My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2478: The Runner Buddha of Life and Death (2/6)


The forty-two size shoe sole hit the face of Lord Heiyuan directly and firmly in the sound of breaking through the air!

Time seemed to congeal at that moment, and the red mask on Master Heiyuan's face was not even kicked to pieces——

Second Olympics? !

Su Jin was still in a posture of kicking his face. The adult was kicked and his face didn't move. This kick seemed to be kicking on the steel plate, it was too hard!

The sky is like an ancient battlefield, and the void shattered by Su Jin hasn't closed yet, but the blue ink power shining all over his body indicates how hard his kick is.

"Sen Luodao? Hahaha~~ I'm a bit disappointed..." A gloomy voice came out of Lord Heiyuan's mouth. When he slowly turned his head and said, Su Jin didn't believe in an evil spirit, and kicked again~~

The beauty in white shirt sighed.

Su Jin is indeed strong and prosperous. It is even very surprising for her to be at this level, but Master Hei Yuan can't even beat herself to death. In the heyday, she dare not really fight to the death with the other party, how can she put her expectations on him What about you?


Master Hei Yuan was shocked, Su Jin's kicking posture was directly shocked by him, and the horrible fluctuations were even transmitted through the counter-shock force.

Su Jin was not injured. Although his sword physique hadn't broken through yet, his divine bones were constantly tempered in the plane of Senluo, making him tougher than before! If he continues to develop in this way, his divine body may be comparable to a golden body!

After being shaken for dozens of miles, Su Jinkankan stopped, staring at the Lord Black Abyss, looking for flaws--

Simply desperate!

In Su Jin's eyes, the opponent didn't even have any flaws. The huge gap in realm made it difficult for him to contend. Even if he realized the ninth'Sen Luo Dao', it was extremely difficult to defeat.

Su Jin took advantage of the time when the word "dou" was not gone, and swept out his right leg in the void, sweeping out a circle of Buddha light!

The golden Buddha yellow halo slowly rose up all over the body. At that moment, in the dark environment, it was finally in the blue light with more quality golden Buddha clouds!


Foxia rose up into the sky on the halo, and Su Jin did not expect the unexpected situation that followed!

When the entire Buddha Xia was rendered, five million miles away, the entire "Guan Zi Zai Tian" was trembling slightly, among which countless Buddha sands were shaking, and the sound of Buddha in the sky was heard from nowhere. Song has become the main theme of the Five Elements Heaven!

"This is the case. For a time when the Buddha was in the Savatya, and when he walked in the tree-giving solitary garden, he was always there."

"This is the case. When you arrive at the Buddha's ceremony, you will sit down and ask the Buddha, why don't you keep your body, why don't you keep your words, why don't you keep your intentions."

"It's like that. There are three generations of people, how three—"


Master Heiyuan was extremely indignant. He couldn't hear the Buddha's voice the most. He fiercely ignored his identity and faced the direction of ‘Guan Zi Zai Tian’. The roar cracked the sky: "Bald donkey! Shut up!"


I don't know how many people were embarrassed by this shocking roar.

And above the temple, the eyes of the Dark Ji Tiannv flickered, and some small mouths, remembering that she also said those two words to Su Jin, but now she is in Su Jin's camp——

Su Jin felt a miraculous change. As he surrounded the Buddha's halo, his golden body was covered with his body, and the color seemed to be darker. The Buddha who is in the sky, I don't know how many people are blessing his golden body!

From the south to the north, hundreds of **** kings looked at each other in panic. They naturally knew that Lord Heiyuan hated the sound of Buddha.

"The God King Badan, you have searched for ‘Guan Zi Zi Tian’ before you came here, but why is there still a magnificent Buddha sound in the Buddha world?" a black-clothed **** king asked.

The God King Badan was like a fat baby, his very limited hair was braided, and in response, he said depressed: "Kuan Zi has the extraordinary Buddhist technique of'one sand and one world'! Even if you know that those bald donkeys are We can’t find it in that Paradise of Bliss!"

