!!" Chen Youhu turned his body and looked at Chen Youyao.

"The facts he said are worthy of being a person with a Buddha pupil of great wisdom, with a unique eye!"


How can Chen Youhu bear it?

There is also the Devil Ji Tiannv who both of them like, how can he be said to be weaker than the old brother? Naturally have to prove with strength! Defeating the younger brother will naturally make people clear!

The Lord of Nanli was astonished, and they were all secretly applauding, Su Jin was too smart, and directly temporarily resolved two powerful threats——

An Ji Tiannv got up and looked at the two brothers who were constantly bombarding them with magical methods in the distance, knowing that there is no hope to persuade them. This is not because Su Jin is too smart, but the two brothers are too stupid!

Now the only thing that Dark Ji Tiannv recognizes Su Jin is the four words he said: crippling in the womb!

"Do you think I can't kill you without them?" Desolate Ji Tiannv looked at Su Jin and asked indifferently.

"Long-legged sister, you are not the first person to despise me, do you know who despise me, what will happen in the end?" Su Jin also responded with words.

"Oh? Let's talk about it--" The eyes of the Dark Ji Tiannv changed. How can I see that this person has no hidden strength, and is not enough to see.

Su Jin sneered looking at the dark sacrificial goddess:

"Those who despised me were finally destroyed by me, and they all went to hell..."

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