My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2460: Demon Blood Burning Demon Tower (2/6)

On the road together?

When the dark whale condensed, the dark whale naturally saw this stunning magic, and the wolf whale overlord magic was taken from the abyss of the void at the time!

If Su Jin wanted to, no matter how powerful the magical arts could stop him in the Void Abyss! He can even jump out--

"Do you think you can kill me with this method?" An Ji Tiannv immediately held the scroll sacrificial text, and looked at Su Jin coldly as she asked, there was no lack of mockery in her tone.

"No, I mean pulling you up and walking together..." Su Jin smiled.


Dark Ji Tiannv tilted her head, and her beautiful body trembled slightly. In her field of vision, on her side hair, there was a needle-sized drop of blood melting and rolling down~~~

Su Jin just coughed up a mouthful of blood, there is a problem!

After all, at such a distance, it is impossible not to touch it! She stared blankly, watching the drops of blood from one of her hair roll down and land on the snow-white shoulders exposed on both sides of her~~~

"Small poisonous blood, I still want to..." The Dark Ji Tiannv couldn't speak any more, when the blood fell on her shoulders, a small bright bloodline mark suddenly appeared.

The candle dragon is poisonous!

After the Dark Ji Tiannv understood the situation, her face was pale and almost collapsed——

Without even thinking about it, An Ji Tiannv directly sat down, exuding a mighty divine power, trying to gather the divine power on that bright mark, but she found that it was difficult to get rid of it no matter what!

The Candle Dragon Poison is too domineering, and the middle one has almost no solution! Even Su Jin himself is currently unable to release it!

Seeing the goddess of the goddess is fighting against the mighty power of poison, Su Jin's body was shocked, sitting crouched behind her, a stream of pure white fairy power trickled out, and the distance between the two directly became intimate——

They were tied together in an instant!

"Read your sacrificial text, when the sacrifice to heaven really comes, we are afraid that we will all die together?" Su Jin laughed, and the two were tied back to back. He wants to finish playing together?

"In addition to taking advantage, what else do you do? Put away your low-end wisdom and want to lie to me? If I read the sacrificial text, you can't help it!" The Dark Ji Tiannv finally exasperated.


Su Jin also wanted to fool her, because in the state of the wolf whale dominance, if the ‘sacrifice to heaven’ was successfully performed, he was afraid that he would jump directly out of the void and the fur would not be damaged!

"I can't live, don't even think about—"

Seeing that Su Jin couldn't help her, he continued to calmly said: "If I guessed right, apart from Chen Youhu and Chen Youyao, the people who instigated you are still watching the sky! It is possible to come over at any time."

"How do you know? No, you want to do what I said!! Hmph, the insidious little thief, after this girl restrains the candle dragon poison, I will take care of you!" The Eternal Goddess suddenly closed her eyes.

Can the Candle Dragon Poison be restrained?

It's not impossible. After all, there are many methods to sacrifice to the goddess, and his strength is not at the same level. If she is really allowed to temporarily suppress the evil poison, it will be really difficult.

Su Jin looked up, his face was not too worried, and said slowly: "You can't make it through that time--"

Even though An Ji Tiannv was closing her eyes, she still wrinkled her brows slightly, wondering what she meant.

A strong sense of crisis breeds in the heart of the Dark Jitian Woman, and finally a little panic appears in her tone: "What do you want to do?"


Su Jin opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood!

The blood spurted into the void, and it burned strangely, and the fire became bigger and bigger--

Dark Ji Tiannv didn't dare to close her eyes anymore, and temporarily stopped controlling that piece of candle dragon poison! She felt a terrible aura, and when she opened her eyes, the scene that appeared under her eyes made it difficult for her to calm down! Even his face was moved!

The fire is raging, and the rumble is resounding! The gray scene has even been broken!


The five elements are natural creatures, and the sights are all shocking! Even the two female cultivators, the Lord of Nanli and the God King of Guishui, burst into surprise in their eyes!

