My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2498: My face is not red, my heart is not beating

"What a shit! It's a shit, Master Xinghe is a man destined to march to the heavens, so tough, in fact, that Ye Di can compare to--"

"Yes, as soon as the Doomsday Galaxy comes out, who doesn't retreat, that magical art of artistic conception, even if it is encountered by a powerful person of the same level as Master Xinghe, you will be afraid to hear it!"

"Ah~~~Look at the south side—"

"My God! Ye Di, he is also not dead!"

"Isn't this dead? What is the origin of Ye Di? Even the Doomsday Galaxy can't kill him!"


The north and the south are opposed. Just in the terrible destructive power, Su Jin and Master Xinghe also used the means to save their lives. He used his spare energy to bless all the Buddha Daojin, but the Buddha's body was so cracked, the **** and Buddha bones were still close. collapse--

Master Xinghe is also uncomfortable. In terms of the degree of embarrassment, he is even more embarrassed than Su Jin. After all, he does not have Su Jin's golden body. He protects his body with the sickle of the blood god. Now his robe, cap, sleeves, and sleeves are all destroyed. The cracks are bleeding, and the damage is no less than Su Jin!

The two of them turned out to be calm and autumnal!

This result exceeded most expectations-

The Dragons of the Xiao family were extremely excited. Everyone knew that Master Xinghe valued Xishan Dragon Cave, otherwise it would not cause Longzun to rebel openly. This is an accumulative grievance, and it will be difficult to resolve after the reverse!

From the surface, Su Jin's condition is much better than that of Master Xinghe. Although both of them are coughing up blood, Master Xinghe's body is dripping with blood, which is scarier than Su Jin's injury!

"This technique of yours combines the power of your whole body and converges into a first-class, really powerful." Master Xinghe nodded slowly, staring at Su Jin, which was a public acknowledgment of his strength.

"Master Xinghe deserves to be the strongest person on the plane of God, my injury is three points heavier than yours--" Su Jin continued to suppress and repair the injury in his body, but felt painful and difficult every inch of movement.


Is this admitting that he is weaker than Master Xinghe? Many people are puzzled.

But it was mostly a compliment, and Su Jin's ability to make Master Xinghe so embarrassed had already made many people speechless and unbelievable.

"God does not allow fellow practitioners of the Six Paths to become emperors. There is indeed a reason. You are only a monk of the Heavenly Dao, and there are few ways to achieve the Heavenly Dao realm. If this continues--" Master Xinghe frowned when he said.

"Stop talking nonsense, can you still fight! I have descended on your **** plane this time, only for the Xiao family. If you want to stand still, stay with you to the end!" Su Jin's golden body began to fade, as he recovered , The clothes are neat, and you can't even see the slightest injury on the outside.

"Speaking of which, you can still fight?" Master Xinghe narrowed his eyes, and he obviously doubted Su Jin's state. He could feel that Su Jin was very weak and his injuries were heavier!

"Natural energy!"

Su Jin now has three kinds of secrets, all of which have passed the time limit. Even so, his vertical eyes are pitch black, and the black characters ‘dead’ come out directly!

"The Dead Man's Sutra!" Master Xinghe sank.

He has counted thousands of things, but he didn't even count this point. He knew that Su Jin had the word ‘fight’, which could improve the overall combat power, but the ‘Dead Man’s Sutra’ was beyond his expectation!

This technique that once brought disasters to the heavens was originally called the Nine Deadly Heaven Technique, but because this technique killed too many people, it was horribly called the "Dead Man Sutra"!

There are nine turns of Nine Death Heavenly Power, and every turn can increase endless strength. Now Master Xinghe is scrupulous about how many turns Su Jin has reached!

Every lingering death word makes people feel terrified.

No one knows how powerful this evil technique is! Every world has recorded the introduction of this terrifying technique!

