My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2459: Sacrifice to Heaven! (1/6)

No one is optimistic about Su Jin——

Especially when faced with a strong man like An Ji Tiannv, the pressure can be so great that people can't breathe!

In addition to Su Jin's azure blue eyes, Quan Hua became grayish. In fact, in the dark Ji Tiannv's heart, he had predicted that his own magic could not cover the blue of Tian Mi, but what about it, the gap is the gap!

Step, step, step.

Su Jin no longer hesitated, his face gradually began to become firm. He stepped on step by step under the huge pressure. Under the pressure, the void was almost impossible to move, but he still walked towards the Desolate Maid.

"You're courageous--" Sen Han in the eyes of An Ji Tiannv, she always feels something is wrong, but that strange feeling can't be said!

The dark sacrificial female jade arms raised flat, like a beautiful butterfly spreading its wings, and the black sacrificial pattern seemed to turn into black butterfly wings, slowly flapping the fan.

Countless black sacrificial patterns shrouded, except for the location where Su Jin came, there were sacrificial patterns spreading crazily in all directions!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

In the gray-white scene, when the sacrificial pattern spread, they swarmed at Su Jin ——

Su Jin's mouth suddenly raised slightly~~

The Dark Ji Tiannv was shocked, she watched Su Jin's blue eyes gradually become a little more gray!

It’s not bad that Su Jin has a ‘Zhetian Secret’ just now! But at this time, Su Jin actually took advantage of the power that had just covered the secret of the sky, and made a flick of a shot, and the gray-blue "No" word Tian secret mood spread out!

"Long-legged sister, if you continue to consume it, I can kill you believe it or not!" Su Jin looked at the endless black sacrificial patterns, these sacrificial patterns were all rushed, and he avoided Tian Mi with the word'No' !

"With the help of the secret of the sky, the power of my profound technique, and the use of the wordless secret of the sky to dodge my slaying blow, you are getting more and more invisible to me... but it's useless, the realm gap, you There is no way to make up!"

An Ji Tiannv raised her arms and shouted softly: "You should be lucky to have died under my Yin Mi Clan's "sacrifice to heaven" technique!"

Sacrifice to heaven?

Su Jin watched the black sacrificial patterns roll around, and the black altars were manifested. Each black altar was forty feet high!

In the end, nine black altars with condensed sacrificial patterns appeared. They were oriented. There were eight in Bafang and one in the middle. The position seemed to represent the desire to suppress Bafang Zhongzhou.

When Su Jin was in the center, he could clearly see that the altar in front of him seemed very different!

This altar should be higher than the other eight, with a jet-black river floating on it, and faint figures carrying the corpses of the demon gods, throwing the corpses of the demon gods into Hanoi, and then began to recite the scriptures of offering sacrifices to the sky——

Su Jin's face changed wildly!

This dark sacrificial goddess actually wants to use him as a sacrifice, as a sacrifice to the heavens, this heaven sacrifice technique is really terrible!

The body seems to be imprisoned by inexplicable power. If it weren't for the blessing of Tian Mi with his pupils, it would be difficult for his eyes to move. This is unbelievable, and it is reasonable to say that his state of ‘perpetual and perpetual’ is very difficult to break!

There is only one possibility, the disparity in strength is too great! And this sacrifice to heaven is very overbearing.

"You, you--" Su Jin's body was resisting, but only trembling in place, as if he was being held down by a heavenly domain. This was the first time he was so weak when he was strong!

"Let's give up resisting, you really don't see enough now. If you reach the human gods and bless the two kinds of secrets, maybe I have to pay attention to it, but you are not, you are just a small Tiandao Buddha cultivation." Laughed.

With a noble posture, like a butterfly, she walked slowly, and when she came to talk, she gently held her hands, and suddenly she held out an open imaginary black scroll.

The bronze clock shook slightly, Su Jin's heart became nervous, but then he knew that with the mysterious state of the bones, he could not help him——

"Long, long-legged sister, if you approach me, I will kill you--" Su Jin gritted his teeth, staring at the Desolate Goddess holding the scroll.

"Ha ha……"

An Ji Tiannv leaned forward and backward with a smile, and then said: "Don't worry, I will recite the sacrificial text myself now, you will die immediately, it won't be much painful."

"I didn't joking with you! If you don't believe it, come over and try again!" Su Jin was full of anger.


Su Jin's standing body couldn't help being bent down, and his shoulders made a crackling sound. He refused to bow his head like anyone else, no one deserves him to bow his head!

The Dark Ji Tiannv stared at Su Jin for a while, and walked with a smile on her face——


Three steps.

Five steps.

Finally stopped in front of Su Jin, not even eager to read the sacrificial text, holding the scroll in one hand, stretching out the other hand, and touching his face with the fingertips, the thin little lips slowly whispered in his ear: "I'm here, you cut me..."


A clear voice appeared, and the sight made the monks in the Five Elements Heaven open their eyes to the extreme!

When Su Jin was obviously imprisoned, a black sacrificial pattern suddenly appeared behind him. No matter what angle he looked at, he would be seen that his body was penetrated by the black sacrificial pattern!

This black sacrificial pattern rubbed Su Jin's bodhicitta, almost piercing the heart!


Su Jin coughed up a **** arrow, and he saw the smug expression of An Ji Tiannv!

The depressed, tense depressive atmosphere made people lag behind and moved--

Although there are many people who don’t like Su Jin, after all, Ye Di, he can defeat even the master of the Sifang Tianyu, and even crush the powerful and powerful Lei Yuanzi, but even this is useless, in front of the Dark Ji Tianmai There is no ability to resist at all!

"How terrible is the Yinmian family? The Dark Ji Tiannv can suppress the Ye Emperor and make it immobile--" someone looked at the discoloration, and exclaimed when they were nervous.

"It's over! There are still expectations, but if this continues, Lord Ye Di only has to be slaughtered. You know that he has three kinds of secrets in his body! This can't compete with the Dark Ji Tiannv!"

"As soon as the dark sacrificial goddess appeared, even the Lord of Nanli and other **** kings did not dare to stop loudly, showing how noble the origin of the other party is!"


Indeed, as some people have said, the Lord of Nanli and others are all silent.

At this moment, An Ji Tiannv has a proud face, still not leaving Su Jin half a distance away——

"If you can kiss Fangze, this king...this king is not at a loss!" Su Jinqiang endured the qi and blood that was constantly rising in his throat, and when he looked at the goddess of the dark sacrifice, there was an intoxicated expression on his face.


Just now Anji Tiannv almost penetrated his bodhicitta, and when he got close, the infiltration almost hit him face to face, especially when the little mouth was talking to his ear, the smell seemed to be non-existent in the world!

"You--" Eternal Ji Tiannv felt something was wrong, and the strong premonition flooded her heart. When she took a step back and looked at Su Jin face to face, her heart trembled!

That face is no longer intoxicated, but on the contrary it is cold and arrogant with success, those eyes...the murderous intent!

A wolf whale totem on the back of Su Jin's hand suddenly gleamed, and his astonishing aura was jumping in a straight line!

The Dark Ji Tiannv never thought that when performing the ‘Sacrificial Heaven Technique’, Su Jin as a sacrifice would be able to break free from the suppression of the Heaven Sacrifice Technique. This is simply impossible!

There is no absolute impossible in the world! this is……

Wolf Whale Domination!

Su Jin was surrounded by strands of vain Wenluo, sketched as a virtual image of a huge wolf whale. His whole body was relieved from pressure, and he directly looked at the goddess of the dark priest with murderous eyes, and said with a dark smile: "Go, let's be together. On the road—"

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