The three fairies and the Jincheng princess even raised their arms to cover their eyes. The dazzling flame is even more than Buddha's light! This Vulcan Way has not yet broken through the three steps of the Heavenly Way. Why is it so fierce!

"What's the matter with Ye Di! How come such a terrifying power suddenly burst out!" A monk seemed to be asking himself, but when he was frightened, his voice rose and was heard.

"It turns out that Lord Yedi has been accumulating strength, and when the Dark Ji Tiannv appeared, he was always misjudged by the other party! A thousand tomb-digging giants were burned to death. It is estimated that Dark Ji Tiann's eyes are in the eyes of a coincidence.

"Ah, I don't understand right now, what is the purpose of Ye Di's tying himself and Dark Ji Tiannv together back to back."

"How could it be possible that the current strength of An Ji Tiannv is at least the realm of the Great Perfection of the Divine King. She is afraid that she alone can slaughter all the Divine Kings of Nanlitian. The road to Consummation is too terrible, and it cannot be what the current Ye Emperor can do. contend."


In the Void Abyss, the strange aura became stronger and stronger, Su Jin and the two were not far away——

The turbulent flames burning with the devil blood melted that piece of void abyss and turned into an ancient and deep black hole, and while the devil blood was burning, someone finally saw Su Jin's plan!


Countless people are gasping!

Around the burning demon blood, it turned into a circle of black holes, and one of the **** demon towers was also burning violently! From the first floor of the base, it has been burning on the top of the tower!

Huhuhu, a trace of burning demonic blood gathered, and it turned into a giant dragon quickly, winding around the Scarlet Demon Tower!

The beautiful face of An Ji Tiannv was full of sluggishness——

"You have been hiding your strength!" An Ji Tiannv said angrily.

"If you don't get hit twice, why would you give a chance?" Su Jin was full of fighting spirit, even when he was tied up!

The burning scarlet demon tower was encircled by the scarlet dragon.

A circle of golden light from the Buddha's path, turned into a golden ring, appeared from below the demon tower!


In the Scarlet Demon Tower, I do not know that within those layers, a simple and rusty ancient sword was shocked. There was a terrible vision of the sword god, which turned into an unstable gray halo, which also circled the Scarlet Demon Tower— —

In pitch black, a circle of evil spirits whizzed out, a halo that was even darker than that black hole, and was also blessed in the center of that huge demon tower!

The bright ring is the way of the **** of fire, in which the Suiren Sutra is transformed into an ancient character, ups and downs like a fish, falling again...

Finally, there are eight huge auras, blessing the Scarlet Demon Tower!

Boom boom boom!

One mile, hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, and thousands of miles of void abyss were directly shattered by the terrifying power emanating from this demon tower. Except for the eight terrifying auras of different colors, it seemed to reappear in the legend of ancient times. !

Dark Ji Tiannv didn't even think about it, opened her small mouth, trembling lips, and shouted in one direction: "Chen Youhu and Chen Youyao! If you continue to fight, you won't be able to complete the task that the adults gave, and we will all die! "


The two brothers who were fighting vigorously stopped immediately. The two were too involved. Now that they saw that the state of the Dark Ji Tianmai was not good, they immediately looked anxious!

"There is a city at home! There is a tiger in the city! If you dare to tie my goddess, I will chop you off!"

"There is a city at home! There is a demon in the city! Little miscellaneous, I will peel your skin and make a human skin drum!"

The two of them shook their bodies and moved directly to Su Jin not far away. That burning demon tower puts a lot of pressure on them!

Su Jin frowned. This was not the result he wanted. He didn't expect the Dark Ji Tiannv to call the two brothers of the Chen family directly regardless of their identity!

"Kill you first--"

Su Jin's face was ruthless, and his heart slammed, raising his hand to control the demon tower that covered the eight halo, and shouted: "Go!"

Chen Youhu and Chen Youyao, when they first arrived in a hurry, they were standing together. When the set of eight-color halo demon tower fell, the two still wanted to use magical techniques to smash the demon tower, but soon I felt something was wrong...

Can't dodge it!

When the two of them fell in the demon tower, they were directly smashed into the air! !

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