A monk suppressed his uneasy heart, and said in fear, "This is the "Dead Man Sutra"! A practice that was once hailed as transcending the'Tian Secret'. The complete Tian Secret cannot be collected, but there is only one Dead Man Sutra. ,this is too scary--"

"With the strength that Yedi has shown now, he exhibited this technique, not only has the meaning of threatening Master Xinghe, obviously if this Dead Man's Sutra is imposed on us, the consequences are ~~~ unimaginable!"

"Damn, I thought that even if he didn't die after the war, he wouldn't be able to leave the plane of God. In this way, Master Xinghe would have nothing to do with him!"


At this moment, Master Xinghe stared at Su Jin closely, and the wounds on his body gradually closed and recovered as before, saying indifferently: "The Dead Man's Sutra, how many revolutions have you repaired--"


So inferior, when a person is a three-year-old doll?

Su Jin nodded calmly, "A few days ago, I was lucky, and it happened to be the seventh turn--"

His face was not red, his heart was not beating, he said that one revolution is seven revolutions!

But who are you bluffing? Who are you bluffing? With the nine-dead heavenly power, it is as difficult as reaching the sky with each turn. Even the people who heard the words of the emperor of the night will not believe it. I'm afraid I can win against Master Galaxy!

However, no one had seen the "Dead Man Sutra" at the scene, and it was even more impossible to practice this technique, so some people doubted it, while others were apprehensive and a little believed.

Master Xinghe was caught in a dilemma. He had always been an extremely cautious person. Although Ye Di was a bit louder, he had a ‘tree of enlightenment’, and the seventh turn was not impossible.

Seeing Master Xinghe in silence, Su Jin continued: "I am about to step into the heavens. I hope that your **** plane is not a stumbling block to this emperor, and you can actually contend with me. Thinking that your cultivation is not easy, I will take away the Xiao family. Dragon Race, don’t make it difficult for you to be a god!"


Still so tough?

Master Xinghe became more and more conflicted in his heart. At this moment, the traitor, except for the dark sacrificial goddess, appeared to him alone. Unless there is a dead man, he would never dare to come alone—

"Xiao Family Dragon Clan, you can take it away, Xiao Family will be permanently removed from the plane of God! Next time I hope to see you again in Li Hentian, by then, you will be completely cut off by me." Master Xinghe turned slowly, Step by step towards the distance.


Are you still frightened by Ye Di?

Many monks in the plane of gods are all a little disappointed, but the "Dead Man Sutra" should not be underestimated. Master Xinghe's reluctance to take risks is excusable, and launching the Death Sutra here will cause a catastrophe like charcoal!

"Where is the Xiao Family Dragon Clan!" Su Jin's eyes were sharp-

Suddenly, Xiao Jialongzun wiped his sweat and greeted him. Just now he sent many dragon kings to the Dragon Cave to take away the entire clan, and it happened to be here.

An Ji Tiannv looked at the Yin Mi clan, she knew that next time I saw the clan, she would be an opponent!

Following the response from the Xiaojialong Clan group, Su Jin pointed to the unclosed sky above, and signaled to leave. After all, he had just torn apart the plane of God with one blow.

Seeing the Xiao Jialong clan being taken away by Su Jin, many people with the plane of gods are unwilling, but what can they do? Even Master Xinghe retreated, they didn't have the slightest ability to stop Ye Di!

Soon after, as the plane void closed, as if nothing had happened—

Leaving from the plane of God, it was the plane of endless darkness, Su Jin couldn't suppress it no matter how pale, he coughed a few mouthfuls of blood.

An Ji Tiannv and Xiao Zi'er, together support Su Jin!

Su Jin's eyes were dark, and he passed out into a coma——


In the distant Nanlitian, Xia Yuyan lay blankly in the garden of the shrine, on the ‘stone bed’ prepared for her by everyone, surrounded by golden Buddhadharma, and the whole person slowly floated from the stone bed——

"Did you unlock the seal in her mind?" The beauty in the white shirt couldn't help but speak.

In front of the stone bed, a pair of snow white jade feet of the caster appeared prominently~~~

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