My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2458: I fulfill you!


Regardless of strength, just this courage makes people see and hear, and they are all impressed!

Sister Obi stared blankly. The reason why she didn't resist last night was actually making a gamble. After all, the collection of the spirit of the five elements is far better than keeping her. I am afraid that everyone will treat Su Jin like this— —

But what changed the mind of the Lord of Nanli was just why there were a few stunningly beautiful female sisters beside Su Jin willing to serve him.

Feeling, righteous and attractive, fear is the reason!

The three fairies and the Jincheng princess, when they talked with the Lord of the South Road yesterday, they all admired and expressed their love.

If it is inhuman, even if it can rely on strength to capture the beauty, but that heart will never belong to Su Jin! That's why the Lord of Nanli did that last night, and the result was extremely correct. Not only did Su Jin not take her origin, but also let her be the Lord of the Five Elements!

An Ji Tiannv was in a trance.

For some reason, she had just had the illusion that she was bluffed for a moment!

The Five Elements World is in an uproar!

Still familiar arrogance!

The discussion in Nanli Tiantian was extremely enthusiastic. The other four heavens have been paying attention here for a long time. Also in the condensed scene, I saw and heard this scene!

"Ye Di is really a thief. Facing the mysterious yinmian goddess, he was called to be a long-legged sister, and he even dared to threaten to cut off the dark sacrificial goddess. This is too scary!" Nanli Tianzhong, someone was surprised. Tao.

"Taking advantage of the status quo, separating the two brothers Chen Youhu and Chen Youyao, letting himself face the dark sacrificial goddess, there is more hope of surviving, Ye Di is really smart."

"The two tricky brothers, they haven't gotten their way yet, the more they fight, the greater the momentum—"

"I admire and admire it, but in front of the Dark Ji Tiannv, all tricks will be seen through, Ye Di and Dark Ji Tiannv are not at the same level!"

"Anyway, Yedi is still crazy! If you change to me—"

"What happened to you?"

"Kneel directly!"


The cultivator of the Five Elements universe, the discussion stopped abruptly at that moment. Everyone could see it. The Dark Ji Tiannv moved to kill. She stood and stopped in the void, and all the ‘Dark Sacrifice Butterflies’ flew out of her body--

With slender arms, the fingers of both hands are constantly touching, and An Ji Tiannv is knotting fingerprints!

She must kill with one blow!

Obviously, although Su Jin is a Buddha of Heaven, everyone knows that a Buddha is difficult to cultivate, and a Buddha with a golden body is even more difficult to deal with. Although there is a huge difference in strength between the two, the effect of killing the goddess is pursued!

"Long-legged sister, do you have the guts to chase after? I have a way to defeat you!"

With a strong confidence on Su Jin's face, he looked at An Ji Tiannv and asked her if she would dare!

"Why don't you dare! Although I know you are procrastinating, it's not difficult to kill you—"

The scenes of dark butterflies seem to have erected a long butterfly bridge, carrying the dark saint goddess to chase Su Jin!

The lord of Nanli took a breath, looked at the two figures farther and farther and deeper, and muttered to the other people: "He just transmitted the sound to me."

"What did you say?" God King Guishui asked curiously.

"He's going here, and it's hard to come back, but he is 50% sure that the Dark Sacrifice will not come back!" The Lord of Nanli was shocked by this horrifying remark when he transmitted the sound.

"How is it possible!" The God King Guishui was stunned.

"His Taoist companion Xia Yuyan will probably wake up soon. If it doesn't work, we will take her away if we see something is wrong--" said the Lord of Nanli.

This is actually what Su Jin explained--

However, none of the few people knows where Su Jin's self-confidence comes from, and it is too terrible to prevent the Dark Ji Tianmai from coming back!


Thousands of miles.


For Su Jin and the Desolate Goddess, even in this void abyss, the distance of tens of thousands of miles is only a moment, and many people can see their way forward, and Ye Di threatened to defeat the Desolate Goddess? How to beat it!

