My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2471: The Dragon King of Xiao Family (1/6)

Miss Anji, looking up in a daze——

Sen, Sen Luodao?

"Ah~~" An Ji Tiannv screamed in pain. She sat on the threshold of the temple and covered her ears, and bursts of blue and ink brilliance were released over the glowing ‘Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams’.

Distortion, squeeze, and the environment are all dark colors. The blue in the ink seems to turn into a stream of light rays, crazy being absorbed by the man above!

The shocking scene, no matter where you look at it, is extremely shocking!

The stone forest and stone temple were instantly shrouded by the divine power of the Dao Senluo, and the twisting power had not only increased tenfold?


In a radius of thousands of miles, there are bunches of irregular blue ink light, and the boulders, stone forests, and even some mountain peaks are swaying!

Rumbling, a round stone floated from the ground, and then densely packed, more than a million boulders were engulfed by that terrifying twisting force, and they were born in the air——

The mountain was being pulled up, and some hidden stone spirits were awakened, and their limbs were dog-planing in a panic, but the body was still floating like other rocks, there was no way at all!


Millions of Dawson Luo Shenguang shocked all the stones into powder! Su Jin removed the blue ink halo of the nine palaces and eight trigrams around him, and his body suddenly became empty. When he fell, one hand was pressed on the ground, and the whole person slowly got up from the handsome posture of kneeling.

Nine Dao Sen Luo!

Su Jin's face is filled with confidence, extremely confident! The path he walks is different from that of many people. His realm progress is too slow, but his comprehensive strength can make many people who look down on him suffer a lot!

"Long-legged sister, when I consolidate Senluo Dao and my strength reaches the peak, I will take you out—" Su Jin slightly turned Junyi's face, and did not choose to look back, sitting cross-legged to adjust his breath.


Dark Ji Tiannv felt a little excited, does Su Jin really have a way? wrong! The power of the Sun Luo plane!

Although the strength of Su Jin and Dark Ji Tiannv is combined, it is impossible to blast off the plane of Senluo and leave here, but that was before—

Now that Su Jin has achieved great success, he can use his distorted power and condense it. It may not be without the opportunity!

This man.

This man who surprised himself everywhere! When An Ji Tiannv stared, she suddenly had a sense of inability to see through. The stone forest and the temple were not damaged by Su Jin before, but the terrible power just now seemed to make her heart tremble— —


Outside, the night has passed.

This night, it seemed calm, but the calm seemed to reveal all kinds of uneasiness, and at the distance of'Southern Heaven', five million miles away from'Guan Zi in the sky', the Buddha Xia became silent.

The golden blissful buddhaland, the demon wind and sandstorm are almost everywhere! But for the entire ‘Guaranteed Freedom’ day, the Buddha cultivation seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, all were taken away and retreated.

The demon sand billowed, and there was a faintly enchanting five-color Jianxia, ​​sweeping towards one area, I don't know how powerful it is to search!

The wind and sand gradually stopped, a golden snake-shaped sand sculpture opened his eyes, swept out the power of the five-colored sword and clouds, and shook his body to reveal the king's body. He was actually a young man in luxurious clothes. He held a five-colored feather fan and came into the snake shape. Before the sand sculpture——


Guan Zi was in the south of the sky, a giant eye was opened in the void, and the eyes were vivid, just like real human eyes. In the pupil of that giant eye, a short man sat cross-legged, but quickly got up and walked out——

"A bunch of bald donkeys, all ran away!"

The short man walked up when he mumbled and asked unwillingly, "Can you find the two?"

"Even the "Donghuantianyan" of the God King Badan has searched to no avail, let alone us--" The young man holding a five-color feather fan arched his hands in a complimentary tone.

"Let's come, Master Xingqiong is not weaker than my Badan, and Master Yujingsha, Badan has also been admiring for many years." God King Badan raised his fat and short hand and arched his salute. .

The two of them were tall and short, and there was a huge sand sculpture with eyes, and they started to talk.

Boom boom boom...

The powerful Buddhaland was in the void, and thick dark clouds rolled away, moving from north to south, countless raindrops fell, and lightning and thunder continued!

In the dark cloud and thunderstorm, there is a very pure silver dragon faintly, constantly walking clouds and raining, and the silver scales are constantly glowing, and the dragon suddenly rushes, and the dragon body turns into a silver light rain!

In the rain of silver light, the always white hand began to melt, and then the wrist. On the wrist was an ancient bracelet with a strange spar, and then gray and silver long hair floated out——

"Xiao's Dragon Clan!"

Star Sky God King and Badan were obviously taken aback.

That wonderful body, as if it were in colored glaze, when it condensed, it was wearing a purple dress, and on its icy face, it seemed that it was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and its eyes were greyish silver!

"Several people have been waiting for a long time, Xiao Jia Zi'er is polite--" The snow-white jade feet lightly touched the ground, and the whole person fell and said hello.

"Awesome! Our gods are in the plane of God, and the tyrannical ancient clan is no less than ten thousand families. When will your Xiao family dragon clan add a dragon king!" The short **** Ba Dan is about one meter tall. I was surprised at the moment.

"Xiao Zier has just become the Dragon King, the three seniors don't laugh--"

"The prophecy of the heavenly sacrifice began to come true, there is no reason why Xiao Jialong clan helped! However, according to what several people have seen, where are the bald donkeys gone?" The King of Star Sky swayed the feather fan and asked for advice.

"Kuan Zizai is a false name for the waves. He has long possessed the terrifying Buddhist technique of one sand and one world. Now the adults are seriously injured. Otherwise, if he is there, he will definitely be able to easily find out where the bald donkeys are."

"I heard that Guan Zizai walked away from other areas and went to find reinforcements. The adults worried that they were looking for the traitors—"

"It's okay. Let's search again. If we can't, we can only go back and report. By the way, Miss Zier, do you know when to attack Nanli Shrine?"

"My lord said that after three quarters in the noon, he would even use the power of a hundred gods to complete the task even if Nan Li was destroyed."

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"Said to capture a goddess."


In the dark environment, there was a bonfire in the temple dojo, emitting a faint light.

After a whole night of recovery, Su Jin used the power of'Sen Luo Dao' to restore himself to his peak state. He is now much better than before he fell here!

Just now, Su Jin tried five times, trying to tear the plane of Senluo, but all of them ended in failure. Looking at the Dark Ji Tiannv shook his head, even if he went out in this state, it would be no less than death.

A strong man like an adult can easily tear the plane of Senluo with bare hands, and the dark sacrificial goddess smiles unconsciously, she actually pinned her hope of going out on people of Su Jin's realm.

After another quarter of an hour, Su Jin's eyes lit up, and his heart became nervous. He had a clear understanding and couldn't help raising his hand...

Whether you can go out or not depends on this blow!

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