My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2466: Stone Forest Ancient Temple (2/6)

Sword God Avenue!

In every big world, there are so many good swordsmen, and even pure sword repair is as many as the crucian carp. Every strong man wants to walk on the coveted sword **** avenue, but those are all fake sword gods. Get the true meaning of Kendo!

An Ji Tiannv's eyes are piercing, and her heart becomes nervous. She can't imagine why Su Jin, as a monk with such a low realm, can understand the true meaning of swordsmanship and embark on the real swordsmanship road.

In a blink of an eye, half a pillar of incense passed by-

The ‘gray halo’ surrounding Su Jin seems to have deepened a lot, and the gray ring is slowly turning! This can be seen at the nine acute angles.

Click, click.

With an inexplicable throbbing, An Ji Tiannv stood up and walked around the boulder, backing forward.

There were originally scattered dark-colored stones on the ground, but under the influence of the gray halo, the ground seemed to be spread by frost, spreading rapidly--

That's not frost! Absolutely not! That is the stone color created by Su Jin's sword body!

With the sound of a few tears on the ground, the Dark Ji Tiannv didn't dare to look down upon Su Jin again!

The solid ground began to squirm, gathering together, huge swords turned into stones, resorting to the vicissitudes of life, unexpectedly began to turn all directions into a sharp field!

"In normal times, it would be difficult for a divine soldier to cut the ground here! The twisting and squeezing force made the ground become as hard as black iron, but he can fossilize into a sword just by relying on the field of Sword God—"

An Ji Tiannv is full of chaos.


A total of 392 huge stone swords were condensed, and then every stone sword began to shake, tremble, and rise from the ground!

In the blink of an electric light flint, the sword edge cut in the mottled black space. Although it didn't cut any point, the sharp sword mark scared the Dark Ji Tianmai!

Can an ordinary **** king take this simple sword? The dark sacrificial goddess has doubts-

Su Jin opened his eyes, the void fell silent, and the sword fell on the ground, turning into a messy scene.

"It's still not possible. Although this is very suitable for my sword body, my **** bone is not as tough as a **** soldier, and it is still a missing distance from the heavenly sword body." Su Jin muttered to himself, seeming to understand. .

Not in a hurry.

Especially the sword body avenue, this kind of avenue is different from the Vulcan Way. It can increase power by collecting the strange fire. The body has to cast the **** body, and the sword has to follow the sword of the sword. It is very difficult without both insight and physical fitness.

Even Su Jin felt that the degree of difficulty was even more difficult than that of the Buddha of Life and Death he cultivated.

"Are you still not satisfied?" The Eternal Goddess gritted her teeth and stared depressed not far away.

Only the sword body of the world realm can threaten the ordinary **** king, how enchanting this guy is! Moreover, the Eternal Goddess finally understood that Su Jin is a true evil evildoer!

Although the realm is slower, the power of the eight realms can be integrated, and it is no wonder that the power can cut a thousand gravediggers!

"Long-legged sister, I don't understand something." Su Jin no longer thought about the swordsmanship, but asked instead.

"What's the matter?" An Ji Tiannv asked suspiciously.

"Since you know that there are stone spirits and giant abyss beasts on the plane of Senluo, someone must have been caught in it before, and they have only been informed of these existences when they escaped! I don't know how the other party left here?" Su Jin asked.

"Tell you, you can't reach that point." The Dark Ji Tiannv thought for a while, and then said: "Our adults are trapped here, but we can tear them away with bare hands. That bald or bald donkey is fine too!"

Su Jin was ashamed.

Guan Zizai is definitely okay, it's still a power gap, but this Dark Sacrifice Heavenly Girl can't do it, let alone use brute force, he can only think of a way.

"Is it possible, your lord or Guan Zizai, come here to search for us?" Su Jin had this idea.

"Don't even think about it! The Celestial Plane is the other side of the heavens, how big do you think it should be? They can tear open the void abyss with their bare hands and walk in easily, but it is absolutely impossible to touch us—"

"Yes, it's a poor chance." Su Jin sighed.

"So we may be trapped here forever."

"Not necessarily, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, you must do your best! Forget the long-legged sister, let's say something easy, do you have a boyfriend?"

"What is a boyfriend?"

"Tao couple!"

As Su Jin spoke, he lay down beside the warm fire, with his hands resting on the back of his head, looking at the Dean Ji Tiannv.


a long time.

An Ji Tiannv squinted lightly, and said calmly: "Before I inherited the Yinmian clan, several ancestors helped me choose an emperor——"


Su Jin looked astonished, and said in surprise: "You still have someone else dare to ask?"

"You'd better manage your own mouth. If I say that I don't have a companion, you are afraid to make fun of me. No wonder no one wants it!" The dark priest is really angry with this guy. Often people are too smart and will give to others. Pressure, Su Jin belongs to that kind of smart person!

"The son of the emperor matches the goddess, not bad, what happened afterwards?" Su Jin came to be interested.

"The night before we got married, he was chopped into mashed meat by me! So you'd better be careful—" The Dark Ji Tiannv clearly said the truth.

Su Jin feels a bit chilly~~~

"This king really looks down on you. You have to know that we are grasshoppers on a rope now. Whoever dies first will bury it. Maybe what will happen. Go to sleep." Su Jin felt that she could not tell her. clearly.

Closing his eyes, Su Jin planned to wake up for a while to see how his strength recovers. He can recover from a normal sleep without training and supplementation, but the situation here is special and he can't figure it out.

Dark Ji Tiannv heard Su Jin's even breathing, and she gritted her silver teeth secretly. What does it mean to look down on herself?

Her figure, beauty, status, who does not admire envy! Staring at Su Jin for a while, she was helpless and weak in her heart, and then she placed a formation around the fire before entering concentration in a cross-legged posture.


When he woke up, in the same pitch black environment as before, Su Jin looked inside and felt that his strength had recovered about 60%, so he was quite satisfied.

Wake up Anji Tiannv, he started to think of a way, and the two of them started to look around the circular continent.

"What did your divine eyes see?" An Ji Tiannv is currently blessing her eyes with divine power, and she can only see about 100 meters at most, and she is still groggy, unable to observe carefully, but Su Jin is obviously very purposeful. Walk her to the northeast corner.

"I saw a wood."

"Impossible! There is ubiquitous twisting power here, and it is impossible for the woods to exist!" The Dark Ji Tiannv directly shook her head and denied it.

Su Jin didn't explain, and accelerated his pace. He moved much faster than before, perhaps because of the diligence of the swordsmanship, after all, the divine body can withstand those weird and twisted forces.

After two quarters of an hour, a black stone forest suddenly appeared in front of my eyes——

These are ancient trees that have been petrified! Dark Ji Tiannv knew that she was once again suppressed by Su Jin's IQ, and after throwing away the depressed and complaining eyes, Su Jin's expression was full of triumph in exchange.

In addition to the stone forest, there are many tiles and monuments on the road in the forest.

Back then, the storm that broke out in the Void Abyss sucked some of the broken continents of the world into the plane of Sun Luo. It was quite normal to see these, at least Su Jin thought so.

"Something's wrong!" An Ji Tiannv shook her head again and again, looking at the dark place behind Shilin, her heart suddenly became nervous.


Su Jin was also taken aback, he vaguely saw an ancient temple——

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