"Okay, just here, anyway, you can't escape to death--" The Dark Ji Tiannv said lightly.

"Okay." Su Jin knew that the distance was nothing. He didn't put any means in it anyway. Even if he did, they probably wouldn't care about it.

"With your heavenly body, you can't defeat me." Dark Ji Tiannv looked at Su Jin.

"You can use all your methods!" Su Jin made an inviting gesture.

The Dark Ji Tiannv raised her hand again, interlocked her fingers, and formed a handprint. She really didn't like Su Jin's strength. Before,'Dark Ji Die' was just an ordinary attack, but that kind of attack can cut Su Jin. Golden body

Blue eyes--

Seeing Su Jin raising her head and seeing the color of her eyes, the Dean Ji Tian Nu was shocked, "Zhitian Mi is on you? Interesting...but not enough!"

Above the handprint, the clone of Dark Jidie quickly turned into black light, and merged into the real Dark Jidie deity. When visible to the naked eye, Dark Jidie was rapidly getting bigger and bigger again!

The surrounding space seemed to be squeezed, Su Jin encountered such a strong pressure for the first time!

Su Jin took a deep breath, from bottom to top, a ring of fire rose up! With the blessing of the Blessing Sky Secret, the entire ring of fire emits a Huo Xia Pillar, which directly rushes into the sky. The Huo Xia Pillar runs through the void, and the end does not know where it leads!

In all directions, eight dragon heads were gradually and clearly condensed. The dragon's mouth was fully opened, and the mouth was a basin of erratic flame, which was a condensed fire basin!

In the dimness, it seemed as if a bright light had been lit, and a faint vision appeared. An old man in Ma Pao showed his back and walked to the heavens to release the fire——

"Sui! You have been approved by Sui! This is a Vulcan Way that has gained its true meaning!"

The dark sacrificial goddess obviously showed some interest. In the rumbling, Huo Xiazhu's aura was terrifying, and her beautiful eyes became brighter and brighter, and then said: "Not enough, not enough, you can't take my dark sacrifice. Butterfly strike—"

Su Jin's azure blue eyes just stared at the Desolate Goddess, and he uttered softly: "Enough long-legged sister! If you can kill me, I will admit it!"

The huge golden body of the Buddha of Heaven, sitting on the "Red Lotus Purifying Fire" with the lotus petals open, the golden body to breathe in the fire, plus the blessing of the sky secret, he has that confidence!

"Hmph, I'll make you perfect--" Dark Ji Tiannv's face was cold, the black Dark Sacrificial butterfly, when the butterfly wings flapped, a touch of sacrifice pattern appeared, and countless stripes around Luo appeared, stretching for an endless distance!

Up, down, left and right, those black sacrificial texts seem to be able to seal a world!

This method~~~

Su Jin's face suddenly changed. He had 50% hope, but now he only has less than 10%! This dark sacrificial goddess must have underestimated him, but didn't he underestimate this woman!

The terrifying coercion made Huo Xiazhu gloomy. The original gorgeous color has now turned into a grayish white——

Su Jin looked down, watching his golden body, it was no longer golden!

Except for the ‘clear blue’ displayed by Zhetianmi, the dimness of the surrounding void and abyss has all turned into a terrifying gray, how can this be done? ?

In the Five Elements Heaven, there are hordes of monks gathered in each heaven, and at this moment there is no sound.

Although it can be expected, Ye Di is also a well-known existence, and it was the first to appear in Nan Litian. The potential of his roots has exploded the crystal ball of the king, and his reputation is extremely famous!

"There is not a single bit of the ability to fight against, the two are not of the same level and magnitude." I don't know who it is, and said in silence.

"Hey, the road of the emperor has come to an end. But it is not ashamed to be cut off by the goddess of the dark sacrifice! It is still the idol in my heart!" It is an expression of admiration.

"Sacrifice pattern, Tu Guishen! An Ji Tiannv is about to kill Lord Ye Di, with Ye Di’s golden body, I’m afraid I can’t hold a breath—"

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