"Didn't Master Hei Yuan go there in person?" someone asked in a low voice.

"If an adult finds it, it will take at least one or two days. At that time, Guan Zizai will bring the traitors, and it is estimated that they will be killed!" The Star Sky King said at this time.

"One sand and one world are really strong. This kind of Buddhist technique was created by Guan Zi, I am afraid it is even more powerful than some secrets of heaven——"


Xiao's dragon king Zi'er has been in a daze during this period. She is extremely capable of self-healing, and the dragon clan has extraordinary recovery ability. She looks at that battlefield from time to time, Su Jin seems to have not been as good as her in her cultivation years, but that strength...

very horrifying!

Su Jin’s blood now seemed to be ignited by the magnificent Buddha's sound, and he was boiling frantically. As the blesser of the Buddhas, his power is rapidly increasing!

Lifting his head, Su Jin felt the deep space misty.

In all directions, there seems to be a faintly compassionate Buddha that others can’t see. He seems to be among many Buddha’s head mountains——

The Buddha's thoughts are long, and Su Jin's clothes faintly appeared with strands of gold. Feeling the charm of Buddha, he couldn't help but sit down and put his hands together!

The clothes were fluttering in the strong wind, but the Buddha light around Su Jin was extremely strong and dazzling!

Su Jin was affected too deeply. The message he accepted in his mind seemed to look at the common people from the perspective of a Buddha's eyes and to look at the creatures. Life is so miserable and the Buddha can survive, but how to get there? Therefore, the Buddha would cry

With compassion on his face, Su Jin raised his head and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle. In his body, the backbone of the "God and Buddha Bone" is rapidly transforming——

The world seemed silent, as if there was sound, and it was all Buddha's voice, but the clearer voice of the Tao appeared in his spiritual sea, yes! Very clear!

"The foundation of the Mahayana path is the bodhicitta, and only this sacred chanting the way of the Buddhas. The good way of the bodhicitta will never leave, and great compassion is recited for the benefit of all beings."

A flash of enlightenment like a lightning strike, Su Jin still did not move half of his face, no ecstasy, no joy, he still looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle——

Su Jin closed his hands, and on the back of his right hand, a bead mark began to appear, and a word on the bead mark was dazzling and condensed.

"Noisy, dead, it!" Master Hei Yuan slowly turned around, and appeared in the sky across from Su Jin in one step. The blood god's sickle was scattered with blood, and he was violently picked up by him and slammed towards Su Jin. Past!


The imprint of the ‘OM’ bead on the back of Su Jin’s hand suddenly gleamed, and a huge bead suddenly rolled around! Lord Heiyuan was blocked by the prayer beads violently----


The blood god's sickle failed to split the condensed Buddha beads! Although Lord Heiyuan didn't try his best, he was still shocked and couldn't help retreating, and even retreated ten miles away!

what's the situation?


On the back of Su Jin's right hand, a Buddhist bead mark was neatly condensed.

In the surroundings, the Buddha's light suddenly condensed a imaginary Buddhist bead again, with the word "Ma" manifested on it——

Om, well, ne, ba, mi, hum!

This is the handwriting of the Six-character Daming Mantra! There are three Buddhist beads on both hands of Su Jin, and Su Jin is in the middle, there are six huge Buddhist beads rolling fast around him! The condensed Buddhist beads, each as large as ten meters in diameter, look like a train around the track when they rumbling and rolling!

The white-shirted beauty watched nervously. She naturally saw clearly. On the six large rolling Buddhist beads, there were faint writing manifestations, and the brilliance of each Buddhist beads seemed to have overflowing golden leaves.

"This, this is...!"

The white-shirted beauty seemed to have thought of something, she stared with wide eyes and stammered: "Bodhi fruit, prayer wheel! This was once a powerful Buddhist technique in the legendary "Living and Death Wheel Buddha"!"

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