My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2472: The Tribulation of South Li (2/6)

It was repaired overnight. Su Jin just tried several times, but failed to tear open the Senluo plane, and naturally he could not find a way back to Nanlitian. But when Sunluo Dao and other Eight Gate Avenues were restored, he discovered another mystery of Sunluo Dao——

Now Senluo Dao, there are more than two powers of ‘distortion’ and ‘squeeze’.

At least when Su Jin just failed for the fifth time, he faintly saw a faintly collapsed void.

That's right!

In addition to twisting and squeezing, there is also "collapse"! Su Jin raised his hand, gathering his strength, and blasted toward the void!

Trembling, the entire temple trembles constantly under this blow!

At that moment! In the dark void that Su Jin bombarded, a scene of collapse was clearly seen by the Eternal Goddess!

"It collapsed for a moment, as if there was a faint light, but with your strength, it was impossible to prevent it from recovering!" The Dark Ji Tiannv seemed to see hope.

"It seems that the method has been found, and now it is time to think about how to prevent the collapse of the void from closing, and there is only a basin the size of the collapse, and it is impossible to get out of it--" Su Jin deepened his brows and thought quietly.

Su Jin regained his strength and punched again, the same result, but this time before the bombardment, Yuan Shen swam away, wanting to observe the effect in detail.

Gradually, a thought-provoking smile appeared on the corner of Su Jin's mouth——

One hour, two hours, and three hours passed.

The Nanli Shrine was full of panic. The scorching sun and the hot temperature environment could not stop the panic atmosphere, and the monks in every city were uneasy.

"Yesterday the Yinmian Clan's dark sacrifice goddess Tong Yedi fell into the Senluo. I thought that Lord Yedi would die and the Nanli disaster would not happen. But there is news from the great power. The light of Buddha is dim, Lian Guan Free power is gone!"

"The north side has been enveloped by black clouds since an hour ago, half of the sky is clear and half of the sky is overcast. I am afraid that there will be many gods rushing in. Attacking our Nanli is just a matter of order—"

"Quickly, look! The flames on the shrine rushed into the sky, how can our Lord of Nanli have such great power?"

"No! Not the Lord of Nanli, this is the divine bird that evolved in the direction of the Five Elements Tiannanli at the beginning of the birth of Nanlitian! It is rumored that it possesses divine power that is stronger than the original source!"

"What a beauty--"


Shocked all over, in Nanli, many white-bearded powers have never seen the legendary "Nanli Divine Bird" in his life practice. The origin was not a symbol of Nanli at first. Nanli **** bird is the symbol!

White shirt, jade feet, a bit more body for fear that it will appear fat, a bit less body seems to be thinner, beautiful skin color, as if people can't find a trace of flaws!

The monks in many big cities and small cities couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation when they saw the virtual scene of the city.

The raging flames circulated in the void and turned into a totem in the sky. There was a divine phoenix faintly in the center of the totem, directly spreading out its fire wings!

Shenhuo... Another three points!

"Nan Li, who is really an old lady, is so bully, isn't it? You even invited the Dragons of the Xiao family to travel clouds and rain, your'plane of God' is much higher than our mortal world, but come to my mother's place to cause trouble, you Don't even think about leaving today!"

The fire phoenix in the totem behind the white shirt beauty also screamed loudly as she spoke.

Everyone who smelled it was ashamed.

Why is the seemingly frosty beauty in white shirt speaking so domineering? Although it is not weird in the sense, it is always uncomfortable for people. I feel that her figure and personality are completely two styles!

To the north, dense dark clouds.

There are faintly shining silver dragon scales, and occasionally a huge dragon body will be exposed, which makes people shocked.

On the top of the shrine, the Lord of Nanli with the three fairies and others are watching——

"There are nearly a hundred **** kings, that adult really looks at us!" The lord of Nanli had a cold face, her fists were silently clenched, and she turned her head and glanced at Xia Yuyan who was losing her mind, and said: " I'll try my best to protect you later, now I can only delay!"

"Sister Ozy said procrastinating time..." Fairy Xiaoxiang asked hesitantly.

Including the other two fairies and Princess Jincheng all had this question, and they were puzzled.

"Guan Zizai is going to ask for reinforcements. He is on our side, but looking at this situation, I am afraid that we can't wait for the reinforcements to arrive——" When the Lord of Nanli said, there was a lot of pressure in his tone.


The opponent is afraid that they will dispatch a hundred kings to attack Nanli! Now Lord Yedi has fallen into the plane of Senluo, and the chance of coming out is slim. Now Nanlitian is probably in the middle of the night!

Xia Yuyan was expressionless, looking around in other directions, as if trying to find the figure of ‘that person’.

But did not find it.

Early this morning, Xia Yuyan chose a goose yellow dress. She knew that Su Jin liked this color and the size of the dress was very suitable.

Can he still see--

Xia Yuyan couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness in her heart.

"If my man is by my side, he will never let people bully me like this." Xia Yuyan was a little aggrieved and almost shed tears.

She was almost taken away last night, and today the other party is bringing the army of the king of gods, which is bound to win her! Even with the existence of the Nanli Divine Bird, Xia Yuyan did not feel the slightest safety, perhaps only Su Jin could!

The only person facing the battlefield was the beautiful woman in white shirt, but she could threaten the existence of nearly a hundred **** kings! Even if it was the Dragon King of the Xiao Family, she would easily ignore it!

"Your opponent is me—"

In the dense dark clouds, some clouds and mist were actively dispersed. On the red skull mask, when a pair of crystal red eyes stared at it, they were flashing an evil red light!

"Master Heiyuan, you are not good~~ You still want to be beaten up by me like yesterday~~~"

After finishing speaking, the white-shirted beauty was graceful, standing upright in the void, with a vaguely strong fighting will burst out on the Divine Phoenix totem behind her.

"Big beauty! You can't be our adult's opponent! Advise you to obediently offer those girls up, maybe the lord can spare you Nanli again!"

The terrifying aura came out surging, after hearing the voice, the Lord of Nanli on the top of the palace seemed to be unbelieving in his eyes, and the two who stood up and manifested together turned out to be brothers Chen Youhu and Chen Youya!

The two brothers were almost cut off by Su Jin yesterday, how could they recover so quickly!

"Could it be!" The Lord of Nanli had deep fear in his eyes. The two brothers were afraid that they were taken away by Lord Heiyuan and helped them recover from their injuries.

"Leave this sparrow to me. Go and kill the people in Nanli Shrine, leaving only the goddess to live--" The red skull mask moved slightly, Master Hei Yuan spoke lightly, and commanded the two brothers of the Chen family.


The two brothers of the Chen family immediately responded with a wicked smile, raising their heads and looking at Nanli Shrine at the same time.

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