My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2476: Furious, the power of Sun Luo! (6/6)

In the past, Su Jin passed by death more than once!

But this time the feeling was very special. When the'Blood God's Sickle' was swept over, the Dao Soul and Yuanshen in his body seemed to be taken away by this magic weapon at this moment!


The'Blood God's Scythe' swept across a red wave, but Su Jin's golden Buddha head was not cut off!

Just now there was a suction force behind him, with the help of that suction force, his eyes suddenly showed a blue sky and a secret, and in a flash, a cloud of blood mist opened under his feet, and the person had disappeared!


Exclamations all around~~~

But more people are shaking their heads, this level of battle is not something Su Jin can participate in, at least countless people think so!

"Is Lord Yedi too clever? Smart instead of being mistaken! In the nearby heavens, I'm afraid that only by being able to observe freely will be able to outperform him. The Nanli Divine Bird has persisted in his hands until now. It's rare!"

Some people began to not understand Su Jin's arrogance.

Crazy can, but not stupid, maybe most of the dissatisfaction is because of this——

"The beauty who just turned into a divine bird in Nanli, if she doesn't take her away, she's probably already in a different place now!"

"Don't even say Ye Di is against Lord Black Abyss, just now do you remember what he said? Nearly a hundred **** kings in the north, approach one and kill one! To be honest, such an unscrupulous madman, I want to spray him now !"

"Originally, he was able to get out of the plane of Sun Luo, and I was still looking forward to him, but now it is really disappointing."

"Hush~~ I have heard rumors that if you are in the plane of Sunluo, as long as you are lucky enough, you may encounter turbulence in time and space! In that case, there will be cracks in some places on the plane of Sunluo and you can come out. ——"


Disappointment began to spread like a plague——

Su Jin didn't notice the miracle of'Blood God's Scythe' just now, but he was sure that he would not die under that slash! It's just that the beauty in the white shirt made a shot, he didn't use it.

What is this called now?

Disappointed? Disappointed faces everywhere?

The beauty in white shirt looked at him, her face turned a lot colder, as if she could see through his'strength', Su Jin looked away from her face, and then looked to the north——

Nearly a hundred **** kings! Only a few people don’t laugh!

In the Nanli Shrine, apart from Xia Yuyan's worried eyes, the other women cast more or less disappointed eyes, even if they were the goddess of Annihilation!

What a disgusting taste!

Su Jin never cared about the so-called "stand high and fall ruthlessly", but those eyes really made him very upset!

Yes, very upset!

"You go back, I can hold him some time, and pray that Guan Zizai will come as soon as possible--" The white-shirted beauty's voice became too cold. Although she did not expressly express it, Su Jin clearly realized that the other party thought Tell him something.

Don't be overconfident.

Don't be a man's arm as a car.

Don't shake the tree!

Su Jin felt that his body was trembling, praying that Guan Zi would arrive earlier? What does it mean? Look down on me? !

Anger is a very strange emotion. Angry will be angry, trouble will be unconsciously angry, and bullied will be angry! But Su Jin never thought that one day he would be affected by those disappointed expressions and ignite his anger!

"Hahaha! Go away! Take a long time to see and see what real power is! Wait for me to clean up this sparrow first, and then torture your humble and weak bug!" Master Heiyuan is evil The grinning laughter came out again!

Su Jin's face was expressionless, and his whole body was still trembling. The white shadow in Yu Guangzhong walked by his side and pushed him out of a distant place with ease--

Is it down?

Is it bitter?

Do not! Nothing! Pure anger!

The laughter came from all directions, some monks who watched the battle, their words were ridiculed to the extreme, and even the words of Lord Yedi who are now scared and stupid can say——

Su Jin is like a wooden sculpture, without blinking his eyes, being pushed away by the white-shirted beauty, without knowing it, there are countless ridicule voices in his ears!

His body is shaking, his fists are shaking!

On the top of the shrine, Xia Yuyan, wearing a thin goose yellow skirt, glanced at the Three Fairies, the Lord of Nanli and others, and even the Heavenly Lady of Dark Ji who just chose to stand on the sidelines, and she glanced at it.

"You are actually very disappointed. He has been doing things that you think is impossible, so you subtly think he...omnipotent."

Xia Yuyan continued to look at each girl’s face in a very calm tone, and said, “How difficult his past is. You have never considered him. You just don’t see him weaker than others. If that’s the case, I will only Can say, sorry, your expectations of him are too high."

The women all bowed their heads and became silent.

Soon, the Xiaoxiang fairy said in a weak voice: "Yes, everyone understand--"

The traces of guilt appear inevitably.

But then the women raised their heads fiercely, and everyone seemed to have a moment of fear in their hearts!

Su Jin was still shaking, still shaking with anger!

"Ah!" Su Jin's twin pupils turned into a terrifying blood blue, which was the color of the word "Dou" Tian Mi!

Endure the anger for so long! Can't hide it anymore! No longer!

Su Jin roared to the sky in the same place, and there were even two ray of blue blood overflowing from the edge of the blood blue eyes! That is proof of monstrous anger!

The clenched fists, while shaking, were quickly overflowing with blue ink light!

"Sen, Luo, Dao's supernatural power!!" The last three words, Su Jin roared from the sky like a roar!


Su Jin lifted his right foot fiercely and stamped it on the spot, instantly most of the sky above Nanli, as if a layer of divine light was plated in the blink of an eye! Blue ink light!

Do not! It's more than just the blue ink gleam--

That is a road map composed of blue ink light! Jiugong gossip!


The terrifying Jiugong Bagua Dao Tu is slowly rotating, and the void above is directly exploded! The scary breath of lacquer ink directly enveloped everyone's hearts!

Kaka Kaka...

The irregular blue lines, like an electric storm, are quickly swallowed from the endless dark sky!

The Five Elements Heaven fell silent again, and the ridiculous expressions gradually became rigid and turned into a deep fear! The countless monks in Nanli are all dumb!

Hundreds of gods are shrouded in darkness! The storms of blue lines are more than biting? Most of them began to lift their sleeves, covering their eyes!



The white-shirted beauty temporarily stopped fighting with Master Heiyuan, and the two looked up at the dark and deep sky, which looked like a terrible a ‘Siluo Plane’!

As if foreseeing something was wrong, the beauty in white shirt suddenly turned around. When she saw it, she was shocked three steps back!

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