My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2477: Head to head! (1/6)


The beauty in white shirts was born and sage until now, she has seen so extensively. The bridges she walked are probably longer than the Luke that Su Jin walked, but the void was destroyed and burst into pitch black, with blue light constantly gathering— —

More than three million?

Feet, feet! The beauty in the white shirt looked at it with a horrified expression. She stood at the same height as Su Jin and Master Hei Yuan, and she looked very real. The circle that was slowly rumbling and spinning turned out to be a blue and ink-colored nine palace gossip!

As if stepping in some kind of dreamy **** realm--

Chi Chi Chi Chi! Su Jin didn't know when, his body bowed slightly, his hands emptied into five-finger claws, endless blue lines were gathered in the five fingers of his arm!

"This, this is the strongest path of profound meaning in the plane of Sen and Sen! How can he comprehend it! The power from Sen Luo is considered the most profound, the most unlikely to be tamed, and it is impossible to be possessed by the human race. Many people tried, but they all ended in failure! He..."

The white-shirted beauty stammered in horror at first, and finally became completely confused. She was at a loss on the spot, and when she looked into Su Jin's eyes, she cried out in exclamation, "Fighting word Tian Mi?!"

Master Hei Yuan carried that scythe of the blood god, and his expression went from disdain to contempt and solemnity, and it took no more than a while!


how can that be? Except for the Dark Sacrifice Goddess, everyone else was stunned. The blue line of brilliance in the high void was no weaker than any thunder and lightning!

Chi Chi Chi.

A faintly mysterious voice appeared on the huge and heavy nine palace gossip map, the blue ink Guanghua was too strong, and even the surrounding void was distorted, collapsed, and squeezed!

Suddenly, a collapsed place was reflected by the blue brilliance!

The scene is in the evening, when the setting sun sets, an unsteady old horse slowly walks up a sheep-gut mountain road. On the old horse's back, an old man with a peach sword is riding backwards.

Obviously this is a mirrored vision! At least most people think so!

Kakaka, the void continues to collapse and recover, scenes after scenes appear! During this period, there were fairies weaving the "Nine Curved Tianhe Pictures" with their bare hands, there were terrifying Qitian giants, carrying mountains and walking the stars, and there were cattle-driving shepherds wearing straw hats and playing bamboo flutes!

The heart of the white-shirted beauty that hasn't been beating wildly for a long time, she can hear the beating sound beating at this moment!

"The husband and the Vientiane are sturdy, not separated from the education of Liangyi...There are so many methods, there is no realm of the three religions."

The beauty in the white shirt flushed, staring at the scenes of manifestation, and her heart was extremely complicated: "It is indeed Senluo's supernatural power! I just shouldn't treat him like that--"

Above the shrine, a few women looked at the appalling blue and ink-colored nine palace gossip array above. Except for Xia Yuyan, all of them were ashamed and even wanted to find a hole to get in!

Nan Litian.

"Ah! Ye Di!" The monk who didn't know which city he was in, broke the long-lasting peace and roared wildly.

"What's going on! Why did Ye Di suddenly explode with such a strong power like Daigo's initiation?!"

"This is incredible, gossip gives birth to two rituals, this formation seems to be condensed by some kind of power! If I feel good, it should be the power of the great circulation..."

"Perhaps he can create miracles and create impossible miracles again, but Master Hei Yuan is really too strong, adding the people present may not be able to kill him, he has an immortal body—"


In all directions, most of the voices are going up! Those who mock Su Jin are all bowing their heads to communicate! But among these four sides, only the nearly one hundred **** kings on the north side have a quieter voice, but many of them breathe cold air!

Xiao's Dragon King Zi'er, who was unconvinced just now was heard by many **** kings, and now her face is pale, every **** king looks at her with strange eyes——

"The power of the Senluo plane is recognized as the most difficult divine power to be domesticated and refined in the world of the heavens. Not to mention the human race, even the monster race on the outer planes, attempts to cultivate will be unsuccessful." The king has retreated to the ranks of the kings in the north.

"Yes, only the strange monsters and creatures born in the plane of Senluo can obtain Senluo's power from the origin! But what is going on with this night emperor?" The Star Sky God King felt a little uncomfortable.

Judging from the appearance, Su Jin is about the same age as his own, but he is watched and amazed by everyone. The Star Sky God King himself does not know that he is a person who is easy to be jealous!

The exchanges continue, but Su Jin’s terrifying ‘Sun Luo Avenue’ has also been completed——


Su Jin slowly raised his head, and under the blessing of the blood-blue "dou" Tian Mi, he gently held it with his hand, and a void would collapse!

"Retreat." Su Jin looked at the beauty in white shirt facing him, and said only four words.

The speaker is unintentional.

But the listener intends!

Feng Shui turns around!

Just now the beauty in the white shirt looked down upon Su Jin and said something, the first four words are: You go back!

The beauty in the white shirt is a fierce temperament and sturdy woman. Now no one will be confused by her Qingyu appearance, but for such a beautiful and sturdy existence, she is now stared at her and no longer squeaks!

Suppression at a glance!

Biting her silver teeth, the beauty in the white shirt is also free and easy, and she has withdrawn to the distance as soon as she stepped on her steps—

"It's weird, you did an incredible thing! But you really thought you could..." Lord Hei Yuan hadn't finished speaking, Su Jin in his vision had disappeared!


Where Su Jin disappeared, there were circles of twisted waves!

Master Hei Yuan suddenly became interested, and saw Su Jin appearing five meters to his side, and he punched him!

He still carried the sickle of the blood **** on his shoulders, and raised his other hand to grab it, and the tumbling blood flow turned into a fist and smashed it!


Two arcs of power, one side is like a sticky blood divine power, and the other is blue ink! When the two powers fist together, a storm of power sweeps through the void!

Su Jin persisted for three breaths, twisted slightly behind his back, and disappeared!


Master Hei Yuan's crystal red eyes caught the traces of Su Jin, but soon he was surprised. Seeing the void standing around him, there was a strong twisted feeling!

Distorted and fluctuated in circles, becoming clearer and clearer, and even clearly visible to other people.

"Yes, not bad! You can use the space warp initially, but you can only do this. For this lord, the small space warp is just a low-end trick. The distance to the supreme space-time warp requires you to spend several epochs. go--"

Master Hei Yuan was outspoken, he raised his head and started to capture the traces of Su Jin, but then he frowned, and the distortion he was in started to collapse!

This is no threat to him! Delay at most by one percent!

However, Su Jin's goal has been achieved, even if he delays a little bit and distracts him, he can launch a sharp blow!

Sure enough, when countless pairs of eyes looked up, they saw the ferocious side of Lord Ye Di!

The Yedi-sama who was wrapped in the'Sen Luo Dao Divine Power', tilted his posture like a falling blue meteor... and lifted his foot from high above in a flash!

Kicked on Lord Black Abyss...

Face! !

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