My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2465: Everyone is responsible for saving water! (1/6)

The wind gusts--

The **** mother raised her arms from the spacious sleeves of her robe, and her snow-white palms slammed up. The quaint sarcophagus suddenly shook twice, the lid was lifted, and she drove the lid smoothly on the ground.


There was a sudden change on the face of the **** mother. When the dragon head ancient coffin was opened, there were ripples on the surrounding flat ground, and the sound of crying sounded.


Who is crying!

The **** mother saw that in the ripples, there were female sisters wearing white linen cloth. Every female sister could not see her face. There were probably thousands of them. Not to mention this kind of scene in the terrible burial ground. In any place, people will have scalp tingling when they look at it!

Don't stay here for long! Heavenly Mother's face gradually became solemn, she took a thousand steps and swept her eyes into the ancient coffin of the dragon's head——

Ok? what happened!

The **** mother only felt to look inside the coffin, and she was completely cold, and immediately she flashed into the empty passage that had not disappeared, and fled!


The coffin lid placed on the ground unexpectedly floated up strangely, as if being manipulated by inexplicable power, and after it floated, it was heavily covered on the ancient dragon head coffin! As for what terrible things exist in the coffin, I am afraid that only the **** mother knows.


In the endless darkness of Senluo plane, Su Jin slightly opened his eyes and exhaled a suffocating breath. Although he was sitting cross-legged, the ripples of the rising water made his heart beating.

Desolate Ji Tiannv’s mistake was wrong, he overestimated Su Jin’s concentration, and he didn’t even know how strong his Dao Heart was. In his direction, even though there was a huge stone blocking him, Su Jin had divine eyes—

Sure enough, on the blue water waves, the fairy mist was transpiring, and the skin on the back of the Eternal Goddess was whiter than snow, and the symmetrical and beautiful shoulders seemed to show the most beautiful temperament of a beauty.

Especially under the crown, the green silk sticking to the skin behind it was so stunned for Su Jin to look at it!

The Dark Ji Tiannv held up a handful of clear water and held it high, as if praying to the sky. The water flowed down her skin inch by inch and gathered in the pool.

So about a quarter of an hour.

Behind the dark sacrificial goddess was suddenly covered by a huge black butterfly. When the dark sacrificial butterfly disappeared, the water-red thin skirt had already been added——


Su Jin shouted a pity in his heart!

At first, the Dark Sacrifice Goddess was definitely not aware of it, but with the scene when the Dark Sacrificial Butterfly was finally used to cover her dress, I was afraid that I already knew that Su Jin was watching, although he did not see anything of value.

"Long-legged sister, have you finished washing?" Su Jin looked at the lady Anji walking barefoot, and asked without blushing.

This girl thief is pretty--

The thin water-red dress is just right. The dense texture resembles divine silk and thin silk. It seems to be embroidered with a garden butterfly shadow picture, tender trees, delicate flowers, water butterflies, one by one in her thin dress Embroidered on.

"If someone in my God Palace dares to be so presumptuous, I will guarantee that he will not see tomorrow's daylight!" An Ji Tiannv gave Su Jin coldly, and said with a frosty tone.

"You can also make me invisible..." Su Jin shrugged.

After that, he got up under the gaze of An Ji Tiannv and walked towards the huge rock.

"You, what are you doing!" The Dark Ji Tiannv realized something was wrong.


"But I washed the water!"

"It is everyone's responsibility to save water! Moreover, in the desperate situation of Sunluo Plane, we must not be extravagant and wasteful——"

After Su Jin responded, the Dark Ji Tiannv couldn't stop it. When she watched closely, she heard a pop in her ear.

An Ji Tiannv covered her eyes with one hand, obviously very helpless, and there was no way to take Su Shao once.

In fact, the goddess of the dark festival cares too much. The pool is a few meters around, and a few people may not stain the water. Moreover, there is still a bone-like fragrance in the mist, which is simply impossible to refuse.

It is easiest to relax in the water~~~

Su Jin calmed down for a while and had a plan. He has just recovered nearly 20% of his strength after practicing. If the recovery is complete, he will begin to try to find a way.

Not far away, An Ji Tiannv lit a small pile of spar, finally giving a little more light to the dark environment. She leaned on the stone and looked at the faint flame in a daze.

Su Jin washed and changed clothes, and walked in stride, shaking his hands in front of her eyes, and after getting a questioning look, he sat opposite the Anji Tiannv.

"My wolf whale domineering, can you escape the plane of Senluo?" Su Jin only asked these words.

An Ji Tiannv shook his head.

Ok! I knew it wouldn't be that simple--

After Su Jin sat down, put his hands on his knees and began to think.

Fellow practitioners of the Eight Paths, now the Buddha of Life and Death has reached the realm of the Heavenly Dao, and the Avenue of Candle Dragons has also been completed. Not long ago, the Lord of Nanli sent a strand of origin and successfully cultivated to the realm of the Fire God of Heaven!


Su Jin closed his eyes, and the bones inside his body began to make noises.

After watching the Annihilation Goddess, she frowned slightly and said: "Here, it is very difficult to mobilize the strength in the body. After the strength is lost, it will be much slower to make up for it. You still want to practice the road!"

Soon after the words fell, Anji Tiannv shut up.

In her eyes, where Su Jin was sitting cross-legged, a gray halo began to rise, with nine sharp corners evenly manifested on the halo, extremely symmetrical, nourished by a hint of sword energy.

The gray halo rose gradually, reaching the height of the middle of the arm, and the sound of Su Jin's bones became denser.

Sword body road!

With the help of the special environment of the Sun Luo plane, Su Jin feels that this avenue is most likely to break through! The sword is a murder weapon, the blade of killing and cutting, but the road of the sword **** is not only as simple as a sharp attack, but also a strong body——

The sword **** and the **** body are cultivated together, which is the sword body avenue!

The warm flames tilted slightly, as if the wind was blowing, An Ji Tiannv straightened her long hair, a few green silks stained her lips, but her eyes were still staring at Su Jin!


When the gray halo enveloped, there seemed to be a slight wave around! Dark Ji Tiannv immediately covered her small mouth.

There were scenes of phantom shadows faintly around, Su Jin was so wandering, condensing imaginary clones around, changing moves and positions again and again, actually practicing sword!

The mind and soul of Tai Xu is not easy to control, especially in the current environment, which is particularly difficult, but Su Jin seems to have entered a state——

The Dark Ji Tiannv thought for a while, and originally planned to use the Dark Jidie clone to fly one to try the power of the gray halo, but then gave up. After she hesitated, she pulled out two long hairs, and her hair drifted away with the wind.


In a flash, hundreds of sword auras flowed from the gray halo, directly chopping those two hairs into pieces, almost cutting off thousands of segments——

Dark Ji Tiannv can't believe it!

Just now, she seemed to feel something, and she was stunned for a while, and the Dark Ji Tiannv whispered to herself with a voice that she could only hear: "It can't be wrong, he is walking on the Sword God Avenue!"

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